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I was playing a *Ludendorff Offensive* campaign and i noticed that Germany get level 2 tanks, while the british only get level 1. If i recall correctly from what i read over the years, the German Army did not believe in the use of tanks. Also, Germany's effort to make decent and usefull tanks was a pathetic fail, only a few we're ever used and proved to be unreliable. So my point is that i don't think its normal or fair that a German tank of 1918 would be superior to a Mark IV-V.



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Hi Mathieu

We have some changes coming up in this campaign for the tanks, so the Germans will still have a level 2 tank unit, but it will arrive at half strength so it will be the player's decision on whether or not to spend MPPs to turn it into a useful unit.

The British and French do start with level 1s, but both will start with a chit in researching level 2 so that in due course they'll be able to upgrade and start using their tanks for the counterattacks.

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