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Free Whisky

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Posts posted by Free Whisky

  1. On 2/28/2023 at 10:13 AM, Lethaface said:

    Anyone know who is Kees ? Going on his name he seems to be a fellow countrymen but don't know if he's on the forum (he seems to have missed start round 3)

    That would be me. I messaged you on discord - or someone who goes by the same name anyways - that I'd be away for a few days. Should perhaps have messaged you here. Anyways, we're underway now.

  2. On 1/8/2023 at 3:51 PM, BFCElvis said:

    We are advising everyone to NOT complete each battle. Play until there there is 1 turn (or as far as you can go) left in each battle. If everyone were to play their battles to completion all scores would match the end game AAR CM score. But, until then the higher scores will remain. Anyone looking to "game" the system would only need to stop playing to have a higher score than players who complete each battle. That's why we (and Matrix/Slitherine) have decided to post this advise. Matrix/Slitherine will be making a similar announcement on their forum and the Discord channel. For good or ill, only half of each pairing needs to be reached as long as 1 player stops playing toward the end. 

    There is a tiny chance that a hot fix will be created before Round 1 is finished but I wouldn't count on it.

    We understand (and share) anyone's unhappiness about this.  No one is happy about this. No one. 

    So where are we now on this problem in round 2? Does the ploblem persist? Since this is an exit scenario, a rather great deal depends on it. Exiting = taking risk, but that risk is not worth it if the best strategy is, again, to not finish the scenario and just play for kills...

  3. At the end of my last video I promised to upload the bits of the conversation that @domfluff and I had and that didn't make it into the video, as a podcast. That's up now. Also included is an extra bit that we recorded later, where we answer some of the questions that were frequently asked in the comment section.

    So, if you've got a long commute ahead of you, or it's your turn to do the dishes, or there is some other reason why you can't play CM.... here you go 😉.



  4. That was awesome. I enjoyed this style very much. Nice use of graphics, too!

    On 1/10/2023 at 2:23 AM, ManyMilesAway said:

    Hey Steve, would you mind checking out the above video?  If you recall I was asking for the replay feature for the Commercial titles last year, this is the sort of content I could make much more efficiently and quickly if we had that feature in the Commercial versions!


    This, very much this! 😅 Also, free the camera! A truly free camera that can go all the way down to ground level would be helpful as well.

  5. On 1/12/2023 at 12:51 PM, ALBY said:

    This is not as easy as it looks. One of my PBEM opponents is shooting up my MRB as I write this.   My addition to the topic here is that the ‘psychological’ aspect of CM is HUGE!  

    I am taking losses and it is causing me to slow or change plans which you cannot do with the Soviets. 

    failing forward I guess. At least my opponent is having fun with the target practice. ;)  

    Oh yes I can confirm this. Not having seen two tanks behind a patch of trees basicly cost me a company. I'm starting to understand why Domfluff puts as many points into artillery as he does.

  6. 8 hours ago, MeatEtr said:

    Are you sure your giving it enough time to process the turn AND upload? It can take awhile, like 3-5 mins for this to happen. If you click the Ok button a 2nd time then it crashes.

    Well.... That turns out to be it. PBEM++ games would always proces and send in like 30 seconds for me, so when it still hadn't send after 2 minutes I figured it wasnt working, clicked "Ok" and 2nd time and it would crash.

    Now I let it sit for 3 minutes and it actually does send. Thanks for the tip!

    Now, lets see how many turns I have to crank out per day to finish this one in time 😄

  7. I asked Domfluff to help me out in creating a video about Soviet military doctrine in the Cold War era, and how those principles can be applied in a Combat Mission scenario/QB. He played a game against me as the Soviet Army, gave me an arse kicking, and then sat down with me and explained why he did what he did. The result is the video down below!


  8. The game is crashing when I try to send my turn. Did a complete wipe of every trace of the game from my PC, did a clean re-install, I'm running no mods, but the game just hangs when I end the turn, rather than returning to the main menu. Shame, looked like a fun scenario.

    So it looks like I'll have to notify my opponent that I won't be playing. Can't find who that would be on the Matrix tournament page as only round 1 scores are showing. Any tips on how to find out who my opponent is in this round 2?

  9. In my next Youtube video I'll be taking a closer look at the CMBN Market Garden scenario "Counterattack at Son", which I believe was created by @ASL Veteran.

