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Everything posted by PEB14

  1. BREAKING NEWS !! After seemingly pulling out in good order to his next defensive position, Oberst Kohl finally lost heart (probably thebier truck loss…) and surrendered with all his remaining troops! Now that he is a POW, I managed to convince him to comment on this game…
  2. Message for French-speaking Combat Mission players (sorry, the below message is in French). La traduction de cette campagne en français est une généreuse volonté de son créateur, WimO. Vous devez être conscients que cette traduction nécessite un travail important, de la part du traducteur bien sûr, mais aussi de la part de l'auteur, qui doit créer une nouvelle campagne et charger ou saisir individuellement tous les textes, mission par mission. Aussi, je suis intéressé de savoir si cette traduction est utileà quelqu'un. Si vous n'avez aucun problème à jouer en anglais, le jeu n'en vaut pas la chandelle! Par conséquent, merci de laisser un message, soit ici, soit sur la page de téléchargement, si vous trouvez un intérêt à cette traduction. Merci par avance et... bon jeu! @Falaise Stéphane, est-ce que tu es en mesure de diffuser ce message sur des forums Combat Mission francophones? (Personnellement je ne fréquente que ce forum et celui de FewGoodMen). Merci!
  3. I won't ask that to @WimO, he's a very good student ! And yes, I'm a maniac ! But no, I'm no teacher !
  4. One question about refit/repair/resupply (4R) parameters. Say Company A & B are my core units. Scenario 1 features Company A Scenario 2 features Company B Scenario 3 features boths companies. Do 4R parameters applied at the end of scenario 1 apply to Company A only? Do 4R parameters applied at the end of scenario 2 apply to Company B only? Do 4R parameters apply to ALL core units each time?
  5. For landmarks it appears to work without any issue. For text file one must take care of the text format.
  6. Sorry, I replied too fast: I'm fully aware that there are several classes of buildings, but for a given class and a given shape (footprint+stores), they behave the same, whether they appear to be made of stone or wood or whatever. I thought it might be the same for trees; good to know that it is not!
  7. Do you really think that the various trees behave differently in game terms? I think they'are all the same, the same way buildings are similar whatever their look like. But that's pure guess based on my understanding of the game mechanics.
  8. Well, I agree with that... That's why I didn't understand @chuckdyke's trick... I'll give it a try.
  9. Will it appear for Bénouville as well? I like to annoy our native-english speaking friends with accents... And for those who don't like it... Just try the Czech language !
  10. I'm not allowed to speak, I know the answer from the author himself...
  11. I absolutely don't understand the rationale. You move in one direction (yellow arrow) then hunt in the opposite direction (red arrow) from an intermediate waypoint??? What is the purpose?
  12. So finally I must admit it is true. But it is a hint for Normandy natives only !
  13. It worked beyond your expectations... But, hmmm, well, ... what was the ultimate purpose to ring the bell and attract my troops' attention to the very field where you were dashing in the open, without mutual cover or overwatch of any kind? Oh, I got it: it was a preview of your brand new, forthcoming project: Combat Mission Banzai, Pactific War !
  14. Yeah, maybe… Tim! I wouldn't bet my head on this one… He still controls 75% of the VPs, and time is running so fast… At least I'm not out of the game!
  15. There's a guy around that I sometimes work with who's called Thomas. I call him Thierry for almost ten years. Don't ask me why. I can't help. Just to warn you that I might call you "Tony" some more times… Sorry, TIM…
  16. I created a pdf file to show the look of the buildings I use to creat my CMBN maps: WimO's, Tank-a-lot's, Falaise, Juju's,… Lot of variation, all great buildings! Here it is: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k643ln3cyde5nlh/CMBN Modded features.pdf?dl=0
  17. To be completely fair: I was taught a lesson of artillery defensive fire for 30 minutes. It rained lead all over the place. Horrible. Then I fell in almost all possible traps (the mines, the ambushes, those damn f*** LOS in the wheatfields, some suicidal advances of mine…). But that's fine, I'm here to learn. I also had some lucky successes: the first sMG I met was knocked out nearly before I even knew it was there… To be honest, Phil taught me what to do, mostly… but also what to avoid! He mentioned his disastrous right flank counterattack (I won't disclose the German losses on that occasion, thay may hurt some sensible souls around…): He even tried to disguise the Tiger II tank that supported his powerful thrust as an inoffensive Blitz truck. But he forgot to remove the manufacturer's brand! Phil, usually you're better in blending! @kohlenklau Whatever the final result, it's a great game. Thanks a lot for playing it with me!
  18. Don't ask me why I called you Tony. Sorry. Anyway, you were as efficient as can be: they decided that the mass was over and got along with their germanic friends towards some nice POW cage. @kohlenklau I'm not sure the "proverbial kicking" that Tony mentioned was directed at your butt, more likely at mine! Thanks for the progresses anyway. That's a fair resume but it seems you slipped over some details. Like your AT gun's fate: I also have some mortars. I was hearing the shots, seeing the explosions all around, but it took me forever to locate the firing schreck! Have you ever seen a Stuart running backwards THAT fast? Something like "not enough" for me, and "too much" for you ?
  19. Tony I need your help… The service is finished but Oberst Kohl forgot to inform the Germans… They might have cramps very soon, poor guys…
  20. There is no way to see that in the editor, but once you've created a scenario, the icons corresponding to the modules that are required to play this specific scenario are highlighted on the scenario menu.
  21. For sure their might have been one… But if we are thinking of the same village, it doesn't seem to derive its name from it. According to MY sources ! But you've got to provide yet another hint, Phil seems to be in great mood !
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