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CMSF v1.21 Paradox Patch

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So... I decided to re-install CMSF after finding some new free time. Unfortunately, my external harddrive just died, and it had backups of all the patches for the day I decided to reinstall CMSF. No problem, I thought, I'll just go re-download the patches.

Oh, right, I have a store-bought Paradox Interactive version of the game which uses a different DRM, and so requires a different patch for version 1.21 and above. No problem, I paid $1 for it (although I couldn't really understand why, how much could Battlefront have really offset their costs by selling a game update for $1?), so surely I could download it again.

But the download has expired.

Now, I can understand why you don't offer unlimited downloads after purchase for every title; the bandwidth costs on your end would be significant. But again, this is a single, intermediate update, it can't be more than 100mb, and it is only for a specific retail version of the game, surely it can't be in such demand as to make a dent in the Battlefront account books?

Well, I sent a ticket off to the help desk, but my free time is quickly running out. So I came here to post this message in the hopes that either the help desk would reply to me by the time I had run out of wind, or someone out their would be kind enough to PM/link me to a copy of the Paradox v1.21 patch. I will gladly provide the license key/order # I obtained to prove I paid for it.

I'm sure that in some small way this post is probably against the forum rules, but then again so is taking a single grape at the grocery store. I would gladly risk a forum ban to be able to play this great game again as quickly as possible :)

[EDIT] - I feel I should add that as I no longer have any credit cards, it is literally impossible for me to simply repurchase the file, otherwise I would have no problem paying the $1 to save me the wait.

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Well I discovered that even though I uninstalled CMSF a long time ago, it left the patch files remaining the data folder. So I just applied those to a reinstalled version of CMSF, and man is it ever weird. I appear to get the important fixes from these patches, like how the sound is completely broken on my computer in any version prior to v1.20 (ironically the last version I can get for free). However, all the in-game labels are completely fubared. I think it has something to do with the label indexes being changed to accommodate the new modules.

Because all my M1A1 Abrams are apparently G-Wagens now. And in their list of ammo, they have things like "Abrams - >1k", and "Air assault - 17". Cool, a little car that can shoot tanks and planes as projectiles! I'd love to see that in action!

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Sounds like something went wrong during the patching process. I assume you're at the 1.32 patch now, is that correct ? 1.31 and 1.32 have NATO content in them, but that shouldn't come up in the game if you don't have that module installed.

For a Paradox based install did you go through this order of installing (assuming you have just the base game and no modules):

1. Install Paradox CMSF. This should probably be at 1.0 or possibly 1.01.

2. Install Paradox patches, 1.01, 1.02, 1.03. One of these patches adds the missing 'Yakima Training Ground' tutorial campaign.

3. Install the Paradox 1.10 patch.

4. Install the Paradox 1.20 patch (this is somewhat optional).

5. Install the Battlefront/Paradox 'Retail' 1.21 patch. If you have already activated this patch on the computer, then it typically should NOT need to be activated again on reinstall.

6. Check your CMSF install to see that it works (sound, no 'black/missing' textures, correct labels, etc.).

7. Install Battlefront 1.31 patch. Double-check to see if anything has changed in regards to labels, etc.

8. Install Battlefront 1.32 patch. Again check for any changes.

I suggest doing this to a 'clean' directory that is empty. If you have modified files or a 'Z' folder with mods in it, then you may see some strange things if the mod is not fully compatible with a particular patch.

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Sounds like something went wrong during the patching process. I assume you're at the 1.32 patch now, is that correct ? 1.31 and 1.32 have NATO content in them, but that shouldn't come up in the game if you don't have that module installed.

Sorry, I think you misunderstood my post entirely. I cannot properly patch to 1.32 because I no longer have a copy of the Paradox 1.21 patch. So I just used the old "Version 132.brz" files left over on my computer from the previous uninstall as a temporary fix until Battlefront authorizes another download of the Paradox 1.21 patch for me (because it's been more than a year since I bought it so the d/l has expired), which they still haven't responded about :mad:

So to summarize, I'm really just here asking for someone to send me a copy of their $1 paradox 1.21 patch because I am whiny and impatient. Just the exe file, I still have my activation code that came with it.

