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Posts posted by Oleksandr

  1. You know what is interesting? That there are people who are not fans of Ukraine. 

    I was like, "how this even possible?" 

    Country that stands against empire of evil. 

    On a western forum, related to a western game, about the country which is supported by the United States of America, there are people who are saying things against Ukraine. Can you believe that?) Well now I can lol.

    Rethorically speaking, I wonder if there are any DPR supporters around here lol. 

    I mean thos who would say "yeaay to DPR" lol

    That would be simply anecdotic. 

    But as I said without criticism the sense of a victory will not be full. 

    Alright getnlemen - it was very nice to talk to you guys, as I've been informed - new content is on the way (i dont know what it will be and when but its on the way). So my job here is done.

    For all of you who would like to talk  - please feel free to msg me. 

    For all of you who disagree with me - Im sorry if I said something what you didnt like, it is life and people are not always match on their opinion. 

    For all of you who willl critisize my sayings - thats perfectly fine gentlemen.

    For all of you who will want to ask questions - send me a msg. 

    For all of you who supported my idea that some new content for Ukrainian side would be cool - thank you and we will get it lol.

    For all of you who supports Ukraine - THANK YOU!

    Im glad we had this wonderful discussion, I bet many of you will keep on posting here (haters will hate lol one love tho lol), and I bet some of those posts would be interesting. 

    Wish you all the best - and I bet we will see each other pretty soon in upcoming discussions lol. 

    Oh and yes the most important thing: Glory To Ukraine, and God Bless America! 


  2. 8 minutes ago, IMHO said:
    1. Since Lostarmor is in Russian I'd explain what they do. They collect photos documenting equipment losses. So if they can't get hold of a pic they do not count it as a loss.
    2. Petro Poroshenko put the UKR losses at 60-65% of equipment available at front lines in a TV interview. Dmitry Tymchuk - a very pro-Ukraine Ukrainian MP - said Poroshenko told a Parliamentary session that Ukraine lost 58% of all available equipment http://korrespondent.net/ukraine/3421866-ukrayna-poteriala-v-zone-ato-65-voennoi-tekhnyky

    Thats refers to forces of ATO - meaning of those 50-70k Ukrainian soldiers deployed there. So ATO is not where all Ukrainian military is concentrated - those are only blocking forces. So from what ATO foces had yes it was around 60% but other 200 000 k lol are equiped as they need to. Back to ATO right after those news Ukraine switched on production of new T64's and T80's. So for example if in ATO there were used like 100 tanks - yes 60 of them were destroyed but not all tanks of Ukraine are located in ATO lol. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Saint_Fuller said:


    8 minutes ago, Saint_Fuller said:

    "M-merely pretending".

    I'm sure this is why the Ukrainian Army kept pissing away opportunity after opportunity to win the war - again, why did they sit around blockading Slavyansk for two months, outnumbering Strelkov 15 to one and vastly outgunning his men? Why did they literally fail to feed their paratroopers to the point a bunch of them crossed over to Strelkov literally for cookies? Why did they let Strelkov escape with two battalions' worth of troops driving down the highway where in any sane universe they should have been shattered with artillery? Why did they not press the advantage of the First Battle of Donetsk Airport, when the DPR leadership had already fled and there were ten to fifteen rebel fighters defending the rebel government headquarters?

    The Ukrainian Army was an army in horrifying shambles which proved itself incapable of crushing the DPR even when the extent of Russian support amounted to funnelling weapons and shooting some artillery across the border. The reason for this is very simple: for 23 years Ukraine has methodically destroyed its own armed forces. Partly it was due to pro-Russian agents in government, partly due to corruption, but primarily it was due to a general attitude among the Ukrainian public that **** it, it's not like there's going to be a war, lol.

    The Ukrainian army in-game is perfectly competitive, to be quite honest with you. It's not capable of matching the other two armies in a straight-up fight, perhaps, but it is perfectly workable to use - not least because the UA already gets a bunch of stuff that it doesn't have IRL in order to make it competitive. There is really no need to start adding more stuff the Ukrainian Army doesn't have IRL when it's already competitive enough.

    29 minutes ago, Rinaldi said:

    No my point is that I would like to see some new hardware in the game - I dont want it to be stronger than US army. But you know T72B3 is trash lol Back to losing the chances to win - you see Ukraine was close destroy DPR it was moving towards russian border and then getting shelled by russian artyllery like in "SAPUN Gora" or "Sapun mountain" situtaion. Even France was confirming a document what stated that Ukrainian forces were shelled by russian arty from another side of the border. So if you want to know my opinon - I think its better to wait for a few years through positionated war and bulk up. Then when russia will go through its collaps destroying 30 000 DPR will be question of a few month. I even think that DPR will mostly collapse right after russian retreat. Only those who have their hands in blood will fight - but that will be a short fight. We already devided Donetsk and Luhansk - keeping some good fire control over Yasenovataya (i dont know if that recalls to anyone lol but whatever) and basically right now things are to our benefit. We getting trained by the best countries, we getting our industry back on its feet, and casualties are minimal. This year is very important it is the last year when russia got money for military operations outside of its borders. And then thats it - gameover for mister putlo lol. And yes you are right Ukraine was destroying its military because we thought that our borders will be protected by UK, US, and russia. Well we were wrong, we will not repeat same mistake again. Furthermore, Im glad to meet someone who knows some details about our conflict - Strelkov - not many people knows about that piece of crap lol Where you from man? You are welcome in my friends list. If you want to discuss something - msg me coz I cant keep replies going here for ever. After all I was asking for some new content to play with, didnt knew it will turn out like this. Now basicaly some people are saying that Ukraine sucks and then I'm like "no its not" lol 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Rinaldi said:

    It's strongly inferred, and you functionally have frankly. Hiding behind 'it's just my opinion' after parading it out as truth is what we call being disingenuous.

