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Couple game issues...


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I don't recall seeing anyone mentioning these in the last month or so, so if they've been addressed, my apologies.

Machine gun trigger man is having problems lining up behind the gun. At first I'd see this once and a while but I've been seeing it a lot lately...I've seen Germans and Americans do this in the same battle, in open ground. And when I gave a face command they'd orient to the new direction and still not get behind the weapon...always to the side. It's jarring to the eye and looks goofy.

There are two flavor objects missing from the editor. The manual lists 8 objects for junk but there are only 6 choices in the editor. Were two dropped?

Flavor objects are also disappearing, after I place them, view them on the map then go back to the editor. If they are any where near each other some will vanish.

And one question, why was the 3D rubble removed from the middle of the destroyed buildings? In CMSF a collapsed building has lots of raised brinks and junk...in CMBN it's all flat within the inside of the square. It would actually be really nice if we got that back but were able to place those raised textures in other spots outside of the destroyed buildings foot print as well.


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Machine gun trigger man is having problems lining up behind the gun.

I can confirm this one, if I am not mistaken, this bug was introduced in v1.01.

Flavor objects are also disappearing, after I place them, view them on the map then go back to the editor. If they are any where near each other some will vanish.

I have witnessed this as well. There is also a bug carried forward from CMSF whereby multiple flavor objects are generated on the map by a single click - I notice it the most with the "rocks."

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