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Harmon Rabb

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Posts posted by Harmon Rabb

  1. I think folks who have followed this threads sister Ukrainian war thread, recognize these two characters by the names of MacGregor and Tucker.Both have a penchant for telling outright lies.

    Unless I see some solid evidence, I think I'm going to have to press "X" to doubt this claim.





  2. 23 hours ago, kimbosbread said:

    This would be a glorious opportunity for American pick up truck manufacturers, who with the end of ZIRP are sitting on lots of inventory they can’t move. They could get probably get uncle Sam to comp them a bit too. Not as good as a Hilux/LC70, but better than nothing. Also American-size means lots of room for body armor and cupholders for energy drinks.

    Just quoting this because I second that this would be a great idea.

    Heck, it may even boost sales of pick up trucks in North America for the companies involved. Think about it, pictures of rugged guys wearing military uniforms using these vehicles while defending their country,would go hand in hand with the masculine image that the manufacturers of these vehicles are already going for when advertising on TV. 

    Remember that photo of the Ford F-350 towing that M777 from last Summer? After seeing that I wanted to buy a Ford. 😀


  3. 56 minutes ago, Beleg85 said:

    Russian social and official media use it as obvious proof that Ukrainian militaries are corrupted to the bone; I wouldn't be surprised if they purposfully shiped weapons captured in Ukraine with this very sole purpose in mind. If WSJ material about Iran planning whole thing in meetings in Lebanon is true (seems very likely) then question if - and when- Kremlin knew will start to pop up.

    If Ukraine can provide proof that Russia directly supported Hamas during this attack, this could backfire on Moscow with a vengeance.

    I would be interested to know what kind of "Western-made weapons" Ukraine is accused of providing. If we are talking about AR-15 style rifles and anti-tank weapons like AT4s. I would presume Hamas would have a much easier time procuring similar type weapons from Syria and Iran.

    Very dangerous move by Russia if proven.



  4. 22 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

    The above is an example of what I previously deemed acceptably on topic for this thread as it involves Ukraine.

    I'm scratching my head even understanding what the point of this obvious campaign is.  From my perspective it comes off as being pro-Ukrainian and anti-Israeli ("white Christians have been getting murdered for 2 years and nobody cares, but a few Jews get killed and it is as if the world is coming to an end").  However, I'm sure that's not it at all.  So what is this supposed to mean?

    BTW, I would not be at all surprised if Fox News has put more videos of the fighting in Israel and Gaza than Ukraine.  Definitely not true for BBC and CNN.


    My first thought would be they are trying to say the war in Ukraine is fake, Wag the Dog style. I remember seeing some lunatics who really believe that in Twitter and YouTube around the time the war first started.

    I would be really surprised if Donald Trump Jr, would say anything pro-Ukraine given his track record.

  5. 2 hours ago, danfrodo said:

    Here's some tankie fun, hopefully distract from US House nonsense w some UKR related nonsense.

    It always amazes me how filppin' stupid people can be and how zealous in their stupidity.  It's great and good to be anti-war, but not when it also makes you pro-slavery and pro-genocide.  This naive idiots think that we can just talk to the monsters and they will behave?  The world talked and talked and talked to Putin, and then he invades UKR.  Then having basically lost any good reason for continuing the war, he continues the war.  All the while trying to sabotage global food, global energy, and our democracies.  It's utterly amazing to me.


    Code Pink members posing with MTG. Don't know exactly what the context of this photo is, but something tells me I know where they found common ground.

    Helping Ukraine...Bad.

    Edit: Read the entire article danfrodo posted and found out what the context was. My hunch was right, To quote MTG herself. 

    The war in Ukraine must END! Today, I met brave @codepink activists who protested for peace in Bernie Sanders’ office. He had 11 of them arrested! Peace & free speech shouldn’t be a partisan issue. We don’t agree on most things, but we do agree Congress should STOP fueling the war in Ukraine!


  6. Going by that description it sounds like Prigozhin was living the Scarface lifestyle, complete with a lot of "blow" in his office.

    I mean it could be true but Putin, seems to have a tendency of calling people who he does not like drug addicts.

    Edit: Some new footage of the AFU from Crimea.


  7. Russia Accidentally Reveals Addresses of Putin's Secret Service (Newsweek)


    Russian authorities accidentally revealed the addresses of the country's secret military buildings, institutions, and spy homes, in Moscow and in St. Petersburg, an investigative site found.

    The Dossier Center, a project launched by Russian opposition figure Mikhail Khodorkovsky, found the addresses listed in a 434-page document titled "Special Group", which was published on the Moscow City Hall website. The document listed properties where there must be "no blackouts."

    The list reportedly included a range of top-secret government facilities, homes belonging to GRU (the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) officers and President Vladimir Putin's secret service, an ammunition depot, and more.

    Looks like General Budanov may have some more reading to do. 🙂

  8. 2 hours ago, Letter from Prague said:

    I think you mean the Anglo-Saxons?

    For some reason they would use "Anglo-Protestants" on Russian propaganda shows. I did not get why they used it either.


    Putin hints at holy war in Ukraine with 'Anglo-Protestant' backing


    Instead, he added in a post on Twitter, when “referring to the dastardly US and UK”, programme hosts have used the term “Anglo-Protestants.

    Best example I could fined quickly of the term being used. I used to hear it all the time when listening to Russian propagandists in 2022 using Francis Scarr's clips to understand the rhetoric they are using. But frankly I cannot stomach listening to that garbage anymore, so I am not sure if the term is still used on a daily basis in 2023.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

    What did you expect from former communist (1986-1989) and than repainted into "Party of democracy leftists"? (1990-1999). Looks like lustration in Slovakia was insufficient. Moscow always paid attentin for such "perspective" politicians.

    We all know Slovakia's real problems are the "Anglo-Protestant" occupiers. Unfortunately my friend, I did not expect anything less from this guy.

  10. 1 hour ago, Hapless said:

    Ukraine hitting the nail on the head again:


    Absolutely brilliant video.

    Personally I enjoy cooking, I know how to make a pretty damn good steak. But when you go to cooking instruction videos on YouTube you don't generally see comments like this, because most people can admit they don't know everything there is to know about cooking.

    When it comes to anything to do with the military/war, in my experience those videos attract a certain internet tough guy type, who being an internet tough guy knows everything their is to know about warfare. Because maybe he played Call of Duty or even watched Black Hawk Down 10 years ago. I'm not even talking about the obvious paid Russian trolls here.

    Thank goodness for resources like this forum, where informed people can actually help people understand the situation on the battlefield.

    And this is coming from someone who the closest they came to war was playing DCS and Arma on my PC. 🙂



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