    For example:

    Nothing suggests its capabilities. Operations like UNIFER in fact showcase that it hasn't even begun to lay foundations for capabilities. We're still training you gentlemen at the fireteam, squad and platoon level. This means there's a lack of basic tactical acumen. This also means that your NCOs are as green and technically unsound as your private-soldiers and that your Officers - those who aren't dead - are overwhelmed at best and apathetic at worst.

    There was once a man named Saddam who had a large, seemingly well equipped Army too; and there was once a Field Marshal by the name Gamelin who had a rather large group of strapping young lads with the equipment to win...

    Quite literally no one has. Even the rather vocal two self-described Russophiles who have participated in this thread.



    I admire your optimism. Let's look at things the UA does currently have in game versus their real life counterparts.

    1) OPLOTS and BTR-4Es in active service at the Brigade level - This remains a 'cloud 9' dream for the current Ukranian military

    2) Corsar company level ATGMs - Officially still under development; has yet to see combat as far as civilian's can ascertain. Prolific in game.

    3) Proliferation of NATO-standard Laser Range Finders - The Ukraine is using analog, surplus systems and don't have them in near the numbers they should per TO& E in reality

    4) Precision artillery - like the Corsar, and so much else of UA equipment, it exists on paper or in limited quantities. In game, it is bog-standard for a battery that would be equipped with it.

    I could go on; basically the only capability the UA in reality has that the fictional timeline of BS lacks is company level drones.

    Look man let me gets this straight - I have nothing against you. 

    "Nothing suggests its capabilities" thats an empty statement - thats your personal opinon - glad you shared it I bet you will find people who will agree with you. But thats not going to be me lol. 

    "There was once a man named Saddam" - are you serious man? we were with you guys in Iraq, Ukraine also took role in Iraq war - we send there Chemical defence battalion, and we were pulling out bombs from the roads as well. And we even have some soldiers in Afghanistan right now - sappers who are destroying devices what kill people - and you compare us to Saddam? That is something man. WOW. We fight against tyranny for 3 years and you dare to compare Ukraine to regime of Saddam?!  Well thank you on that. Maybe Ukraine had not the biggest role in Western conflicts but Ukraine was always there. At this moment Ukrainian Military is going through tough period of reformation - when old doctrine is being replaced with new one, we got some units already equipped by NATO standards - and I dont see anyone giving a credit to that. Ukraine was once a peacful nation, and it got invaded by russia and it is still there, and pro russians are not able to do crap to move forward. At this point I personally take that as a sign of victory. 

    Ukrainian achivements would be not possible without technical progress as well, and I've listed some of them. How dare I to ask someone to add this to the game where Ukraine is represented right? 

    Jesus, "There was once a man named Saddam" really bro? Is that what Ukraine is gets assosiated in your head after 3 years of war for its unity? I really hope that your country will never have similar problems/situations. It was very nice of you to compare my words to "Saddam."

    But back to what you've said. 

    Hiding behind 'it's just my opinion'  - > im not hiding anything. Because born as a free man I have no fear to say what I think. And when I'm saying that it is just my opinion that is my opinion. Now your interpretation of my words can be different and I respect that.

    When you list those things - I agree with you. There are many things to improve, and there are many things to change in Ukrainian military to make it more effective. That is a question of a time. I think that the real victory comes from 3 things: economy, industry, and spirit. 

    Ukrainian economy will be always supported because nobody wants russian nukes closer to the borders of EU. 

    Ukrainian Industry pulling out some fine pieces - and some of them would be nice to see in this game. 

    Ukrainian spirit - well lets say that russian invasion of crimea was the begining of the end for current kremlin regime - he picked wrong nation to screw with. 

  5. Just now, Saint_Fuller said:

    I'm sorry, but this is pure fantasy. Ukraine's troops are poorly trained (There were interviews of Ukrainian troops that were sent to the front in 2014 who had only shot their rifle off once or had never shot a firearm before, and it wasn't all that long ago that Ukraine decided to step training time down again to a ludicrous 2-3 days of classroom instruction and 1-2 days of range time to learn all of Ukraine's small arms), poorly motivated (there have been Ukrainian troops who have deserted to the enemy for literal cookies because they weren't getting fed), and very poorly handled (there is no other way to describe the fiascos that were things like the blockade of Slavyansk, where the Ukrainians sat around for two months while outnumbering the defenders 15 to 1, or the First Battle of Donetsk Airport, when the DPR leadership had already fled and there were ten to fifteen rebel fighters defending the rebel government headquarters, and yet the Ukrainians failed to press their advantage).


    In a scenario where Russia and the US are investing serious forces like in the game's storyline, Ukraine's army is more or less irrelevant. Up until late 2014, when actual battalion-strength Russian units started coming in, Ukraine could have crushed the rebels decisively and yet it continued to pull defeat out of the jaws of victory time and time again. Why do you imagine it's going to be capable of competing with the US and Russia, exactly?

