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Harmon Rabb

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Everything posted by Harmon Rabb

  1. Slovakia elections: Populist party leads as most votes counted (BBC) Very disappointing if true. Alright I think I'm going to get some sleep. Maybe we will get a clearer picture of all of this later.
  2. Yeah, due to some of the news from the political front on our side of the pond, I wanted to post something positive. In other news from central Europe. Personally I'm a big fan of CZ firearms.
  3. Slovakia elections: Liberals win against pro-Moscow party - exit polls Does not look like Robert Fico is going to win in Slovakia. But the election was too tight for my liking. Last thing the European Union needs is a second Viktor Orban type, especially during this war.
  4. What should we expect when this clown runs "X"? Seriously. I know the situation at the US-Mexico Border is not perfect. But comparing it to a genocidal war is just absurd. If this clown keeps this up I will just delete my "X" account and find another place to follow this war.
  5. Checked with AP this is legit. Russia hosts the Taliban for talks on regional threats and says it will keep funding Afghanistan (AP) Is Russia still interested in getting kit from Afghanistan or has the Afghanistan exhausted it's stockpiles to sell to others? I mean not that long ago Russia was asking North Korea for ammo. It was a gentleman who went by the username @Combatintman, who knew a lot about Afghanistan due to his trade, who said On October 5th 2022 on this very forum.
  6. In the information war Ukraine was not the only one who messed up this week. Kind of an amusing story that I think our Polish friends may appreciate. It was Oscar Wilde who said Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I already checked it is indeed in Poland, that big church kind of gives it away.
  7. Just to get some clarification about yesterdays video which turned out to be a fake, or maybe I misunderstood what Mr.Kovalenko is saying. So were the folks in the video unfortunately Surrendering AFU members or was the whole video fake created by Russia?
  8. Thanks for sharing Dan. Regarding quite a few of the artworks of the books mentioned in the thread. I have seen a few of them posted in placed like Steam and social media sites by tankie types. Now I know where they come from. As someone who has consumed quite a few alternate history and techno-thriller books in my lifetime, I doubt any of these will be on my reading list anytime soon.
  9. That's a shame if true. I thought it was legit because it was posted by an official Ukrainian MoD Twitter account. I guess I have to keep in mind that the Ukrainian MoD also uses propaganda. Edit: Ukrainian MoD deleted the Tweet. Looks like it was just a mistake on their part. We all make them.
  10. Looks like the Russian military took a page out of Otto Skorzeny's Operation Greif, by changing into Ukrainian uniforms to cause confusion.
  11. NATO’s secretary-general meets with Zelenskyy to discuss battlefield and ammunition needs in Ukraine (AP)
  12. Germany Stalls Delivery of Long-Range Cruise Missiles to Ukraine (wsj.com) I know someone else is going to post this eventually so I will just do it. My main question would be is this decision set in stone or is Scholz waiting for the United States to officially announce ATACMS. Like he waited for the United States to announce sending Abrams tanks. I would be interested in hearing from our German friends who understand German politics more. Please no Germany bashing day, I think we have had enough of that here.
  13. Do we know when this video was filmed? I have heard some claim that this was filmed before the attack. I don't think I heard him directly mention the attack in this video. I'm not arguing that he is dead or alive, I just want to try getting all the facts straight here.
  14. As a DCS player I love this video. Ukrainian pilots using DCS to familiarize themselves with the F-16. If this is not a testament to the quality of the F-16 module for DCS I don't know what is. Highly recommend trying that module by the way.
  15. This image is all over my Twitter feed. Looking forward to some info.
  16. Thirst for life. Story of a special ops soldier who fell from a boat and spent 14 hours floating in the open sea (Pravda.com.ua) Just quoting this post again because I read an incredible story of survival from a Ukrainian who involved in this operation. Definitely worth a read if you have some time.
  17. Neat. Nice to see these two posing for a picture together. Could not resist stealing this meme.
  18. My condolences to the RAF for losing that crewed Storm Shadow missile over Ukraine.
  19. Speaking of Canadian politics and the war I'm reminded of this story. When the Canadian Prime Minister just told Putin to his face that he needs to get out from Ukraine, at the G20 summit in Australia. Hard to believe this was almost 10 years ago back in 2014 when the annexation of Crimea happened. World leaders take Putin to task over Ukraine at G20 in Australia (CNN)
  20. Honestly never even heard of this vehicle before. But one thing that I know is that Italians are known for making great vehicles. Interestingly enough according to Wikipedia the sources the AFU received this Light Multirole Vehicle from were Italy, Belgium and the Russian military even generously donated.
  21. Never heard of that band before, but I really enjoyed that song, thanks for sharing. When I saw the image I immediately thought of some 80s heavy metal music. Apparently the pilot in the image is this handsome gentlemen named Vadym Voroshylov with the call sign Karaya. Who holds the rank of Major in the Ukrainian Air Force. I don't have an Instagram account so I can't confirm any of this, I would like to hear what our local expert, @Haiduk on all things AFU has to say about this
  22. Has the potential of becoming an iconic photograph of this war. Showcasing the bravery of individual members of the AFU, back when much of the world already wrote them off as having no chance of defending their country.
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