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Everything posted by mosuri

  1. Swedes should claim the lot, including Ukraine (it's all Rurik's fault anyway)
  2. Can't find the meme picture now, but the idea was roughly (Russia, knocking on door) "Let me in" (Finland) "Why?" (Russia) "I'm going to protect you" (Finland) "Protect me from what?" (Russia) "From what I'm going to do to you if you don't let me in"
  3. Kind of wish they gave more air time to Latrinov in the western media -- giving him more rope to hang himself with that is ...
  4. Thanks for the info! Didn't know the accuracy was quite that bad, although I was aware of some ballistic (not cruise) missiles using also celestial navigation.
  5. Well, certainly not an expert, but I would guess inertial guidance instead of simple dead reckoning?
  6. Are we getting cavalry back? Sorry, couldn't resist
  7. If this is true, hope it works out for him as well as it did to Nick the 2nd
  8. I truly hope so (together with certain leftovers from 70s have a collective stroke out of sheer frustration) but it's not done until it's done.
  9. One thing I've been wondering is -- since Stugna-P is laser guided AIUI -- we're seeing very few vids of tanks popping smoke. Don't RF tanks have detectors, are they only facing forward, or is it just operator ineptness? In CMBS smoke popping and reversing happens the instant someone points a laser a tank's way ... BFC please fix or something
  10. Peeking inside a russian drone: https://youtu.be/1sPKSMeonxg
  11. In keeping with that Zitadelle theme, they should delay for a month or two just to get those Armatas to participate
  12. Another nice bonus is the donations from people all over the world to the armed forces of Ukraine. I was wondering how it was going and was happy to see this update: Nearly UAH 13.7 Billion Transferred for Needs of Military, over UAH 619 Million Remains in Special Account If I did my currency conversion correctly 13.7 billion UAH is 460 million USD.
  13. Did not see this mentioned yet. Lawyers are getting involved ... 12 Rosgvardia troops that refused to participate in the invasion were fired from their jobs; their lawyer is now arguing there is no basis for the sacking, as officially Russia is not at war. Google translation of the article in Finnish at https://www-hs-fi.translate.goog/ulkomaat/art-2000008716782.html?_x_tr_sl=fi&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  14. Hi Ultradave, asking for a bit more detail here. It's been decades from my last physics class but living in an area where radon can be a problem keeps you at least somewhat aware of radioactive decay ... no significant alpha emitters? AIUI U-235 is used in reactors and it decays to thorium via alpha decay (and there's plenty more alpha decay on the path down to lead, e.g., radon) but it takes aeons to do so, so unless there is massive amounts of it around there's not much alpha floating around. right? I would still avoid kicking up uranium dust, if not for anything else but for the toxic effects
  15. Start offering cash prices for incapacitated commanders delivered to you when surrendering?
  16. Laughed uncontrollably at this! Nice to see that "drone terror" is a thing
  17. I used foot rags in my Finnish army service in the early 90s. Quite comfortable in boots as long as you fold them properly.
  18. Yeah I was talking about this lovely guy, https://www.politico.eu/article/outrage-germany-ex-chancellor-schroder-gazprom-board-nomination/ My country has an ex-prime minister on Nord Stream payroll as well, so it's not only Schröder, but it's just disappointing to say the least. Either they are corrupt, or useful idiots. In either case they should never have been political leaders.
  19. All the more reason to have more than one supply then. Apparently Germany doesn't currently even have a LNG terminal for shipborne imports? Great planning there. Schröder must have got an absolutely massive bribe. Or he's a massive idiot. Or both.
  20. 6th Army? Heh. Maybe Putler should have promoted him to field marshal ...
  21. Apologies if this a repeated topic -- I have read through the whole thread but probably forgotten half of it How should we read those Russian tendrils spreading out? Advances along major roadways, obviously, but how much actual control of the area that represents? A unit at the head of advance and garrisons strung along, every village and crossroads perhaps? And convoys doing Mad Max runs from garrison to garrison? Or something more solid? Can the Ukranians do a Raate road repeat and cut the red snakes into pieces to be defeated in detail? Or do they also suffer from too much rasputitsa-related movement restrictions outside of the roads for that not to be possible?
  22. From blitz to purge in three weeks. Must be a record of sorts.
  23. It's been mentioned multiple times in the local news in Finland that the Russian garrisons along the border have been drained of combat troops, at least every two out of three battalions committed to Ukraine. Some journalists went to interview locals last week, but were asked to leave soon. But not before getting an admission from an officer's wife that the soldiers knew where they were heading, and rumors of 350 wounded for the Kamenka brigade (article only in Finnish unfortunately https://www.hs.fi/ulkomaat/art-2000008665103.html )
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