    No need to say sorry, you just twisted few facts (meaning that it didnt lowered my point in any way lol) - its ok man. Ukrainians are so badly trained that US and Canadian troops are retaking our experience during constant trainings. You can look info about it on a officcial Youtube channel I think its called "USArmyEurope" where viedeos of  American soldiers themselves are talking about Ukraine van be found. But its not that important because the main point of all people who are arguing with me here are simply going like "dont be funny" and then some of you guys are pulling those "pro russian" sort of positions. And its ok - you can think that russia is great, and that the concept of the game is different and so on. But what I see here  is that this game has 3 sides, those sides are very different, they got different technologies, and that if we would hit the history we will see that in strategy games 3 sides are the best number in terms of differences in game play. Think about concept of StarCraft - you got 3 sides they are different and the game play is different. Now this game is not RTS right? But, if each side would have more Unique features then the gaming experience would be 3 times more interesting. Yes the initial concept was that Ukrainian side is not that important - and thats why I was asking for more equipment because: 1 it will make the game more interesting 2 because there are tons of new equipment in Ukrainian military and 3 because initial concept can be adjusted - more content leads to more clients. Afterall more Ukrainians will play, that will bring more money man and Im surprised that I need to explain that. 

    Now about why didnt we won in 2014 - because if we will destroy those kids from DPR right away that would give russia a reason to full scale invasion - which would also lead them to death because you not invading a country with 40+ millions citizens but more of Ukrainians would die. So the plan is pretty simple - we localize them, we bulking up, and we wait unitl US and other powers who promiced to protect our borders if we will give away our nukes (what we did) to sort of work on russian economy - without money nobody will pull out wars. And its working by 2014 russia got 2.3 trillion bucks per year now they have 0.7 lol it is expected that by 2020 russia will have major transformations - like soviet union lol and then Ukraine will wipe out every single DPR member from the surface of this planet. lol Ukraine basically cant loose this conflict because our boy Trump already stated that Crimea is part of Ukraine and that Donbass should be clear from Russian soldiers - and sooner or later it will happen. How can loose when its got the most powerful countries on its side? When money will never stop coming from outside? When the best equipment will keep on going to Ukraine from around the world? lol I didnt want to make it political - but enemies of Ukraine are so doomed bro. With all do respect tho lol.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Rinaldi said:

    Yes that's the crux of the dilemma, isn't it? You've dismissed everyone who has explained to you why this thread is eye-brow raising but have paraded forward your opinions rather pompously as fact with some, frankly, hilarious claims about the Ukraine's military strength.

    Your opinion isn't worth much more than anyone else’s, and perhaps even less so as it's completely disassociated with the picture of the Ukraine that most can see. 

    I never said that my opinion was more important than opinion of others. You guys can say what you want, I respect your right. Yet, Ukraine got one of the most massive and capable armies in Europe. Its not as big as russian army, it doesnt have nukes (yet lol) but you know different organizations and countries are helping Ukraine to improve, and its own production is raising and for me as for any gamer it would be nice to see some new additional hardware in the game. Yes I got here some people who are trying to laugh at me, and we got some people who are trying to insult Ukraine military, no worries im not made of sugar - im not going to melt under heat lol. I can contain this - as long as you keep posting here and making this threat more noticable Im ok with that. And if you think that it takes only few people who would purposly laugh at what Im saying is enough to make me regret asking for more content in this game - you are wrong. And as I said I already got some feed back on it from developing people - and Im satisfied with it lol Now if you think that you will say bad things about my country and I willl simply eat that - Im sorry I dont know how its goes in place where you leave but here men holding their ground. Especially when they right ;) 

  7. 6 hours ago, Haiduk said:

    Basic game was issued in early 2014 and there are no "lot of Humvees" yet. Oh, except 47 M1097A2 and 10 M1097 armored in Ukraine, but its all was in VDV service, not mech.troops. The same about IR sights, UAVs and other. 

    Terrible quality copy of 2S11 for astronomic money. Do you know about instruction NEVER to fire with this mortar in traditional way - only with a cord, that crew have a time to cover. Because of several cases of explosion of that "new" moratrs which take several lifes...

    Most of new equipment in use of VDV, so be patient and wait for module :)

    Why only mech troops? Why should we stay in 2014? Its 2017 and people will play this game at least like 10 years i think that content should be addded. About MOLOT, your info is not accurate as well it is not cheap version of anything - it is a new model for Ukrainian miliatry - it has less metal in it and so on. Yes first few dozens of them got quality issues but its ok. Now when more of them being produced each day - their quality improved as well. And lets be honest few accidents are also can happen due to expoltation. I see that you locaded in Ukraine? You lack some proud my brother you lack some proud. Or, what is more likely is that you loyal to pro russian ideas lol Coz MOLOT is not a copy of 2S11 lol. But I agree about VDV. Another point - Im not going to feel bad or shy to request for additional content just because some of you think that what im asking is wrong. You got your opinion I got mine, we got forum to express that, and I dont you think that people who want more from certain games and willing to pay for it will be shy to ask for it. No no guys - dont let some people to back off on what you want - stand your ground gentlemen - stand your ground. 

  8. 2 hours ago, IMHO said:

    Another political **** storm? :rolleyes: Just as a background information - how UKR military looks as of 2016 compared to 2013. E.g. if D-30 losses are billed at 80% it means UKR now has just one fifth of what it had at its disposal before the conflict. Source - Military Balance by IISS.

