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Harmon Rabb

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Posts posted by Harmon Rabb

  1. 19 hours ago, Haiduk said:

    First satellite images of "Askold" misisile corvette before and after strike have appeared.

    Decpite Russian TG claimed about 2-3 hits of SCALP missiles at the ship, she didn't look enough damaged, but maybe more quality images will come soon or photos from the ground.

    Image of 31st of October


    And 5th of October


    More satellite images of the results of the attack.

    And by the way congratulations on hitting 3000 my boys! I just wish this damn war would be over with an outcome favorable to Ukraine already.

  2. Can't say I have ever heard of Colonel Lupanchuk before.

    But with how important the use of Special Forces have been to the AFU in this war. I would say this man will have a lot of work to do.


    Source: Zelenskyy in an evening video address on 3 November 

    Quote: "Made a replacement in the command staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, appointing Colonel Serhii Lupanchuk as the new commander of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


    This is an experienced officer, a combat officer, the right commander and a person who can give our Special Operations Forces more power. We are expecting new results.

    General Viktor Khorenko, who commanded the Special Operations Forces [before this], will continue to carry out special tasks as part of the Main Directorate of Intelligence."

    Source: Zelenskyy explains what former Commander Khorenko of Special Operations Forces will do (Pravda.UA)

  3. Makes sense if this report is accurate. Don't think Russia has enough personnel for them to sit around in Belarus. I doubt Russia is going to try another rush for Kyiv from Belarus anytime soon, like they tried in those crazy early days of the war.

    AFU Bradley in action.

  4. 34 minutes ago, The_Capt said:


    As far as I'm concerned people have not experienced great cinema, until they watch The Thing at night in the dead of winter with a glass of J&B in their hand. I think that movie is the main reason I have been drinking J&B scotch for over a decade now. 😀

    Anyway, back on topic. Another one bites the dust!



  5. Good...Russia should pay to fix what they broke. regardless if they want to do it or not. I always liked the approach of using frozen Russian assets to assist Ukraine. As a Western taxpayer I'm more than happy that my money is going to help Ukraine, but Russia should be forced to do the same.

    Sorry too funny not to post. Orban looks like the kid at the playground who no one wants to play with. 😄



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