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Posts posted by Bearstronaut

  1. 4 hours ago, rtdood said:

    It is indeed, 7% is a harsh casualty parameter I completely agree. I spent quite some time (more than I should have lol) trying to decide if I should go for a higher casualty parameter, or a lower one. However I decided on the latter given you'll be soon going into Phase 2 of the campaign and limiting casualties becomes important as you'll be taking your men through battles without any refit (with the exception of the battle 4). 

    It is frustrating I know. You were close to getting through so, if you want, you can have another crack if you haven't already.  

    Yeah, I’ve already replayed it and progressed in the campaign. I hunted down the German HQ and got enough points to win. First time I played it I just secured the park and didn’t advance any further. I’m really enjoying the campaign BTW.

  2. 22 hours ago, evilman222 said:

    Well I totally screwed up the end of that scenario lmao. Exited the tigers, but there was so much time left that I figured there was another wave coming. Ended up losing two AA crews before time expired, only to realize I could have ceasefired twenty minutes earlier. Oops.

    At least you only lost two. In my game those P-47 pilots were really gunning for the AAA and killed every single one of my flak vehicles and lost no aircraft. They didn't go for the tanks or grenadiers at all.

  3. Idk if this is a bug or not but the update and module deleted all the user created scenarios and campaigns from my copy of CMRT. None of the updates/modules for the other games ever did this. It's not a huge deal as I can find most of them again but just wanted to put it out there. Other than that, great job! 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

    A.Merkel on the PASE session made a statement that Germany will complete Nord Stream-2. Also she emphasized the importance of continuing a dialogue with Russia despite all tensions. Putin can open сhampagne. 

    Many our experts believed, Putin can dare to take military actions against Ukraine not earlier than gas will pump through NS-2. Ukrainain pipe then will became almost needless and value of security of Ukraine in eyes of so-called "old Europe" will fall to zero. Europe doesn't want to confront with Russia. I belive if Putin will attack Baltic states, countries of "old Europe" (except UK) will find 100 000 reasons for "continuing dialogue" instead military response. 

    Unlike Ukraine the Baltic states are NATO members and a Russian attack on them would trigger Article 5.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

    To expand on the $$$ aspect.  Our customers have the freedom to NOT buy something made by Battlefront.  What they want is to be happy with their purchase.  If they don't think something will make them happy, they don't purchase.  Therefore, if Battlefront wants to stay in business it has to keep people happy.  Which is why we make decisions based on how many people we can make happy.  A nice side effect of making people happy is we make money :)  It's a win-win for everybody.

    The tricky bit for us is balancing customer happiness with profitability.  Sometimes we make games that we know won't sell as well, but the cost and risk is lower so profitability is still acceptable.  On the other hand, sometimes we avoid making games we think will sell well because the cost or risk is too high.

    The reason Battlefront has survived for 20+ years is we refuse to risk more than we can afford to lose in any one release. We are wargame developers, not gamblers.  So when we look at making a game that will take 2 years to do, we had better be assured of making enough people happy to pay us back for our time.  Otherwise no more Battlefront.  Our confidence that an early war game can do that is low.  We've got plenty of better "bets" to make with that amount of time.



    I'll buy anything you guys make. Your games are probably my favorite games of all time.

  6. 2 hours ago, Haiduk said:

    While one speaking heads in Russia say "It's just planned maneuvers", other speaking heads continue threaten Ukraine.

    N.Patrushev, the secretary of Security Council made a statement in occupied Sevastopol, that Ukraine with support of NATO can arrange a provocatuion for reason to attack Crimea (!!!!) and can arrange terroristic attacks inside Russia.

    Here his quote, according  https://ria.ru/20210414/ukraina-1728242966.html (in Russian):

    New Ukrainian military docrine defines Russia as an enemy... Flirting with new US administratin, Kyiv is ready to plung  the country into military gambles... The reason for the start of warfare may be provocations, organized by Ukraine with support of USA with death of servicemen and loss of military equiment... Unfriendly and destructive actions against Russia must be severly supressed, and the culprits must be brougt to justice...

    In Ukraine with support of Western countries were established the centers for diversionary&recon groups training, which probably will prepare terroristic attacks in Russia or in other countries....

    USA declares their disinterest in inciting of conflict, but indeed allocates funds for arming of Ukrainian forces, deploys the lethal weapon, trains Ukrainian troops, plans a series of joint maneuvers, inceases the presense of ships in  Black Sea , 


    Russia blaming Ukraine for provocation after invading Donbass and annexing Crimea is some Orwellian ****.

  7. 50 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

    Deputy of Russian MFA S.Riabkov called a "provocation" the sailing of two US destroyers to Black Sea and warned USA, that ships should keep themeselve as far as possible from Crimea shores "for their own good":  https://tass.ru/politika/11130973 (in Russian)

    As knowingly, on the eve Putin had a talk with Erdogan and demanded to deny the passing of US ships through Bosphorus and also was against new military contracts between Turkey and Ukraine. Erdogan ignored Putin's claims and confirmed he never will recognize occupation of Crimea. Next day during the visit of Zelenskyi, new contracts were signed, reportedly additional 15 TB2 Bayraktars will be sold to Ukraine. As answer Russia closed all air routes to Turkey, except two routes for week to Istanbul from Moscow. About 500 000 Russian, which already bought tours to Turkey can lost about  410 milion $ as well as tour operators. In this way Putin decided "to punish" the Turkey and to leave it witjout Russian touristst money. 