    Columns - 2016; 2013; Losses, pcs; Losses, %; Crew; Estimated crew losses (assumed all crew is lost if equipment is destroyed). Line items - Total, Artillery, SP guns, Gvozdika, Akatsia, Msta-S, Towed artillery, D-30, Giatsint-B, Msta-B, D-20, MLRS, Grad, Uragan, Smerch, Tanks, T-64 including Bulat, T-72 (returned from storage), T-80 (returned from storage), BMP, BMP-2, BMP-1, BTR, BTR-70, BTR-80...


    Crew losses estimation is a shot way too long, certainly, but the rest... Just to wash away propaganda and come back to reality...

    Those numbers are not accurate at all and you took that from Wikipedia. Im not going to provide any oficcial documents and here due to info wars but Ukraine has more tanks than Germany, France, UK, and Switzerland combined (if you know the numbers there you can get an understanding of the number). And those numbers are not important acutally - they are not related to the game. Im asking developers to create more content because Ukraine is way more powerful than what is shown in the game. But I will give you a point for trying to make Ukraine look less powerful. Good try man, you failed but dont worry one day you will make some progress lol. I believe in you.

  9. 1 hour ago, Rinaldi said:

    There has been no need to wash away propaganda; the majority of posters in this thread have been firmly rooted in reality. These topics need to stop cluttering the forums, they are basically loud demands for 'toys' that are either impossible to model due to lack of information (re: Armata) or are simply farfetched.

    The Ukraine in-game isn't supposed to be a powerhouse, the Ukraine in-game is part of NATO for a reason. The Ukraine in-game already has two pieces of equipment (Labeled as "common" no less) that are objectively generous.

    Thats your personal opinion - game can evolve - and with time its concept can be change if users are putting their request on that. And they did lol now Ukraine should be a powerhouse. 

  10. 2 hours ago, cool breeze said:

    Honestly, you're fitting right in here and I am quite glad you joined us.  I want all the new kit for added too.  I agree that those turreted up Kraz seem to add a lot of combat power compared to the UAZ.  It seems to me that the people who are giving you a hard time or razzing you or whatever are maybe a little missing your point.  it doesnt seem to me you are saying you think the UKR is a more powerful overall army, numbers and size factored in, compared to Russia, but that they have done enough lately upgrading the army they have, that per man its as or better equipped than Russia.  Now I don't know even really have any idea if that's correct or not once you include more strategic assets, but at the CM level it seems like it might be a pretty valid point.  At least until Armata's show up in CM, which I'm doubtful will happen but would like to see as well.  But Id rather see the stuff your talking about than Armata because it's actually there now.  But I want em both, for me the story perfectly justifies Russia rushing what few it has over there. I wanna see all the kit I can of course, in the game.

    Thank you for understanding my point man) It is pleasure for me to be here. 

  11. 40 minutes ago, DougPhresh said:

    Somalia doesn't have a frozen conflict with a militarily aggressive nuclear power, they probably have a better chance.

    You know getnlemen while reading some of your comments, I really got a strange feeling. It's hard to describe but it feels like some of you really think that russia had at least a small chance to turn current situation it into its victory. It is truly remarkable. I mean basically geopolitical violations and agression are acts of a pure suicide (in which death is simply prolongated). They've lost it at the day they've started it. Think about it, same already happened before with way larger military power - USSR. Right now history simply repeats itself - reds are moving to their end and further collapse. Just because they had an impulse power to take control over piece of land what belongs to predominantly peaceful nation doesnt means that they will keep control over it. Having nukes also doesnt automatically leads to ability to use those nukes and they werent used by russia ever before. Im thankful to you gentlemen for showing me that there is another viewpoint on this situation. Thinking that in a modern day you can use hard power to change borders is truly brave thinking. Thank you for that. You see, at the moment of upcoming victory my feeling would be incomplete without brave thinkers like you. Apparently there are people thinking that nuclear blackmailing can be left without conseuences, apparently there  are people who think that its enough to have military capabilites to take something (without carrying about how to keep it), and apparently there are people who are truly romantic in their nature because their mindset allows them to imagine someone going against the will of the World Order and surviving afterwords. I hope that I will hear more from you in same fashion (in upcoming discussions), that would actually be wonderful. I mean imagine the world where you can go against the will of civilization and invade a country just because you have a power to do that even if its against the will of the United States, and then imagine a world where you can threat someone with nuclear strike and then get away with that. I mean wow. Afterall, facing healthy dose of critcism and sarcasm feels great because those two are parts of our freedom - we can be agree or disagree and we can express that in many different forms. Thank you once again, one day when I will be enjoying my cognac under Ukrainian flag on a beach somewhere in Crimea and watching how NATO fleet (with Ukrainian ships in it) enters the port I will say to myself, "Remember those two guys from that Forum? Those two who were saying that Somalia got a higher chance to became a super power than Ukraine to win this? Remember those guys? Cheers to them." I hope you all will have a great week. Best regards gentlemen. 


  12. I guess all of us went through scenarios and battles with some "green" or anotherwords poorly trained soldiers. 

    At first it can feel as highly uncomfortable thing: your soldiers are low on moral, they are poorly trained, they get into panic fast and they are dying fast. 

    Yet it is still possible to win, and the core principal of any fight is that it is always possible to win. 

    For you guys using "Green" trained soldiers it is important to understand that distance is your friend. 

    Green soldiers are dying fast when it comes to close combat, their reaction time is low and they getting chopped pretty quick. 

