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Posts posted by Ridaz

  1. 17 hours ago, Sequoia said:

    Announced projects they're working on:

    Red Thunder End of War Module

    Final Blitzkrieg Commonwealth and End of War Module

    Black Sea US and Russian Marine module.

    Lots to keep them busy for at least two more years I'd say. Anything beyond that I doubt BFC will share before the next New Years bones post from Steve.



    May i know where you have read this?

    It's been awhile since I chceck out BFC forum and was looking for any new update.

    Appreciate it if you can send me the links to these announcements

  2. Hex! – A dedicated hub for computer wargames

    On behalf of Hex! We would like to invite you to join our family of computer wargamers. If you enjoy playing computer wargames and are interested to find others just like you then you’re at the right place! Hex! has more than 500 active members and growing! We support almost every kind of computer wargames out there. Hex! is your one stop hub for everything computer wargames!
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  3. If you are looking for opponents to play against or just wanna have a chat about combat mission. hex! is a great place to hang out in Discord.

    Hex! – A dedicated hub for computer wargames
    On behalf of Hex! We would like to invite you to join our family of computer wargamers. If you enjoy playing computer wargames and are interested to find others just like you then you’re at the right place! Hex! has more than 500 active members and growing! We support almost every kind of computer wargame out there. Hex! is your one stop hub for everything computer wargames!
    Here are some of the benefits by being a member on Hex!
    1. Find opponents across every type of computer wargame – we support over 50 different kind of wargames!
    2. Join or organize large MP games consisting of dozens of players!
    3. Share your AAR and discuss with other wargamers freak just like you!
    4. Dedicated staff working 24/7/365 for your needs!
    5. Influence the community – we are open to your suggestions!
    6. Wargame Monday - A day dedicated to playing wargames and sharing your experience
    7. Hex! has dedicated channels for 18 different languages!
    8. Freebies from promotional events!
    9. You may join us through Discord ====> https://discord.gg/yW2rfb


  4. 21 hours ago, Oliver_88 said:

    It's fixed and should be included for the engine 4 patches that are coming soon tm.


    Not that I am impatient but the first post was posted a year ago, battlefront really need to improve their time management for bug fixed patch. I don't think other other gaming companies would take such a long time to fix notable bugs like these. 

  5. 17 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

    Set out on the 'Road to Montebourg' campaign. The version that comes with the game, not the revised version you can download. The revised version is much harder in some missions. Stay away from the 'Courage and Fortitude' campaign for the time being..

    Is the revised version more suitable for 4.0? What has changed? Where do I get it?

  6. 14 minutes ago, danfrodo said:

    Ridaz, I hope you keep having fun.  One thing I did when I started was to give myself an edge in some of the battles.  It's very easy to add units to an existing scenario, usually by just adding some pieces of units that were not turned on.  Note you might need to go to 'deploy' in editor to make sure then are where you want them.  Be sure to save the game to a modified name, because later you might want to go back and fight the original battle, as I have now done often.  It helped me enjoy battles a bit more  while I was learning, since I could have a better chance of success despite my lack of skill. 

    Thanks for tip personally I try not to change the original's author's intent. I am so far having a blast and minimum difficulty.

  7. 2 hours ago, Ultradave said:

    To add to this, I agree with completely with sburke.  Others' descriptions of "game breaking" IMO are a bit of hyperbole. It by no means makes every scenario and campaign unplayable. Far from it. There is a ton of great content, especially if you go for the bundle with CW and MG. That being said, as Steve said, the patch will be out after SF2 and SF2 is now out, so you shouldn't have long to wait if you decide to wait it out, (assuming testing the patch goes ok).

    HOWEVER, I would not expect that a patch will magically make all soldiers in all circumstances stand and fight to the death inside a building or trench line, or even prevent every instance of poor decision making. It should help. But much like real combat, behavior under fire can be unpredictable. It should however, help with troops in good cover breaking and running amok out in the open.

    As an example, I'm currently playing the "Road to Nijmegan" campaign again in BN and having a great time. My paratroopers are behaving rationally, and I haven't seen any suicidal behavior from them. They've at times been pinned down. One squad broke and ran back 100yds, but they did happen across a MG34 in cover that opened fire at close range. Discretion is the better part of valor. The described behavior I would classify as a sometime annoyance, rather than "game-breaking."  It doesn't bother me much and I haven't even run across it that often. 


    Oh I see, what about other version of WW2 like FI and RT or FB are those affected by this bug. Also I read somewhere that the CMBN mission are not updated to 4.0 whcih caused some imba gameplay. 

  8. 34 minutes ago, ncc1701e said:

    I have bought CMBN last November knowing perfectly of this problem. But, so far, I did not face it. There are plenty of tactical situations to have fun with without seeing this problem.

    If you are interested by Normandy 1944, do not hesitate.

    On a side note, if you wait for any software to be bug free, you will stop to buy anything.


    ofc I am not waiting for a bug free game but this bug does seem to be pretty game breaking and have been reported by alot of ppl. So i wanted to make sure that i won't affect the majority of my gameplay too much especially if I am tarting a campaign 

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