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Everything posted by mosuri

  1. And this is why navies already in WW2 had torpedoes that were set to run under their targets and detonate with magnetic triggers. Didn't work out perfectly in the beginning, Germans had trouble in the Norwegian campaign and everyone knows the multitude of problems the US Navy had with Mark 14. But the intent was clear.
  2. There wasn't much reaction to the Svalbard comms cable incident either last year https://thebarentsobserver.com/en/security/2022/02/unknown-human-activity-behind-svalbard-cable-disruption Should always remember that quip Lenin made about bayonets when dealing with Russia. Push back with steel when they probe.
  3. A data link was also severed in the vicinity. Electric transmission links are ok (so far) Not very disruptive in isolation, but repairs will take time, and who's to say this was the only "whoopsie by drunken captain" or whatever Russia's excuse will be (after vehemently denying all involvement, of course)
  4. Salty Pickle wants to be the president of russia: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/jailed-russian-nationalist-girkin-says-hed-be-better-president-than-putin-2023-08-31/
  5. And I hoped the plane fell because of shoddy maintenance and lack of fresh spares due to embargo. Just because... but friendly fire is fine too!
  6. There's also the simple possibility that they tried with more but it didn't work. The drones might have reliability issues, being a new tool, or EW jamming might make them inoperable. Not sure how much kinetic interception Russia is capable of doing at night. Reminds me of the various midget submarine operations in WW2. Sometimes spectacular results, sometimes damp squibs.
  7. Scratch one Su-30 and two pilots: https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2023/08/12/su-30-fighter-jet-crashes-in-russias-kaliningrad-region-entire-crew-dead-en-news More of this please!
  8. Question to the Polish members, is this something completely new or not? In Finland we've used to the occasional "navigation error" from RUAF although I don't now recall any happening since NATO membership happened.
  9. I've been to Seoul a few times on business trips. Felt like any bustling big city to me. To be fair those trips included limited contact with locals and I may be particularly thick or maybe living next door to the Evil Empire during cold war sets my calibration differently but still, what's that statement based on? Yes, the norks are not far away, but people still go on with they day to day business (extremely successfully, too).
  10. They didn't cover the tracks they made in the fields when driving to position? A huge circle next to their parking location, looks like that's how they maneuvered into the trees? Might as well painted a target on themselves...
  11. This guy loves poring over Russian storage site satellite images, was counting tanks and now artillery
  12. Tsar Alexander's troops reached Paris Tsar Iosif's troops reached Berlin Tsar Vladimir's troops reached Bakhmut
  13. What's the VKS SOP with pilots and base personnel when bases are under attack? Would Ukrainians know or find out locations of bunkers or other shelters, and HIMARS/Storm Shadow those into oblivion? Or alternatively, since it seems so easy to infiltrate into Belogorod oblast, put a SOF team to visit whatever hole in the wall the pilots use for their daily drink, if there are any bases in that area... If it was that easy they would have done it already, I know. But just saying that you don't need to hit the actual equipment to stop helicopter attacks.
  14. Looks like Wagner has learned nothing of the intel traffic cameras provide. Column seems to have parked just under one.
  15. Claims that it's an Il-22M instead ... don't know how the twitter contents are different when editing and when displaying in the thread ...
  16. Would be even funnier if it was both, Putin first having a "will no one rid me of this troublesome potato" moment followed by "you did WHAT?"
  17. Not sure if this has been truly put into use or if someone is just having a laugh -- I can't imagine this lasting for a moment in a battlefield infested with drones, guiding artillery or kamikaze ones. Even if it has a more dakka vibe to it...
  18. Ukraine is a bottomless sink of money and resources while Sudan has gold, Meroe Gold more specifically https://www.dw.com/en/pmc-russias-wagner-group-in-sudan-gold-military-junta/a-65439746
  19. I started wondering now -- there's been many videos of Russian soldiers in state of complete exhaustion, e.g., not responding even when drone above them drops grenades to their trench. This reminded me of Pervitin stories from WW2, when soldiers would utterly crash after the amphetamine's effects wore off. Maybe Russians are not recycling soldiers away fast enough after assaults during which they consume (too much) stimulants? Just guesses, nothing factual to build on, but could be a possibility.
  20. On the political front, Moldova is leaving CIS https://radiomoldova.md/p/12495/igor-grosu-the-republic-of-moldova-is-withdrawing-from-the-cis To be frank I had no idea CIS even existed since the '90s, so learned at least that today!
  21. https://twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1657368124788809728/video/2 This video is claimed to be one of the helicopter kills. Helicopter seems to fly quite high -- of course, impossible to tell the horizontal distance from a video that just shows sky but impact is seen at timestamp 0:08 and sound reaches ground at 0:15 so from observer to helicopter it is about 2 kilometres. At the very least it's not hugging the earth as we see in most helicopter footage, and that perhaps makes sense for EW but also makes it a target that can be found out with a radar easily from afar.
  22. We finally know what air defense doing!
  23. Grimness (or ghoulishness) aside, isn't there a very real hygienic aspect to this? Even with cold weather I shudder to think of the potential for rat infestation, and with insects in the warm season the spreading of disease is guaranteed. One would think that you have to be very far gone to ignore that, but luckily I don't have any experience with such situations.
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