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Request to Rambler

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I had enjoyed your "no zeltbahn" mod so much while playing as german

Being my self in the mood of playing as usa now, I have the feeling of.. well.. I feel somehow as if my boys are going to school.

So i wonder if...would it be possible to get a mood to remove the backpacks from my boys? but only the square one, as the other doesn't bring me the strange feeling and also provides the "someboys yes, someboys no" variety

(I suppose it would be more dificult due to other elements could appear attached to them, p.e.- knife, but if necessary i will not miss it)

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I'd like to see my GIs wearing the correct packs - haversacks for infantry and musettes for paratroopers, and not as it is at the moment with both infantry and paratroopers wearing a mix of both. However I believe that they are assigned randomly so I can't see a way to make it happen - there, that sounds like a challenge to someone if ever I heard one! :D

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