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Your statement:

"..it left the patch files remaining the data folder"

was a bit confusing then since it sounded like you had found the patches.

What is your ticket number ? I'm not seeing a ticket in the system at the moment regarding re-downloading of the Paradox 1.21 patch.

Ticket ID: KAC-187482

Subject: Cannot re-download v1.21 paradox patch

Department: Fulfillment / Shipping

Probably the wrong department, I had no idea what category to file this under, so I just figured to call it "order fulfillment".

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Just got my 7 day download extension from Battlefront and I would like to publicly thank them for the courtesy! It is a great feeling when a game developer actually goes out of their way to generously help enough to make sure that one individual player can still play :)

This time, I'm going to back it up to 3 different USB sticks and burn it to two CDs. I'd like to know the odds of them ALL failing!

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  • 11 months later...

Not so lucky here. Lost my 1.21 exe file when the HDD and the back-up drive it was backing up to were power-surged (despite having a surge protector). It's been suggested that I DL and try the regular BF 1.21 patch with my Paradox retail key to see if that works but not sure how it can given that the Paradox specific 1.21 converts the game altogether, or buy it again. Guess I'll fork out the $1 again as I'm a bit reluctant to do all the installs to 1.21 only to find the BF version doesn't work and / or doesn't convert the game to BF retail. Either pay again or just scrap it altogether given my dislike of the desert and non-con environment of CMSF.

The $1 charge is no big deal I suppose, just begrudge paying it again in all honesty, esp given the age of the game now, would have thought this patch would be FOC now TBH.

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Not so lucky here. Lost my 1.21 exe file when the HDD and the back-up drive it was backing up to were power-surged (despite having a surge protector). It's been suggested that I DL and try the regular BF 1.21 patch with my Paradox retail key to see if that works but not sure how it can given that the Paradox specific 1.21 converts the game altogether, or buy it again. Guess I'll fork out the $1 again as I'm a bit reluctant to do all the installs to 1.21 only to find the BF version doesn't work and / or doesn't convert the game to BF retail. Either pay again or just scrap it altogether given my dislike of the desert and non-con environment of CMSF.

The $1 charge is no big deal I suppose, just begrudge paying it again in all honesty, esp given the age of the game now, would have thought this patch would be FOC now TBH.

Because I too lost my copy on a dying HDD, I decided to burn the patch (and all other patches) to a DVD, which is sitting nicely along with the Shock Force DVD in my drawer. I contacted Battlefront and explained my situation, and after a few days they gave me an extra week to download the patch from their servers. So I'd try that first. If not, there might be a copy of the patch up on TPB by the end of today after all this :)

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Hi. Yah, contacted already, that was the hope. But like I say, BF suggested installing the BF 1.21 patch and try my key on that but were not sure if it would work? Struck me as odd. As the Paradox patch updates the game to a BF retail version, is it possible for the BF 1.21 to do the same? The suggestion was to buy it again if the BF patch didn't work.

This time I'm keeping USB drives, external HDDs and CDs of all this stuff. CMSF I might just sling.

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Hi. Yah, contacted already, that was the hope. But like I say, BF suggested installing the BF 1.21 patch and try my key on that but were not sure if it would work? Struck me as odd. As the Paradox patch updates the game to a BF retail version, is it possible for the BF 1.21 to do the same?

What's TPB?

The BF patches will not work. Trust me, I tried, they install just fine but you won't be able to run the EXE because it will be looking for a license validator that you don't have installed (the paradox 1.21 patch installs it). Even if you use the old EXE with the new .brz patch files, the in-game labels will still get farked up, and you'll have things like a tank labelled as a jeep and such.

I can't figure out how to PM on these forums, so just email me at moeburn[at]gmail[dot]com .

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