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Unrestricted naval warfare triggering from non-raiding surface ships

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I'd like to report that I'm getting US mobilization increases by only having surface vessels that are not raiding near the UNW icons. This is annoying and harmful. The Lusitania was sunk by not being near the UNW icons either - is this too intentional?

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Hi Glabro

Surface vessels will also automatically carry out unrestricted naval warfare if they are placed on those tiles and you have said yes to carrying out unrestricted attacks, as it wasn't just submarines that carried out commerce raiding:


The raiding mode isn't taken into account if a naval unit is occupying these locations, as the decision to use unrestricted naval warfare and the location of the naval unit is paramount.

The Lusitania may be sunk if the Germans have opted to carry out unrestricted attacks and have a naval unit on the route between Ireland and the USA. However, I will correct this so that only the unrestricted trigger points can result in the Lusitania being sunk.

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The problem is that the convoy routes on both turns were gray ans shut down but still I got the same US increase as when I did a full scale sub attack. Effectively this means I can no longer carry out unrestricted warfare, but oh well.

I don't understand why surface ships should be forced into raiding because surface ships raided historically.

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