    The "Counterattack at Son" scenario map has two bridges on it across the river Dommel. One that can hold tanks, and a foot bridge. The following has been written in the Designer's Notes about the foot bridge:

    "I was uncertain as to whether the small bridge across the Dommel that is located south of the canal was large enough to hold vehicles. The modern bridge there appears to have wheel tracks across it that would be suggestive of vehicles passing over it. The area immediatly west of the bridge didn't appear to have any roads and indicated that perhaps the bridge was not suitable for heavy vehicles. In the event, I decided to make the bridge a footbridge since I knew for certain that the attack from the previous evening was conducted down the Tow Path alongside the canal. It seemed logical that if the small bridge could hold vehicles that it would have been used for the evening attack (the day before) and since that attack went down the down path, that leaned towards the southern bridge being unsuitable for tanks or armored vehicles".

    I assume that when the designer says he's seeing wheel tracks, he is referring to images of the bridge as seen on google earth.

    So today I visited the scenario location to shoot some footage for the video, and ofcourse I also went to see this bridge to find out if it would support a tank or not... What I found looked like a somewhat improvised construction, yet build with steel for support. Unfortunately I'm a dimwit when it comes to engineering and I have no idea how strong something like this would be.

    Now, who here among us would like to like to chip in and tell me whether you think this bridge could hold a Panther tank? 😁 Any interesting details about why you think so would be appreciated! The bridge may have been replaced by a newer one, but my theory is that if it was replaced, they would have put one back that was at least as good as the old one - so if this one isn't strong enough, then the bridge in 1944 probably wasn't either.

    The width was about 2,7 meters/ 9 feet.


    Bridge CM.jpg

    (better image quality and a few more pics:)


  10. 13 hours ago, Allan Wotherspoon said:

    Just tried it.  Still no go.  One thing I did notice is that the turn number is not incrementing. I played turn 65 and it wanted to save turn 65 rather than 66.  Manually changing the turn number doesn't help.

    I'm not sure if this'll help because you mention that changing the turn number didn't help, but just in case...

    Check the Game Files/Outgoing Email folder. If there is already an outgoing file there that hasn't been send for whatever reason (for example because the server was on version 1.06...) then that may be preventing your game from creating a new file and send it (I presume because the game attempts to create a file with the same name as the file that is already there).

    Delete the file in your Outgoing Email folder and try again. This has cleared this problem for me a few times.

  11. Hi everyone! I've put out a new video where I compare a combat mission scenario to both the historical events that are portrayed and the actual real-life location. I thought I'd post this on the General Discussion board as it's also kind of about Combat Mission scenario design and research in general.

    As it's about a Market Garden scenario, I've slept a quite few hours less the past few nights in order to get this video done in time for Operation Market Garden's 78th anniversary on saturday the 17th of september. I hope you'll find it interesting; spending the day basicly giving myself a battlefield tour and filming the locations of the scenario that I just played was amazing. Geeky, for sure, but amazing 😁.

    Props to @Pete Wenman who is the author of this scenario for his excellent research and scenario design.



  12. On 7/17/2022 at 7:25 AM, chuckdyke said:

    I would like to see a test of what is required to set off mines and IEDs with artillery. 

    What you saw in that video was about 10 action squares of mines in a row. I ordered a lineair 155mm fire mission excactly over those action squares. I noted that after 21 rounds, the first red sign went green. About another 10 rounds later, the second one. After fourty rounds total, they were just about all green.

    Hope that tells you something....I had written this down but I thought it to be not very useful information because of the many artillery and mortar calibres  in the games, so I didn't include it in the video.

  13. 1 hour ago, Bulletpoint said:

    It seems to suppress the enemy you need so many shells that you destroy him :)

    Yes, I see what you mean. I had to put the ATGM's in foxholes to prevent them from dying during the test 😁. The things is - you can't be sure everyone is dead and it's safe to move when the fire mission is over. But you can be (reasonably) sure that anyone there is suppressed if you move during the fire mission.

  14. M1's would even be overkill. The M60A3 TTS would be enough to shift the balance, I think. Although several elements contributed to Megalons victory, a key factor was his liberal use of smoke - both from the artillery and his vehicles. Although not always visible in the video, my units were very often in a position from where they could engage anything crossing the river (specially after the soviet tanks were taken out) but they simply couldn't see anything. Just two M60A3 TTS tanks instead of the M60A1's would have made a world of difference.

    Probably excactly the reason why they're not in 😁.