    Yet, if you will maintain the distance their effectivity will rise dramatically. 

    As usual I will say that spliting teams is important for collecting information. When you have poorly trained forces it is important for you to spot your enemy as quickly as possible. 

    Most of the time when it comes to "Green" you will have a decent number of soldiers under your control. So the amount of firepower will be decent as well. Soldiers will not be accurate, they will not hit the target right away but if you will go a little crazy on a micro control level their actions will make more sense. 

    Achiving fire superiority is crucial. When you have Green soldiers under your command remember that your mobility should be decreased meaning that you move in larger numbers, and your path should be shorter than usual. That will lead to time consumption, but when it comes to die fast or win slowly - let it be win slowly. 

    When you collected all possible info on your enemy and some of your elements got some vision on your enemy you are in the game. The standard approach in this case will be: look for a comfortable firing position (good observation/good cover), place your soldiers not that far from it (during the pause between turns give them order to take it and check if they will be able to fire from that position in enemy's direction), dont place your soldiers on that position right away but them prepare to take it, in a meanwhile use scouts to understand where is your enemy is, then order your main forces to take position what was prepared before (if needed adjust your orders accordingly), after your main forces are in position split them into smaller teams, order some elements to open fire through "target" button into enemy direction (that will trigger your enemy it will start to react: move/shoot back/etc), when enemy will react it will become visible to the rest of your forces, make sure that you always engage in larger number (example: having "Green soldiers" under your command you should attack enemy squad with at least two squads of your own), while main shooting is going on - use your scouts to gather some more information (dont be shy to make some ambushes (for example: you know that your enemy is in the forest and you know that there is a little village or farm or anything what can be used as a possible escape for your enemy. Dont be shy to order some units to keep that possible retreat route under control, and when the moment comes they will finish everything what left from your enemy. P.S. AI is very predictible and ambushing it should not be a problem at all). In case if you are short on time and you need to advance - use following logic: one group of soldiers is constantly shooting, while another group is moving. Your soldiers should make small pushes, avoid pushin on a long distances. If you have armor what can support your infantly - it can do the do as well. General idea here is to destroy as many enemies as possible before getting close to them. If you have "regular" or "veteran" soldiers you are more flexible, you can be agressive, you can go into close combat, you can do some tasty things. But when you have "Green" soldiers, especially if their morale and organization is low, you need to finish your enemy before you get close. Yes you will waste more time, you will waste more ammo, it will not be that epic lol, but you will get the job done. 

    While commanding "Green" units you should be more careful than usual, you should think through each of your moves, and you should always think about two things: fire superiority and distance. Constantly suppress your enemy, advance in large numbers, do not go far at one time, keep your forces in cover, keep an eye on your flanks, think when to engage to maximise enemy casualties, think what your enemy can do next and you will find out that it is possible to destroy even "crack" enemy with your "green" men. 

    Dangerous places for a "green" commander. 


    Usually pushing through forest is a great idea, yet if you push through forest while being in charge of "Green" soldiers that can be fatal. Why? Because green soldiers are bad in close combat and because they are very bad when they are not the ones who shoot first. What would be a solution? The solution would be to use forests which are close to your starting position and then get out of them when getting closer to contact. So when you retreat, or saving your forces from some arty dropping on you - forest might help you a little, yet if you are advancing with green units - that can be super dangerous. If there is no choice and you simply have to advance through forest with Green soldiers, you should follow your intuition. Sometimes when you about to get into contact but you didnt yet and you getting worried a little, it might be a good idea to order some elements to shoot in front of the main group. That can tigger your enemy, he will start shooting back, and you will at least get a sense of direction. Be careful because triggering your enemy in woods can lead to a full scale battle to which you are not prepared yet. But if you have no choice it is always better to shoot first (One day I will write about how to use each element of a squad in a forest, and maybe i will do that with some screen shots so you would get better idea on that). 


    City can be dangerous if you advancing and helpfull if you defending. 

    Advancing problem here is same as in forest - your forces are green, they are not prepared to heavy firefights in close distance. 

    When advancing into a city with green soldiers you should rely on your armor more. Usually I would say that using armor within city is not a good idea, yet when your soldiers are green, you dont really have a choice. Idea is simple - you use your soldiers to find enemy, then you destroy it with armor. Yet on places like crossroads expect casualties. Furthermore AT systems in close spaces like streets are far more deadly then in the open. My adivce here is to avoid entering the city, even if you need to capture it, start lowering it building by buidling and slowly push into the ruins. Try to force your enemies to leave their cover, try to make them move. In order to trigger your enemy try to attack another objective and hopefully your enemy will leave a town to support its forces in a different place. If you have no time and and you need to advance in a city - use your artillery. You should use it massively, and a little hint - use linear arty strikes. Place those markers on the main roads and when delivered they will destroy the street and all near by buildings. If you will use area target - you will simply waste shells. 

    Weather, Day time, Soil:

    You should avoid leading Green soldiers into the battle at night. But in all other conditions it is possible to be effective. 

