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Battlefront: What *Is* It with Your Manuals Online????

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Am I the only one who's really P.O.'ed with the Flash thingamajig on this site for reading manuals online??

Small images that won't "blow up" no matter how many times you zoom your browser, so you have to go click on them for a server call to pull up a marginally larger image -- which in turn can't be "cycled through" so in order to get to the next page you've got to click out, then click to leaf to that next page, then click on the image again to get a marginally larger version, none of which makes for easy reading for the eyes!!

I just don't see why it's not kept simple with a .pdf for download like a normal company. No, the tutorial game doesn't explain everything -- in fact, a lot is understandably left out. But how can I adequately try out the demo if I don't know how to work the game??

Seriously, your Flash setup right now precludes simple leafing and reading, necessitating way too many mouse clicks (sheesh, I'd go play StarCraft if that's what I want, a click-fest)....

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Isn't the .pdf manual included with the demo version? Check the folder you installed the demo to. That would be pretty silly...it's certainly there in the actual game. Worst comes to worst - got a dropbox or something? If you do I would be pleased to send you the manual (17MB). Let me know.

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There is a pdf manual that comes with the demo. Mine is installed at:

C:\Users\[I]wreck[/I]\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission Battle for Normandy\CMBN Game Manual.pdf

I think that by default a link to it will be installed on your desktop. Unfortunately it has the same annoying sepia-tone and background images that the online manual has. Still, you can read it in acroread or whatever and zoom the pages up as large as you please.

There is a better black and white pdf, but it comes with the purchased game.

Oh: just so you don't feel alone, I also dislike the online version, for the same reasons you did.

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The online manuals are meant to give you a fancy preview and possibly to look up something specific (e.g. if there is an updated version), they are not meant to be read page to page. They are mainly pre-release (for pre-order customers, or if you're waiting for a demo or full version to finish downloading ;)). As others pointed out, all of our games (and most demos) come with PDF manuals.

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The online manuals are meant to give you a fancy preview and possibly to look up something specific (e.g. if there is an updated version), they are not meant to be read page to page. They are mainly pre-release (for pre-order customers, or if you're waiting for a demo or full version to finish downloading ;)). As others pointed out, all of our games (and most demos) come with PDF manuals.

Wow, thanks for the explanation, that makes more sense now why y'all chose to go this route. But you do realize that most people looking for online manuals do expect to read them online, too, and even download them, right? But you have your reasons, I am sure; thanks again for explaining. When it comes to customer service, even if things aren't how a customer wants, just knowing that there's some rhyme and reason to the apparent madness makes things okay, if not all right! :)

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