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Posts posted by cesmonkey

  1. 19 minutes ago, Carolus said:

    Great news after another night of Russian bombardment...

    I think this part of the news article says it all:


     The US objections come as Biden faces a tough re-election battle this year with petrol prices on the rise, increasing almost 15 per cent this year to around $3.50 a gallon.

    “Nothing terrifies a sitting American president more than a surge in pump prices during an election year,” said Bob McNally, president of consultancy Rapidan Energy and a former White House energy adviser.



  2. 1 hour ago, Maciej Zwolinski said:

    Not yet, he keeps mentioning a future episode discussing drones in more depth. 

    Although the comment about drones being better on the defensive usually appears in comparison to conventional artillery, from which I deduce that pursuant to Koffman it is the tube artillery which has offensive advantages. My guess is he refers to the fact, that during an offensive against enemy hiding  in field fortifications, artillery needs to shoot up trenches, which requires large amounts of HE on target in short time, which drones cannot match, and anyway it would be uneconomical to try to do so .

    I would think that your drones also have more loiter time and are less likely to be jammed by electronic warfare, the closer they are to your own lines.

  3. WarGonzo reports  on Putin's post-election comments:


    Vladimir Putin ended his speech at a press conference at the election headquarters with words of gratitude to the Russian people and stated that he was determined to do everything to achieve national development goals in all areas. Main points from the speech:

    - First of all, we need to solve problems within the framework of the Northern Military District: strengthen defense capabilities, strengthen the armed forces.

    — The initiative at the front belongs entirely to Russian soldiers. This is more than active defense.

    — The Ukrainian Armed Forces have concentrated a group of up to 5 thousand people in the border zone. Enemy losses amount to up to 40%, a third of them are irrevocable.

    — The total number of four groups of traitors is up to two and a half thousand people, they are thrown into “meat assaults.” If the enemy likes the “meat grinder,” then it is even beneficial for Russia.

    — Attacks on the border areas are still ongoing, but the enemy’s losses are close to critical.

    — At some point, it will be necessary to create a certain sanitary zone in the territories subordinate to the Kyiv regime.

    “There is no death penalty in Russia, but “we will treat traitors as if they were in a war zone.”

    — There are military personnel from NATO countries in Ukraine, but there is nothing good for them there, they die in large numbers.

    — On the contact line we hear Western speech. I would very much like France to play a role in a peaceful settlement in Ukraine; all is not lost.

    — In any situation, we will proceed from the interests of the Russian Federation. We are for peace negotiations, but not because the enemy is running out of ammunition. We are in favor if they really want to build peaceful, good-neighborly relations between the two states in the long term, and not take a pause for rearmament for one and a half to two years.

    — China is developing by leaps and bounds and, what is very important, the structure of the economy in China is changing towards innovation. And we try to do the same ourselves. We will achieve common successes for the benefit of the Russian and Chinese peoples.


  4. 33 minutes ago, chrisl said:

    Even slow boats have fast screws - little propellors don't move much water per turn, so they need more turns, and you have to stay ahead of the currents and wind.  If they want slow drive noise they'd have to go with big paddlewheels, or robotic rowboats that have big flat surfaces that move a lot of water per stroke or per paddle board in the water and probably have a big reflective radar signature.  You can do steam or compressed gas powered for the final couple miles, but those will also have an acoustic signature.

    Or ride the current where it's available?


    The most obvious feature shows strong northward sea surface currents off the east coast of Taiwan Island; this is the Kuroshio. In the Taiwan Strait, the sea surface currents are relatively weak compared with that of the Kuroshio. The average sea surface current speed in the Kuroshio region is 0.62 m/s, 0.71 m/s in summer, and 0.55 m/s in winter. In the Taiwan Strait, it is 0.29 m/s on average, 0.32 m/s in summer, and 0.28 m/s in winter. The sea surface currents in the Taiwan Strait generally flow northward but are affected by the topography.



    Mean surface circulation is cyclonic; waters around the perimeter of the Black Sea circulate in a basin-wide shelfbreak gyre known as the Rim Current. The Rim Current has a maximum velocity of about 50–100 cm/s (20–39 in/s). Within this feature, two smaller cyclonic gyres operate, occupying the eastern and western sectors of the basin.[48] The Eastern and Western Gyres are well-organized systems in the winter but dissipate into a series of interconnected eddies in the summer and autumn. Mesoscale activity in the peripheral flow becomes more pronounced during these warmer seasons and is subject to interannual variability.


  5. Interesting post by Rybar on the current situation near Avdiivka. Some excerpts below:


    For the last few days, heavy fighting has been going on in the Avdeevka direction in Berdychi and Tonenkoe , where the Russian Armed Forces were able to “drop in on the shoulders” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces units retreating from Avdeevka .

    However, the enemy recovered quickly enough and was able to quickly transfer reinforcements to the sector, creating a numerical superiority in the entire direction and gathering over 15 brigades by March 6 . Thus, the Ukrainian Armed Forces were able to stop the rapid advance of the Russian Armed Forces, even if at the beginning they had to cut off their own personnel with artillery from the evacuation routes.


    🔻In general, the situation is greatly complicated by the abundance of enemy drones. Not only vehicles and armored vehicles, but even single soldiers are subject to drops and strikes from FPV drones, which indicates that there is no shortage of weapons. And this, in turn, complicates not only promotion, but also the retention of previously occupied positions in principle.


  6. Oleksandr Syrskyi today:


    He worked in the Avdiyiv direction, where the enemy concentrated his main efforts and for several days in a row has been trying to break through the defense of our troops in the bands of three brigades, daily throwing assault units on equipment and on foot into battle.