    Quick Battle Economy

    Sometimes when you rely on arty and armor you can save some points on exp for your troops. Yet, I would not advise you to save points on things like: AT teams, Snipers, and heavy weapons. If you want your AT teams to hit targets on 2000+ meters distances - they should be at least "Veterans" but if you want 1 shot one kill - they should be "CRACK" and trust me that will pay off. Once Ive destroyed 4 T90 in a raw (2 turns) with my "Crack" trained Skif operator. With the use of armor and arty that would take way more time and it would be way more difficult. Saving points is important when playing Tiny and Small battles against AI or your firends. I would not reccomend to save on Tanks as well, because well trained tank under good command can change battles up to a company level (and yes a well positioned tank can destroy more than a dozen advancing enemy vehicles).

    Conclusion: this entire thing was written simply to share experience, most of the players got their approaches, you are all talanted strategists if you playing these games, yet I've seen some posts where people were saying that it is impossible to stand with Green soldiers against Veterans. So my general point is that - you can stand and win with Green soldiers. 

    I hope some of you will benefit from reaing this and feel free to share your approaches and tactics. Thank you for your time reading this, and feel free to contact me. Next Time I will probably write about combat in forest. Good luck comrades! Glory To Ukraine! 



  13. First of all always Split Teams - so that each squad is devided into few parts - if one element of a squad will run, another element may stay under your control. 

    Always think where you are sending you infantry in? What do I mean by that? Try to keep your soldiers under cover, yet, if that is not possible look for landscape - hills and stuff. Sometimes it can be open but you always can find some hills for visual cover. That leads us to another important aspect - understanding of the trrain and general direction - meaning that you should always guess or better know from where those shots will be fired. 

    Another important moment is to always keep your armomor a not too close to your soldiers, because if your tank or APC will be recked - explosion can affect your infantry. 

    So keep the distance. 

    After you did that you need to check on buildings you holding. If you picking a building always rememeber that it is important to pick a right building. Dont take those buildings which are facing enemy directly (first line). It is always better to keep your soldiers deep in the town - so that when the enemy comes with a support of an armor the angle will be not comfortable and your infantry will have a chance to give some damage to attacking side. 

    Now another thing is important - while putting your soldiers into the building with few floors remember to split your squad! Some soldiers should go on the 3rd floor some on the 2nd some on the 1st. That will allow you to keep your soldiers effective even if an enemy will use nades or thermobaric weapons. Basically one element can get hit while nother element is keep on fighting. 

    Avoid using roofs if possible. Roofs are good for observation when its safe but most of the time your soldiers will get recked pretty damn fast. 

    So how would you place your soldiers in a 3 floor building? 

    AT guys are going on a 2nd floor, while mg goes on a first floor, the guy with optics goes on 3rd. Yet, this can vary depending on what situation you are in. Sometimes its better to stay low untill enemy is close enough and then take the 3rd floor. 

    Always remember that there should be other buildings infront of that one you taking. Unless its rural or Forest - the logic is simple - your soldiers are hiddent till the last moment - when they being spotted - it is already too late. 

    Now remember that retreating is important - how would you retreat? First of all you taking away those guys who are at the top level - MG should leave the building last. 

    How do you know when to retreat? 

    When the fire on your infantry gets concentrated. 

    Whats the difference between concentrated and chaotic? 

    Concentrated is when your enemy shooting you from different directions and different weapon systems from the long range. That means that your position is now on your enemy's list and he knows what he is doing. Chaotic is when your enemy walks into the town and then suddenly starts to shoot you coz u killing him - it can be intense but if you did everything right enemy squad will leave its teeth on a ground. 

    How do you survive an artillery strike? 

    First of all maintain control over the situation - do not skip your turns - when you see first few shells going down u already should know that in 3-4 minutes your forces will be in a big trouble. You should take mesaured right away - first of all evac your heavy guns (MG's, AT systems, and so on). Why in that order? because they will take time to pack up.

    How do you evac? 

    Depends on what you have - if you have personal carriers you take use them, if you dont you seek for cover. Remember that building is your last resort - do not think that buildings will save your soldiers. It will simply minimize the damage. When planing you retreat turn look on what is surrounding you - ask yourself: is there a forest somewhere near by? is it safe to cross your feild? and mark for yourself one point - if arty is working on you that means that an enemy got clear eyes on you. 

    Another important aspect is to keep your forces physically ready to move - do not advance with "FAST and Quick" on a long distances - there is an old military saying "you can go fast or you can go far" use it. 

    If you will be careful, but in the same time dare, if you will know your enemy, if you will know yourself, if you will understand terrain, and if you will get an edge on buildings you might minimize your casualties. 

    FREE HINT ON USING AT TEAMS: split two squads - find a shooting position to 1 rpg(bazooka whatever) team. Spot a target - put one of your RPG teams at position - make a turn (ur rpg team will shoot 2-3 times) then - after turn ends order your RPG to move away on a short distance and at the same time order another RPG team to take its place. Why? Because your enemy will see an RPG team - will aim and then its gone - your enemy will take away the aim - and in the same moment another RPG team will shoot it from the very same place. Repeat that untill your enemy's apc/tank/whatever is burining. Such little trics on micro level will help you to raise your effectivity and minimize your casualties. 

    Remember those are core rules, while getting into more combat you will get your own tricks developed - and soon you will forget about - what its like to see your soldiers runing. But your enemy will run. Good luck! 


  14. 34 minutes ago, DougPhresh said:

    Well, that's wildly optimistic.

    34 minutes ago, DougPhresh said:

    Well, that's wildly optimistic.

