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Click & play Turn Based? COME ON GUYS!!!

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What is with you guys? Turn based Click & play combat sims!! Geez Guys the real combat sim value is in the games like Spec Ops & the new awesome Hidden & Dangerous!! where have you guys been hiding? Hehehe! Guys! I just think this click & play stuff has nothing in the face of the new 3D military combat sim shooters. There's just no way a game like combat mission can stand up to these "Real Mode" Combat Games. The days of click & play are going fast, any company that still invests in these needs to take a closer look at their market & the new technology in their markets! Hehehe click & play hehehehe! Any of you guys who sees this message please look at Spec ops multiplayer combat sim & Hidden & Dangerous multiplayer coop combat sim!!! These are the true direction that combat sims are going in!!! This click & play stuff is nothing!

[This message has been edited by Lt_Parker (edited 08-15-99).]

[This message has been edited by Lt_Parker (edited 08-15-99).]

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Hidden and Dangerous and SpecOps are combat simulations are they?

Actually Lt_Parker they're first person shooters and FWIW H&D doesn't feature realistic loadouts, situations or missions.

"Click and Play" gaming: Gees, click and play stuff is nothing eh? It's good to see such a rational, unbiggoted and well-supported point being put forward.

please define click and play? Are you talking purely about turn-based or are you talking about any game in which one uses a mouse?

Anyways, the fact that you are comparing Combat Mission to Hidden & Dangerous (which BTW isn't all that great AND which is quite bug-ridden) and SpecOps which are totally different games in concept and design says more about your post and opinions than anything I care to.

You must LOVE trolling.. Anyways I wish you luck in your intensely interesting and intellectually stimulating field of first person shooters.(sarcasm wink.gif )


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Egads! Mr. Parker has gone AWOL, stolen Commander McHale's PT boat and raced over here to leave us a love letter. Just wait until Capt. Bingington finds out! He going to have you shipped off on the next boat to Alaska to spend the rest of your career w/ the Eskimos. :)

In any event, this is the kind of post that doesn't even warrant a response because the person posting it has absolutely no idea of what they are talking about.

Have fun playing those other games Mr. Parker, you haven't the faintest clue what you will be missing as far CM is concerned.

Mike D

aka Mikester

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I don't get it, if someone doesn't like this type game why doesn't he just keep on going rather than drop a bomb in our forum. If he knew anything about Battlefront.com he'd know that it exists to try to stem the tide of the type of games he said BTS needs to make.

There is the possibility of sarcasm in his message, hope that's what it was. However,(my opinion only) that's one of the problems with forums like this, is that it's harder to get such nuance of meaning from this type of writing than it is from true conversation.

[This message has been edited by Rick (edited 08-15-99).]

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Amusing to see that the CM discussion board is finally getting some decent trollers.. but they really aren't up to usenet standards yet. I would suggest Mr. Parker spends some time polishing his message, and tries reposting the improved version in a couple of days. I would suggest adding a few paragraphs of personal attacks against steve and charles, a paragraph proclaiming BC3000 as the ultimate game, a paragraph denouncing scientology, and throw in some antisemitism just for good measure. Don't forget to follow up additionals msg's criticizing anyone who replies to you. Point out their spelling mistakes. Use the phrase "tupid click and play lamers" often.

Looking forward to seeing the new and improved version of your post,


ps The really scary thing is that he probably wasn't trolling.

pps Or maybe we were just missing the sarcasm.

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Hey Chris, the guy already had to edit his original post (twice no less) just to come up with the wonderful gem of wisdom that he has given us so far. I really don't think we can expect much more "enlightenment" from our our wonderful new friend here on the board. He obviously is of the mindset that first person shooters and "sims", as he calls them, are the only games worth playing. I say that is his loss. As far as sarcasm goes my opinion is that his message is full of it. But then, it appears to be full of a couple of other things as well.


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Guest Big Time Software

I'm closing this thread up as it is an utter waste of everybody's time. Mr. Parker, if you read one line of the BBS rules you had to agree to you would know that posting such a message is not acceptable. Childish antics are to be confined to USENET, where we don't give a rat's ass what you post 'cause we don't read that drivel smile.gif


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