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Axis Strategy...early years

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Some general questions regarding Axis play... my first game as the Axis by the way.

1.) Minor country mobilization...

Specifically Germany: How do you get Finland, the various Baltic states to 'join' the Motherland without invading them individually? I can't remember the names specfically but I think you have to invade Yugoslavia because they lean less in favor of the Axis. But Hungary and another small minor lean heavily Axis. I thought invading Russia would prompt them but they haven't joined (80% & 75% are the mobility ratings at current in my game.) And I noticed Finland always joins the AI (Axis) when I play the Allies.

2.) As the Axis, I failed to recognize Vichy France... this seems a drastic mistake. For one, the French fleet survived and in SE Asia, Japan was unable to invade Hanoi and other French cities. Say I recognized Vichy, would it be wise to issue a DoW ever on Vichy in the future years of the war given I was doing well on most fronts? (Primarily looking for more German MPPs that are low hanging fruit.)

3.)When I launched the Japanese conquest of DEI, Singapore, Hong Kong, and other British interests... the US immediately joined. It was after the actual historic dates of the landings but only by a few months. The US joined the war immediately after? Their mobilization was measuring "24" prior. I thought the US would join only if I invaded the Philipines and/ or struck Pearl or another US island such as Wake?

4.) What do you do with Itally other than invest in Navy tech and float it around the Med. causing havoc and destruction? Seems like other tech investments are basically wastes since they have horrible HQ's and accumulate little MPPs.

5.)Regarding Japan... since to my surprise the US entered the war after I hit DEI and other British colonies in SE Asia I was unable to strike Pearl. Let's say, the US failed to enter at this moment in time. In actuallity I was planning to move my carrier forces back to Japan after their sortie in SE Asia, resupply, reinforce, upgrade and them move on to catch up to my invasion force who was planning to depart from Truk. I assume after a two months of being in port and another month or so at sea, I would have joined the invasion fleet to the north of Hawaii (hypothetically would have been Dec. '41 or Jan. '42), declared war on the US, then enacted the skit of Dec. 7th. Is this 'how' it's done in this game?

Many thanks.

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1. Invest Leningrad, Finland will join. Baltics will be annexed if you don't invade early. Barbarossa will eventually get the Balkans in, or wait, they'll come around. There's always diplomacy.

2. A tough decision, but not a drastic one, you've got options. Vichy DoW is always viable, player decision.

3. This is another tough one, I kind of believe that the USA would've allowed Japanese expansion into the SRA without a DoW, but historically the Japanese didn't ever buy into that possibility. So....edit it, I'm with your decision, but this is the historical path of the designer's dictation.

4. Didn't you see Al take Borneo(sticky AAR) with the Italians. There are things they can accomplish, experiment, you don't want take the fun out of trial and errror.

5. Again, campaign designer's decision, you'll know next time.;)

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SeaMonkey- thanks for the reply. Good info there.

I did see the AAR... but I'm not that kind of player... or not yet anyway.

Italy, as I envisioned it, was to compliment "Fortress Europe". Keep Italy well secured. Drain the Royal Crown's MPPs in N. Africa. Destroy/ erode the Royal Navies strike/support ability in the Red Sea/ Med.

I don't envision them as an offnesive force unless the opprotunity present's itself.

That will probably all change since this is my first go-round as Axis commander.

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I have not examined the game mechanics with respect to Italy but considering real history it would have been far better for Hitler if Italy had not joined when they did. With Italy as an Axis friendly "neutral" useful for trade purposes and Vichy established, Hitler's Southern flank would have been entirely secure as the British could not have attacked him across neutral territory. This gives him a free hand to concentrate on either Barbarossa or Sealion with no distractions in the desert but the Brits would still have had to maintain forces in the Middle East just in case Italy joined in.



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