    WARNING NEXT IS MY SUBJECTIVE OPINION - not trying to make anyone uncomfortable or offended: From what I see, casualties are saying otherwise - pro russian side lost nearly 6x times more of people than Ukrainian Army. So I mean - they getting their asses kicked pretty hard - Ukrainian side just waits untill US and other countries will finish lowering russian economy so that they will not be able to maintain their army (nobody wants to give russia chance to use its mass destruction weapons - long and exhausting war is way better, I  mean it worked with Soviet Union lol) and from that point it will be a metter of 2-3 monthes till total anihilation of pro-russian forces on the ground. At certain point control over Crimea will be given back to Ukraine without even a single shot. But again getnlemen thats not my point here. I dont want to get political, if you would like to chat about this, share ideas, fears or hopes please feel free to msg me directly. Im always open to new friends, especially from a community where people value strategy and tactics. My main point is that I think it would be so cool to see some new units in the game. And to be honest, I've already recived somewhat promising feed back from developing team. Its unclear what they will do next, but they will do something. That makes me excited. 


  15. 2 hours ago, DMS said:

    I thought that this game is about small unit tactics, not about cool prototype vehicles. There are "World of tanks", "Armored warfare", e.t.c., right? Sci-fy equipment draws attention to their characteristics instead of realistic warfare simulation. What is gameplay difference between UAZ and HUMVEE? The last better holds rifle bullets. Do you want to use them for assaulting enemy MGs?

    Model of Ukrainian HUMVEE takes some man/hours, may be it is better to make new Ukrainian soldier textures instead? (Winter uniforms, or nazguard units)

    your thought is wrong because its not about small units its about up to battalion tactical group clashes. Furthermore those what ive described here are not prototypes and massively used by Ukrainian Military. Basically since 2016 russia lost its technical superiority when its comes to regular forces (not including Nukes) and what I mean by that is that Ukrainian personal carriers from KRAZ are better than GAZ TIGR (TIGR holds 600 gramm of TNT while KRAZ Spartan up to 4 kilos) Ukrainian BTR's 3 are several times more powerful than Russian BTR-82A Ukraine got better sniper rifles, scoped weapons, it got it hands on tons of a western equipment and so on and so on. This game has huge disbalance of power at this moment, its almost like russia has as much to bring up into a fight as US while Ukraine in this game is farely weak - and its not like that in life lol. So as a gamer, who is spending a lot on a war games and on Combat Mission series in particular, Im interested in seing some balance improvements such as: bringing new Ukrainian hardware to the table. If you dont like prototypes - forget about T90AM and other stuff lol. T72B3 is Russian main battle tank and T90 is its bad variation lol and thats why they are not so many of them produced. There is a huge difference between UAZ and HMMWV (which you noobly call "humvee" lol) and if you need an explanation what is the differene between them it might be no sense to explain it to you lol but i will coz I got a good mood today - "HUMVEE" as you call them lol got turrents on it so it can be used as a support in a firefight. Anyways, as I was saying lol that this msg was sort of a request like "hey guys it would be cool if you would do this if you will get a chance" it wasnt something negative or something. Just a regular client puts some feedback on a product in order to help developers to make it even better. And I dont think that man/hours is a problem for those guys who making this game coz its their job you know))) by creating new content they are able to put a price tag on that content lol)))) So those man hours will pay off lol Like for other games in COMBAT Mission series they are making some "armor packs" so I was like "Hey it would be so cool if they would bring something like this to this game." Now back to "small unit tactics" lol this game is pretty flexible you can have massive battles and you can have small battles - and if I will follow your logic then making new content for Ukrainian side will only benefit small tactics because there will be more differences between sides lol !!!! It would bring more fun to the game, and if you think that Im not interested in adding content for Russian side you are wrong as well. I would love to see new AK's for the russian side, I would like to see their Typhoon K and Typhoon U in this game, damn it would be cool to see Armata platform as well. I mean why not right? If people are willing to pay right? thats how capitalism working right? lol P.S. There was exactly the same threat about Russian side on this forum and people were asking for all kinds of stuff to add, and some of those things were added after being requested, so I just gave it a shot. It wasnt meant to make others uncomfortable, I mean all you guys who would critisize my msg - well Im sorry for me daring to share my ideas about this wonderful game. Im sorry for willing to pay my green dollars for new content and how dare I to ask developers to spend some man hours on it lol right?))) Now I hope you all would have a wonderful day, and good luck on a battlefield comrads! Glory To Ukraine! 

    955_tass_10916385 (1).jpg

  16. Im playing this wonderful game for quite some time already, and today I've downloaded "Battle Pack 1" and was a little disappointed.

    Specifically I was expecting to see some upgrades for Ukrainian side in terms of equipment. 