    The offensive actions of the enemy are supported by intense artillery fire and the active use of FPV drones and drones with drops. Enemy aviation periodically strikes with anti-aircraft missiles from a distance of 40-50 km, artillery positions and the main elements of the battle order are covered by EW.
    In these conditions, the most effective way to conduct defense is to destroy the enemy's armored vehicles and infantry assault groups by artillery fire, the actions of armored groups, the complex use of strike unmanned systems of various types, the protection of one's units from enemy drones by means of EW in combination with the destruction of enemy UAV control points by missile strikes and artillery fire.

    My work was dedicated to the organization and provision of these issues. Together with the commanders, we considered the optimal options for actions of our troops, reserve maneuvers, provision of ammunition and other material means.
    All necessary measures were taken to strengthen the defense and organize constant interaction between all elements of the operational construction in this direction.
    We continue our work.
    Glory to Ukraine!


  7. Oleksandr Syrskyi today:


    In these conditions, reliable protection of our servicemen can only be provided by modern and powerful EW devices, the role and importance of which is constantly growing.

    The confrontation between drones and EW has come to the fore, and only the one who will be the first to break away from the enemy in this competition will have a chance to win.

    The positive thing is that, despite the rather difficult situation on the entire front line, we managed to start the process of rotations and replacement of units and units that have been performing combat tasks at the front for a long time. This will stabilize the situation and have a positive effect on the moral and psychological state of our soldiers. During the work, he made all the necessary decisions to increase the combat capabilities of our brigades.
    I continue my work. Glory to Ukraine!🇺🇦


  8. Konstantin Mashovets today:

    He begins with:



    First, about the “fashionable thesis”, supposedly the enemy’s offensive has “almost stopped”, and the battle line (front) is stabilizing...

    I do not entirely share this point of view. More precisely, I think its publication is still quite premature. And, obviously, the enemy command also does not agree with her. At least, over the past 24 hours it has taken a number of measures to prevent this from happening. In particular:

    And concludes with:


    Therefore, the central message of the 2024 campaign will be determined by the answers to a couple of key questions.

    - Who will have time first - the Armed Forces of Ukraine to equip the appropriate defense system and prepare for a strategic defense operation,

    - Will the Ukrainian Defense Forces, in turn, be capable of conducting offensive actions at least at the operational level in 2024 (and this presupposes, by the way, the process of forming our OWN strategic reserves, within the framework of which, obviously, the current military- the political leadership of our state, one way or another, will have to make a number of “unpopular decisions”)?


  9. An update from Ukrainian commander Oleksandr Syrskyi:


    Today's day began with moving to the area of operations in the direction of the enemy's active actions. I worked in two brigades, where the situation is gradually becoming more complicated and there is a threat of enemy units advancing deep into our battle formations.

    After a detailed analysis and assessment of the situation, together with the commanders and officers of the headquarters, all necessary decisions were made regarding the reinforcement of the specified military units with reserves, ammunition, and EW means, which will in the future ensure the stability of our defense on this part of the front.

    In general, the operational situation on the Eastern Front remains difficult. The enemy continues to conduct offensive actions, concentrating the main efforts in Terna, Ivanovske, Berdychi, Tonenke, Verbove and Robotine districts.

    At the same time, probably due to the high level of losses, the activity of the enemy in other areas of the front decreased significantly.

    This happened thanks to timely management decisions to strengthen the defense of this section of the front, timely replacement of units that lost their combat capability, as well as due to the courage and resilience of our soldiers.

    During two weeks of fierce fighting, the enemy suffered extremely high losses.

    However, all the settlements that he tried to capture remained under our control.
    Together with the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, state and departmental awards were presented to our servicemen who distinguished themselves in battles with the Russian aggressor.

    At the same time, there are still enough issues that need to be resolved on the spot, so we continue our work.
    We will win!

    Glory to Ukraine!


  10. More details from the Pentagon on today's announcement:


    The capabilities in this announcement include:

    Stinger anti-aircraft missiles;
    Additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS);
    155mm artillery rounds, including High Explosive and Dual Purpose Improved Cluster Munitions rounds;
    105mm artillery rounds; 
    AT-4 anti-armor systems;
    Additional rounds of small arms ammunition;
    Demolitions munitions for obstacle clearing; and
    Spare parts, maintenance, and other ancillary equipment.



    So in one instance, with 25 mm ammunition, we, you know, were buying, you know, 120,000-plus rounds. We estimated initially a unit cost of $130 each, but we ended up getting a better price of $93 to help us as we negotiated the contract with the vendor. So that's an example of how you generate savings with good negotiations.


  11. 1 minute ago, Eddy said:

    Am I right in thinking that an normal majority (i.e. not 2/3rds) is needed for a discharge petition and all that a discharge petition means is that the Bill goes before congress? And then it needs another normal majority to be passed? Also does the Senate need to vote on it again? 

    Just trying to get my head around what the Speaker can do to put the kibosh on it.

    Yes, yes, and yes.

  12. 46 minutes ago, Vanir Ausf B said:

    Apropos the above, the new US weapons package will include ATACMs

    The White House is expected to announce as soon as Tuesday that it will send a new package of weapons worth $300 million to Ukraine, and it will include a number of Army Tactical Missile Systems, according to U.S. officials with knowledge of the discussions.

    The package will include a number of the Anti-Personnel/Anti-Materiel, or APAM, an older version of the long-range ATACMS, which travels 100 miles and carries warheads containing hundreds of cluster bomblets, according to one of the officials.


    Yes, $300 million out of Jake Sullivan's mouth:


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