  15. On 5/8/2022 at 1:12 AM, sawomi said:

    The map was created in 1990s according to the records and information of a former officer of the NVA and shows how Operation "Zentrum" (='Center') was planned in detail (from 1987 on).

    This a very detailed answer to the question what the battle would have looked like 😁.

    Also interresting about it is that the assumption of the Soviets was that NATO would be the agressor. In that scenario taking over West Berlin does make a lot of sense, while I'm not sure it would if the Soviets were to invade Europe. Then they could just "siege" West Belin, I suppose.

    Very interresting read, thanks!

  16. 42 minutes ago, Artkin said:

    USA'S Berlin Brigade would have been stationed there, I have modelled it for people like you!

    This file contains the US Berlin Brigade. You can choose the map you want to play, then "import" the troops in the editor. add a Soviet force and you're good to go. 

    I'm not sure what Soviet unit was stationed there or what it was compromised of. 


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/6bmk1utvgm52kp8/MASTERTOE Berlin Brigade.btt?dl=0

    Thanks, found out how to load the units. This is great... So, is this the Berlin Batallion from the game, times three (2nd, 3rd, 4th bat), with added bridage assets? Such as artillery, I see, engineers, AAA... Or are there differences on the batallion level as well? I have to load in and out of the editor to see both so kind of hard to compare. And might I ask what your source is?

  17. 1 hour ago, domfluff said:

    A typical Berlin scenario could convert the CMRT master map, and might be an isolated light infantry force with zero-to-no artillery, holding out against a heavy, mechanised Soviet force, that will struggle to bring it's full weight to bear. That's likely to be the fundamental tone of the thing on a tactical level.

    Thanks! So what constitutes as light infantry in this case? Infantry without dragons, or infantry without IFV's? Or both 🙂.

    How would the mechanised soviet force struggle to bring its full weight to bear? Would that have to do with the fact that tanks and IFV's don't do particularly well in cities? So yes, they do bring a lot of tanks, but those need constant infantry screens to protect them from short range AT?

  18. The TOO in CMCW includes an "Infantry Batallion (BERLIN)". It's somewhat different - from this forum post I gather that the somewhat odd composition is due to peace treaties.

    I'm in the process of setting up a QB with an opponent and we're looking into setting up a 'fight for Berlin' QB. Since playing a PBEM battle can take weeks, if not a month or two, I'd like to put in a bit of effort right at the start to make sure the scenario we play is somewhat in the realm of 'that could make sense, in a way'.

    So I've been thinking about why and how a battle for Berlin would have been fought, but my ideas are layman's ideas at best. I can't really find much info other than what units were in Berlin and when. So I wonder what the good people here think about what the battle for Berlin would have looked like? My thinking is along these lines:

    In the scenario where the Soviets are the agressor, I assume that they would have to neutralize the NATO forces in Berlin to not allow a sizable enemy contingent behind their front lines. If you're going to take Berlin, you'd have to do it right at the start of WW3 when you have the element of surprise. The goal of the NATO troops would be to just survive and hope to survive until the war in Western Europe is over. So taking ground is never a goal for NATO in Berlin; holding on to well defendable locations is. I imagine artillery support would be limited because who knows how long you have to make the stock piles last. After a few days of fighting (drawing on recent events here) you might even find a T62 or two with an American flag painted on it...

    How would that translate into a CM QB? Probably by selecting terrain that is well defendable, but making it an 'assault scenario' to give the Soviets overwhelming numbers. In the thread linked earlier Combatintman pointed out that defending Berlin would be an NVA job. My opponent figures this means motorized/mechanized infantry and T62's. The deployment area for the Soviets would depend on what day since the invasion the battle is set - on the first day the deployment zone would likely just be one side, after a few days the Soviets could deploy on several sides/ access roads.

    I'm interrested to know what others here think a battle for berlin scenario would look like. What role would the Berlin wall play, with its mined areas? What units to expect from the Soviet side (NATO side is the Berlin batallion...). What role would artillery play? Would it just be NVA? Why not just surround and bottle up NATO forces in West Berlin rather than going on a urban military expedition which is always incredibly costly for the attacker?


  19. Fantastic, I love how no question here is too obscure 😁. Also very interesting to see how even things like how far forward you fire your smoke tie into the doctrine of your nation/time.

    That's a great video. Also, I thought another video from the same channel was quite interesting. Here you can see them pop smoke grenades towards a target area at 1:20. The target area is obscured until 8:20. A very long range and very effective smoke grenades indeed...



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