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CM/PzC N44 H2H Operation CM Battle Hex 12-10 Axis DAR

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Field Marshll Noob has given me command of a panzergrenadier battalion and several platoons of Mark IVs of the 12th SS Panzer Division "Hitlerjugend". Strategically, the Division is to counterattack NW of Caen and push the Allied landings in Normandy back into the sea. Operationally, we will be attacking toward Authie, but first, several Canadian armored recce troops have been spotted to our front, and my command has been tasked with capturing or destroying one of them. I have given orders to surround what turns out to be a troop of Stuart light tanks. If that is all we have bagged, then this should be a short, dirty battle.

Initial Disposition:


As expected, the troop of Stuarts decides that discretion is the better part of valor and races off toward the corner of its exit area. I had disposed my armor to attempt to cover the whole area, but with a stronger element toward the "open" corner, figuring that the Canadian commander would likely head there since it would be the shortest route without any Axis directly to its front.

Opening Shot--Panzer commander Steinbauer gets off the first shot, barely missing his target:


But wait...the shell has blown the Stuart commanders beret clean off:


Apparently, the concussive force of the shell killed him:


While the rest of the troop heads for safety, this Stuart's plucky crew stops, backs up, and promptly fires a round into the panzer commanded by Imhof:


To be continued...

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Imhof's crew is shaken, but there are no casualties:


Almost immediately, Steinbauer fires again and score a direct hit against the Stuart:


One second later, Wohler joins in and seals the fate of this brave Canadian crew:


Meanwhile, Panzer Commander Wittman(!) gets off a quick shot and nails a second Stuart:


Again, Canadians show their bravery and martial spirit...the bailed crew from the second Stuart blasts Wittman with a sten as he cruises by to try and stop the remaining 2 Stuarts:


Turn One ends...Turn Two coming up.....

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It's cool to see this from the enemy commander's point of view. :) I'm glad to see the Stuart crew shooting it out to the last minute. The Stuart commander was brave - he didn't button up, even when they first entered the field and were getting all that MG fire and cannon rounds flying close by.

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Turn 2:

The remaining two Stuarts continue their dash to safety.

Here the 3rd Stuart just reaches the map exit with escape within its grasp, when Roesl puts one in the gut...it's all over for #3:


Within seconds, the surviving #4 Stuart barks back and rings Wittman's bell! However, neither he, his crew, nor his panzer is hurt:


Roesel puts and end to that! Again, a Stuart is caught seconds from safety:


Very short and bloody for the Canadians, I'm afraid. But next time, I doubt things will go my way so easily...

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