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Intelligence and Gold

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I've been playing non-gold and am curious about the impact of the new research rules on the importance of intel research. It strikes me that since research is going to produce a result the import of intel research is much diminished since it only delays the inevitable now as opposed to potentially stopping an advance for a very very long time. Is this fair to think? Is Intel Research less valuable?

Thanks for insights from those who have played gold.

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Hello again :) ,

- I've a little more experience with research and intelligence is still a worthy investment. You don't have to invest right away in it, Germany or Japan can divert their research chits towards other fields at the beginning and rip benefits quite quickly (doubling or tripling chits in some areas) but it'll have a cost later.

- So I find it balanced, player actually has some strategic choices to do: buffing his troops for/against blitzkrieg right away or turtling a little and trying to hinder/delay enemy efforts behind the scenes/on the long term. Getting quickly to level 2 or 3 while enemies are still at 0 can yield interesting returns. You also have the unit reporting messages: spotting unexpected troops can give you the edge here and there).

- However I speak for "major" majors, France, Italy or China have enough on their plates already and spending 100 MPPs for intelligence is a waste in my opinion. On the other hand, Japan has the ability to invest 3 chits quite early in intelligence, an interesting gamble.

Hope I was of help ;) .

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