    Russian MoD chief Shoigu made a statement the movement of the troops and "readiness cheking" will continue for two more weeks and transferring of so big amount of troops caused by... NATO, which threaten to Russia and move the troops to its borders in Baltic area!  https://tass.ru/armiya-i-opk/11135353

    Well, if NATO threaten in Baltic, why your troops are moving to Ukrainain border?

    Russia deployed "Iskander-M" ballistic missiles near Voronezh in 250 km from Ukrainain border "for participation in V-Day parade":  https://function.mil.ru/news_page/country/more.htm?id=12354281%40egNews&fbclid=IwAR3eheXS7nXZzM85D7H3O8RPEUS2Wg3VWk13ct6EGn9p4H97N22Sy5X5Xm0




    You're Ukrainian? Stay safe dude. I truly hope nothing happens, though my I&W senses are tingling off the charts about this.

  8. 2 hours ago, Ultradave said:

    Two things - 1) I was never that much of a fan of Indian food, but then I went to England and realized that the reason was because I'd never really had GOOD Indian food, and 2) The Ghurka soldier who owned the restaurant was the NICEST man (while giving the outward appearance he ripped telephone books in half for fun 🙂

    If you want good Indian food in the US go to New Jersey. There is a large Indian population in North Jersey and the Indian food there is great. Also, strangely enough the best Indian food I've ever had was in South Korea. There is a restaurant in a side alley in Pyeongtaek, ROK (the closest city to the US bases Camp Humphreys and Osan AFB) run by an Indian immigrant family that made absolutely delicious food. I'm from NJ so I was used to getting good Indian food but that place blew me away. 

    Back on topic somewhat I bought CMBN for my first CM game simply because it had the most content (both official and fan made). Over the next couple of years I slowly bought the remaining games.

  9. 1 hour ago, Anonymous_Jonze said:

    Let's just say I'm post identity crisis and pre-mid life crisis.

    So, early 30s? Me too bro. I have actually convinced a couple other NCOs in my unit to start playing the game with me but it was easy because they both already played tabletop wargames.

  10. On 4/7/2021 at 6:52 AM, landser said:

    For CMBN?  My two favorites are Devil's Descent and Kampfgruppe Engel. Devil's Descent is a company sized American paratrooper campaign just perfect in scope. Kampfgruppe Engel is an innovative campaign where you play as Germans in the Falaise Pocket. It's a tough one, but fun and diverse.

    Check this thread for some of my thoughts on these and a few more.



    Edit: It's Engel, not Engle

    I really enjoy The Road to Montebourg.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Modernrocco said:

    Yes, the days of Blitzkrieg and Sudden Strike when I was a wee lad. Fond memories indeed.

    For me it was the Close Combat games. I played all of them when I was younger and liked them immensely. I always wondered what they would be like in a 3D engine and with competent AI and then in 2017 I found CMBN and my questions were answered. I only wish that CM had the same kind of operational level game that Close Combat does but the tactical combat blows CC out of the water.

  12. 14 minutes ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    Never heard of it.

    Really? I'll just assume you're not being sarcastic. It was a highly anticipated game by the makers of The Witcher games which was released in December in a laughably unfinished state. It's gone through a few rounds of patches that kind of fixed it up a bit and while it's not groundbreaking or anything the setting and story are very well done. Really scratching that sci-fi itch I've had lately.

  13. 9 hours ago, Cobetco said:

    the name of this scenario is burned into by brain, I know it well. and I love it in the worst sort of way. I cannot wait to drive myself crazy again in something that is in the same spirit.

    I got a Total Victory the first time I played that scenario and never managed to win it again. I guess I just got lucky.

  14. On 3/4/2021 at 1:48 PM, hank24 said:

    I grew up just 8 km from the inner-german border and never felt any fear or such - today I think that is strange.




    That's not that strange. I spent 2012-2015 and all of 2019 with USFK in the Republic of Korea. The average resident of Seoul doesn't think about the thousands of heavy artillery pieces aimed at the city and the million man army less than 40 miles to the north. After my first couple months I didn't really think about it either unless I was at work. 

  15. On 3/20/2021 at 7:52 AM, Erwin said:

    It's part of BF's "drug addiction" sales strategy.  Get you hooked with the base game, then you start buying everything else...  ;)

    I bought the CMBN bundle after playing the demo in 2017 and over the last few years have bought all their other games except CM: Afghanistan. 

  16. 10 minutes ago, danfrodo said:

    sounds like this scenario was perfect for you after all, Zaybz.  It showed that this game is a challenge, but win-able (winnable? winable?).  Normandy is the place to be I think for first purchase, especially if you want Commonwealth.  I haven't used mods much but it looks like there's some amazing mods for Normandy terrain. 

    You will need Normandy base game + CW + Market Garden, which probably costs as much as the buying the whole big bundle.  I hope you can find the money, you'll be playing this for years and years.

    CMBN has the most stock content as well as the most user created material of any of the games. It is definitely the one to get if you can only get one.

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