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Everything posted by cesmonkey

  1. https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/13/middleeast/egypt-rafah-crossing-gaza-palestinians-mime-intl/index.html The last remaining exit for Gazans is through Egypt. Here's why Cairo is reluctant to open it | CNN
  2. Interesting interview with a German politician who I can agree with: https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-ukraine-hamas-israel-interview-lange/32635953.html With Ukraine War And Now Israel, German Politician Asks 'How Bad Does It Have To Get' For West To Step Up?
  3. I found this interesting article on Hamas' rocket arsenal from the American Wilson Center think tank. It's a bit dated at 2+ years old but has lots of insights: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/irans-rockets-palestinian-groups Iran Transfers Rockets to Palestinian Groups
  4. There is a video being shared on telegram and twitter of an alleged Israeli attack on a Hamas underground rocket storage facility using a bunker buster bomb. Who knows how accurate this is, but it makes for a very interesting video:
  5. A bit of a confusing video. I'm sure it would help if I understood Hebrew.
  6. https://www.fmn.dk/da/nyheder/2023/danmark-og-tjekkiet-gar-sammen-om-markant-donation-til-ukraine2/ Denmark and the Czech Republic join forces on a significant donation to Ukraine In the coming months, Denmark and the Czech Republic will supply Ukraine's armed forces with infantry fighting vehicles, tanks, heavy weapons and other types of weapons from production lines and warehouses in the Czech Republic.
  7. The Ukrainian Mashovets on the Avdiivka battle: https://t.me/zvizdecmanhustu/1303
  8. Rybar's description of the Avdiivka battle: https://t.me/rybar/53139 https://rybar.ru/piwigo/upload/2023/10/12/20231012000402-50ccc568.jpg
  9. Belgium expects to use $2.4 billion in tax on frozen Russian assets to fund Ukraine https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/belgium-expects-use-24-bln-tax-frozen-russian-assets-fund-ukraine-2023-10-11/
  10. Ukraine offered this summary of new aid: https://t.me/operativnoZSU/118597
  11. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3553644/biden-administration-announces-additional-security-assistance-for-ukraine/
  12. Hey Ukrainians, how tasty are the products from this company?
  13. Below is the auto-translation of the video's description on YouTube: Interesting, but not sure why it is relevant to the Israel thread.
  14. Ukraine claims to have destroyed a substantial number of tanks and APCs yesterday. Perhaps from the attack on Avdiivka?
  15. Ukrainian telegrammer on Avdiivka: https://t.me/DeepStateUA/17797
  16. Israel released this video compilation of clips from the attacks by Hamas:
  17. There was a video the other day on one such prototype drone, but perhaps not fully-autonomous, competing for the U.S. Air Force's Skyborg program: https://www.airforce.com/experience-the-air-force/airmen-stories/inside-air-force-innovation/project-skyborg https://afresearchlab.com/technology/skyborg
  18. Here is a related post from Russian telegrammer Rybar: https://t.me/rybar/52984
  19. Israel released this video montage of their striking of Hamas targets:
  20. I'm guessing that when Ukraine says they successfully repelled X number of attacks by the Russians, they may have omitted Y number of attacks that they didn't repel? Notice how they describe the Bakhmut and Adviivka sectors differently from other sectors. https://t.me/operativnoZSU/118164
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