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Harmon Rabb

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Everything posted by Harmon Rabb

  1. Not as exciting as a sub but more news from the Black Sea.
  2. I know the AFU has taken out some very juicy targets, including a cruiser that shares the names of Russia's capital city. But if these reports are accurate this is the first time a Russian sub has been targeted. Excellent news, should do wonders for morale in the AFU, reinforcing the feeling that no part of the Russian military that's engaged in this war is truly out of reach for the AFU.
  3. My first thought would be maybe Putin is trying to improve relations with Hungary and Slovakia. I think we can all agree that Hungary under Orban is the most pro-Russian country in the EU right now. If Robert Fico wins in Slovakia he will basically be a second Orban as far as support for Ukraine goes
  4. Incredible footage. Honestly looks like something you would see in one of Dice's Battlefield games or a Hollywood movie. I do appreciate that this is neither a video game or a movie and the Ukrainians in that video have balls of steel.
  5. In Jake Broe's latest video Jake does not hold back what he thinks about Elon Muscovy...Excuse me, Musk.
  6. I know that garden gnome Kadyrov tries to present a very "macho" image of himself as laughable as it looks. Maybe he thinks a decent haircut would make him look far too "effeminate"
  7. Stoltenberg joins in the fun of using the "second strongest army in Ukraine" meme, and criticizes the experts who are criticizing the speed of Ukraine's counteroffensive.
  8. Just leaving this here for any forum member or lurker who wants to help out. libertyukraine.org
  9. What a shame it would be if some former Wagner fighter with a name that is the Russian equivalent of Oswald, would get some ideas about Putin.
  10. I think a lot of us are already familiar with that Slavic god around here. Due to a certain smart Aussie who goes by that name on the internet.
  11. Time to go to IKEA to pick up some Swedish meatballs, and re-watch some Dolph Lundgren movies. You rock Sweden!
  12. These clips where Ukrainian and Russian servicemen interect face to face are always interesting. Makes me wonder if the new Russian POW really does have three kids, or is he just saying that to gain sympathy from the Ukrainians now that he knows he will be their prisoner.
  13. Adding a face to this tragic story. This being a wargaming forum we mostly focus on the AFU personnel and their heroic deeds. But this is a good moment to remember the heroic work that Ukrainian emergency services personnel have also being doing during the course of this war.
  14. Hey and welcome to the forum. I'm just curious what your idea of an attention seeking Ukrainian win would be. I think we have already seen more than a few of those last year, the 2022 Kharkiv counteroffensive definitely comes to mind. Also what do you mean by Russia's stability? I remember during Prigozhin's failed rebellion plenty of folks on this forum hoping this could be the end of Putin's regime, and being disappointed that it ended so soon. Not saying you are wrong but I hope you are and military aid to Ukraine gets increased.
  15. As always when I post these opinion polls I don't vouch for their accuracy. Good news it true, Big jump in support in a short period of time. I'm curious if the attack on Kakhovka Dam had to do with the sudden increase in support.
  16. I like his thinking. I like BSF ships sinking.
  17. Jack Ryan did not provide much context. Looks like the AFU is putting their thermal vision to good use. Interesting, we don't hear that much about the Sumy Oblast these days.
  18. Plenty more, where those Bradley IFVs came from.
  19. New footage from the dudes serving in the 3rd Assault Brigade. Intense stuff.
  20. Alright gentlemen, getting late in the Eastern Standard Time Zone. Gonna go to bed and leave you with a relevant Zoolander inspired meme.
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