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How do create a new QB folder battle?

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I want to create a QB and play it against the AI at first.

I already have made several maps and my own scenarios with AI plans (working on releasing a few soon to the "suppository").

But how does the program know to auto feed AI units into the specific AI groups?

Are there any rules of thumb for how large of units to make AI group for a QB?

Each a specific platoon with HQ and squads? A specific vehicle?

Anyone can give me some pointers? Thanks.

I did forum searches and asked over at CMFI and flipped through my fancy spiral-bound manual but no joy so far.


Oh, this is CMBN whoops, merci!

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Hi kohlenklau

Unfortunately, imho, a major omission in the current AI plans format is the fact that the 'type' of units assigned to an AI group cannot be specified.

Thus a tactical move which may make sense for infantry but not for armour (e.g through a dense wood) may nevertheless be assigned to and performed/attempted by vehicles. Even if you hand pick the AI forces to suit the plans they'd be randomly assigned to an AI group which may be inappropriate.

The solution is to do what by the sounds of it you've already done, and use the scenario rather than the QB format and place the units in appropriate groups yourself.

If it's FOW that you're after by using the QB format, then I'd suggest you use the scenario format, and place a great excess of units on the AI side, but with arrival times such that only a fraction of them are likely to arrive. That worked fine for me in CM1 and I don't see why the same could not be done with CM2.

Good luck!

Let us know how you get on.

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