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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Ridaz

  1. Yeah I play MoW and Call to Arms (same dev as MoW but it's set in modern time) I also play wargame red dragon these are my go to game before I discovered true war games haha.

    Yeah a lot of time I lose in MoW because things are happening too fast and my men take damage real fast from a huge distance, too many times I get overwhelm and have no idea what to do and how to proceed before something else change. However, my experience today with the WE/GO system reminded me of another game call Frozen Synapse which allowed me to think carefully and analyze the situation before proceeding , undoubtedly this system helped me win today's game as I could afford to employ certain strategy and tactics on the battlefield in Black Sea. I always felt that I had a good sense of tactics but could rarely use it in most RTS because of the real time aspect and how fast things happen. After playing Arma 3 for sometime I got a sense of how real combat pace is like and how slow it can be which CM does model it so tremendously well. 

  2. 58 minutes ago, kraze said:

    AI in CM games works much the same as they do in games like DCS or ArmA. A simplified explanation would be that they have a set of waypoints and goals they have to reach and they would do just that. So they won't suddenly adjust the major plan to your actions (unless scripted in triggers but no triggers in QB)

    However along the way they still have a microAI working which will react to immediate issues - that would cause them to stop, retreat, take cover or take a detour.

    A well scripted mission can be very challenging and unpredictable. And there are enough of those in base games and from this community. QB however is more like a skirmish in more common RTS like Men of War but still fun

    Thanks for the clarification. Now I think I understand better. BTW what do u of CM when compared to men of war? I just played men of war after my first 3 hr WE/GO game of black sea which I won and got 200 point but totally lost all my men and tanks in men of war in multiplayer and I can't figure out why. That game is brutal and unfair at times

  3. 25 minutes ago, kraze said:

    AI force selection in QB is still "broken" as described but you can select its roster instead. And by "broken" people mean that it would select a standard preset structure from the list with all points it can regardless of your own force selection.

    Again it's not a problem since you can select AI roster yourself for a lot more interesting challenge.

    I only wish there was an option to set the amount of purchase points (instead of an abstract force size) and save QB presets

    Yeah I can deal with that even though it will take away the surprise of what I'll be facing.

    What about the AI strategy, how does it work in QB? Will they walk pass me if I just go around them like the author said? 

  4. Guys I just read a review on FI and I noticed he mentioned that the AI in QB is almost broken since it requires a a custom plan for it and it often choose really imba company. Is this still a problem?


    However, the AI is not very flexible in this system. It tends to pick large formations at random, with little regard for the terrain or expected mission objectives. It isn't uncommon to see the AI choose an entire company of anti-tank guns or heavy machine guns with no support. Why? Because the formations are organized how they would appear on paper, not how they actually deployed for battle, but the AI isn't programmed to handle this. If you let the AI choose the units for both sides, get ready for five Tiger tanks versus thirty scout cars, and other such nonsensical scenarios. 

    He also comments on the stratergic side of the AI


    So what you get is the AI moving units blindly along paths with no regard for whether they are tanks or infantry or a mortar platoon. They also have no regard for the objectives of the battle. In some cases it's entirely possible to avoid an enemy force, let it stroll on by, then go capture the objectives it has passed. The AI will never turn around and come back, it will simply go to the end of its route and wait there patiently until the end of time. 

    The rest of the review is really positive though


    Link: http://www.awargamersneedfulthings.co.uk/2017/11/combat-mission-fortress-italy.html

  5. Yeah I am gonna get BS but I dunno why I can't stop thinking about this game, its getting really annoying at this point. It's like battlefront bewitch me or something. I printed the BS manual today in preparation 


    If the US Dollar is 4.2x your local currency, I'd suggest buying CMBN since it has 4.2x the content of all the other titles. ;)

    Or, just buy whichever one most interests you...knowing full well that you'll end up buying them all.

    I would love to get the value pack but in my currency that totals up to RM 430

  6. For the past week I have been trying out demos and done a lot of research about combat mission games, I can't help this feeling a carnal urge to buy CM game but I am a little tight on cash especially since Battlefront is selling in USD which is 4.2x bigger than my currency. So I need help to decided which CM game should I get first that has the most value. I liked shock force but since SF2 is coming out soon I'd prefer to just when until then and buy SF2 instead. 

    I have found out that BFN and FI base games comes with the 4.0 engine while the rest need an additional update,  I really can't make up my mind...

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