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There is an Ottoman 10 supply city on the border to Russia(it is the one with the 10 supply port) which is bugged.(or was in my most recent game)

It does not follow the same rules of the other cities. As in, the supply of the city did not drop after I cut off all road acesses.(my assumption is he supply thing is bound to railways? Idk..)

As a side note, this was still in 1.04 as this was in a tournament game. If this was mentioned before and adressed then just nvm the topic.

(Once I stop forgeting to check the exact name of the city I'll post it in here)

(And because I hate to spam topics, I am curious... The whole Ottoman surrender/withdraw from war. Is there also a surrender/withdraw from war event for Itally or does Itally always total surrender?)

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Hi Sapare

There are a number of Ottoman cities that act as Industrial Centers: Erzerum, Trabzon, Adrianople. This means that they provide supply of 10 and new units can be deployed at them, even if the location has been cut off.

This is because high supply relies on the rail network throughout the rest of the map, but due to the lack of railways in the area, this part of the Ottoman Empire would never have more than supply of 5, which would be just too low.

So, just cutting them off won't reduce supply, you'll need to bring up the heavy artillery, or the bombers the Russians have, and pound them.

As for Italy, she will surrender rather than withdraw from the war, so if you're playing as Entente there is a strong incentive to send British, French or US units to help her. Otherwise the Central Powers will get a very good base in the Mediterranean!

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