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Heavy Weapon Communications (C2)?

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I'm curious about the effect and necessity of C2 in regards to heavy weapons such as AT guns and machine gun sections when setting up scenarios or playing in general. For instance if you have a typical AT gun platoon with say 3 guns and an HQ and you realistically spread these out across the map, inevitably C2 is cut to two of those assets.

Does this greatly effect the combat capacity of these units? Was this how it was in reality (i.e. four soldiers and a gun hidden in some treeline with no communication and orders to simply engage the first enemy on sight?

For the sake of the function of the game is it better to purchase a heavy weapons section and spread it all over the map disregarding C2 or to narrow down the sections/platoons to where you have an HQ in C2 vicinity with all your assets? Lastly if the answer is spread out with loss of C2 to some, what are some opinions on the best location for your HQ? (i.e. Last defense of the major LOA or on the front line with the first to engage?)

Thanks, sc

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I know there are those who vehemently disagree, but I have found that the benefits of HQ's and C2 in the CM2 engine (vs the CM1 games) to be so subtle as to not be appreciable.

So, while it's "best" to keep a unit in C2, you can manage them just fine out of C2 so long as you are thoughtful about it.

The placement of a gun is far more important than if it is in C2.

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I know there are those who vehemently disagree, but I have found that the benefits of HQ's and C2 in the CM2 engine (vs the CM1 games) to be so subtle as to not be appreciable.

So, while it's "best" to keep a unit in C2, you can manage them just fine out of C2 so long as you are thoughtful about it.

I do disagree but not vehemently:) I try to keep my guys in C2 as much as possible and teams that get shaken and end up rattled or broken get more attention from their commander. This is where I find being in C2 helps the most.

However specifically regarding your question about AT guns and other Heavy weapons:

The placement of a gun is far more important than if it is in C2.

I totally agree with that.

Pick the spots you want your AT or machine guns and then try to find a place for your HQ where either your most important gun in is C2 or perhaps you can get two guns in C2.

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