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Building collapse question

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Does anyone know the rules about building collapse? Does it ALWAYS kill everyone in building? This may be a bit of a flaw if its the case as in the reisburg scenario I had an amerucan sherman shell a stone building so long it collapsed wiping out 2 mgs and my HQ. WHile this wasa blow some buildings had an entire platoon in them so i would have been really hosed if it had happened there.

Perhaps some might argue that this is a good thing but it seems a bit daft that if a sshell hits the left of a long church that everyone on the far right gets wiped out if the building collapses. Applying damage would seem more appropriate perhaps.

Btw all my troops were in top floor I beleive.

Anyway GREAT GAME, I will be buying it, I think BT should release another scenario I cant bear to wait 2 months to play more of this gem.



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I believe any units in the second floor will be taken out imediatly while first floor units take damage. You might want to spread your men out a bit. Having a whole platoon in one building means any incoming fire is likely to inflight casualties.

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Guest Scott Clinton

I have colapsed only three buildings on Germans so far. 100% losses for the AI for units on both first and second floors.


I think the 'rubble' still blocks LOS but if it does why is it so 'flat'? Could it be possible to give it some 'height'?

Or am I mistaken and it no longer blocks LOS. I can't seem to remember if it really blocks LOS 'cause once its rubble I move on to the next one! wink.gif


The Grumbling Grognard

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Here's an interesting occurrence. Last night I was playing riesburg as the Germans and I had 2 two story buildings rubbled by tank fire. The odd thing is that the MG teams on the second story weren't killed. Instead, they just floated in the air happily machine gunning away. I had one move and he returned to the ground. I left the other one there until he was wiped out.

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When a building dies the units in it don't usually ALL die but my guess is in your cases the units in the buildings were either :

a) packed in very closely

B) very weak already

so any collapse just wiped them all out.

The floaty thing is a known bug.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Scott Clinton

Yep, my opponents were all weak...well I had been firing at them for about 10 minutes...don't know for sure...damn FOW! wink.gif


The Grumbling Grognard

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