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New file at the Repository: DC's Commandos (2012-05-13)

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'Something wicked this way comes....'It's the Commandos, arriving on a beach near you very soon. :) Included are the Commando units from the 1st & 4th Special Service Brigades, and a few troops of the Fusiliers-Marins. I forgot to mention in the readme that I would suggest using JuJu's Interface mod with this, just make sure the Commando unit is later in the load order.Special thanks to Mord for all the discussion we've had on this project because without his work on the airborne berets (which this is based off of) we never would have got to this point. Also, Mord provided the unit portraits included with each individual Commando unit, so again 'Thanks buddy!'


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Good stuff fellas, definitely check this out. DC worked some real magic that will add a ton to your game experience. There are even OOBs already made up for you scenario designers, all the research is done.

I've got a great feeling this is just the beginning of the coolness we are gonna see from DC, the CW Encyclopedia.


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