    Ukrainian army at this moment is one of the most capable forces in Europe, it has more than 250 000 men, in cooperates with Canada, USA, Poland, Lithuania, Germany and others. More than 30 countries are providing financial, technical and training help to Ukrainian military. Moreover, it produced tons of new stuff in last 3 years. Ukrainian Military got its hands on thousands of PVS's, it got thermal scopes, 12,7 mm sniper rifles (both imported and produced), it has more than a dozen types of new vehicles, APC's and UAV's.  Yet, those are still not represented in the game. As I understood the universe of this game is sort of fictional, and that I understand. Yet, it would be nice to see at least some update on Ukrainian side within this game. I mean it would be nice to see few types of Ukrainian hardware and if its not prodused massively we could have higher prise and a sign "limited" or "experemental" in the pregame menu. You did a great job on highlighting some russian things and you did great job on making US side but could you please add some more stuff for Ukraine? I was writing to few people from battlefront team already about things like: BTR-3, KRAZ vehicles (of all kinds), rifles, sniper rifles, night vision, UAV's and so on. For example Ukraine got a lot of HMMWV's but everything we can see in the game is UAZ. It would be also nice to see some T-80 battle tanks for Ukrainian side as well. I like that with battle pack some formations were fixed tho, Ukrainian squads finally have 7 people in them (9 with BMP), but those are very small things. It would be nice to see new mortars called "MOLOT" in English they would be called  "Hammer." Actually all of those things I've listed are actually there to say that "Hey guys could you please add some hardware for Ukrainian side for a more accurate representation and balance?" Yes I'm still destroying russians on "Ellite" in this game with what you already gave us, yet, it would be very nice to see some more for Ukrainian side. Think about it, it would bring that exotic thing in the game, everyone used to US against Russia in games, Ukraine is your chance to bring up a new taste of strategy, and so on. What is nice about Ukrainian military is that it has russian base and it is improved and perfected by western technologies and its own exotic inventions. Not all of them are massively produced at the time, yes some of them are not perfect but adding them would bring some balance to the game. The biggest competition within this game in my personal subjective opinion should be between Ukraine and Russia and not between US and Russia. In a conclusion I would like to say thank you guys for making this wonderful game, what im writing here is not criticism, instead while being your huge fan and fan of your series Im simply asking for some additional Ukrainian content. I dont know what you guys will add, and what you guys will fix, I bet it will be great, but what I really would like to see as a gamer is a little more hardware for Ukrainian side. Devil is always in details, if you will add some that will be awesome. From my side I already made my decision - I will always think that Combat Mission games are the best strategy games ever. Im bying your products and all latest updated, and I will keep on doing that. But please guys, add some stuff for Ukrainian side. Best Regards - Oleksandr. 

    Oh last but not least (how could I forget) : Glory To Ukraine! Yaaay!) 


  17. 18 minutes ago, Erwin said:

    Sorry, still confused.  "...in real wars if you moving such force into attack you basically know about all of those key spots where enemy is concentrating." 

    Well yes, I agree that one SHOULD have reconned the area and have info as to the enemy's defensive deployments, but in this game one rarely knows what one is facing.  It's unwise to proceed without scouts and recon.

    (Or are you making points about the realities of RL war and demonstrating how the CM2 game is not a good simulation of RL war?)

    No no no - this is a first part about attacking - so in further posts i will cover recon ops, observers and so on - this one is simply a concept post related to arty. I will cover other types of arty and situations and preparations in my later posts. And yes here I share how I implement real life war tactics in this game. I never said that you should not do recon ops. I said that if you start with a company or with a battalion you are going to need to use an "assault" mode in quick battles. And then I was talking about possible casualties, force adjustment (in previous topic) and so on. So it will be step by step sharing of my experince within this game based on real wars tactics.

  18. 2 hours ago, Erwin said:

    Interesting comments.  Can you clarify a couple of items:

    "...even when you have 3 times more units than your enemy, you still can expect up to 50 (in some cases even 70%) of casualties."

    That seems shocking.  Maybe I am spoiled by "acceptable" western casualties.  But, doesn't having a "guaranteed" 50%-70% casualties rather affect your forces' morale??

    "But if you going to use some decent manpower you should always pretend that area of your attack was investigated prior to your mission."

    That sounds suicidal in CM2.  Am puzzled by that statement.

    No problem, the logic for the first one is simple: If you have an enemy squad supported by lets say 1 BMP-2 (or BMP-2M not even talking about BMP-3) holding its ground (meaning that enemy's BMP holding good angle, and its squad is sitting in a trench or in a few foxholes) that means that at times it can wipe out half of your platoon. Meaning that 1 BMP in a defence can easily destroy 2 out of 3 attacking BMP's. That has nothing to do with your forces morale, mostly the side which is defending has always advantage, because your forces are moving and their forces are holding their sector. Dont be shocked, during frontal attack your platoon can be wiped out by a single squad (EASY). So lets say you will use an artillery (read what I will be posting in a future), you deploy smoke, you use a proper way of approach to your enemy, including all that it is still possible to face massive casualties while attacking. Things are getting worse when you are attacking an enemy platoon. Why? Because when your enemy has few BMP's holding their sectors properly they can easily fight even against tanks (I will explain how to do it in following posts related to defence). So what is my point? My point is very simple, even when you have 3 times more power in your hands by the time you will finish your attack you can be left with less than 50% of your units. Sure if you will prepare properly, if you will make right decisions on macro and micro level you will be able to wipe out your enemy without having those casualties, and this is why I'm posting this. Those 50 to 70% of casualties is something to keep in mind, meaning that even small forces can do huge damage when they are positioned right. 

    Now about area being investigated - I might used some words incorrectly (engligsh is my 3rd language so pardon my mistakes) I mean that in Quick Battles when you operate on a company or even on a battalion level you should always pick an "assault" mode so that your units will know some key places where your enemy is concentrated. Meaning that there is absolutely no chance that you will move a battalion in a complete new area, in real wars if you moving such force into attack you basically know about all of those key spots where enemy is concentrating. So my advice would be in Quick Battles when you operating with a battalion and going to attack always pick "assault" mode, that will make your attack closer to the real life meaning that you already know where some of your enemy units are located and can prepare your attack properly in order to minimize your casualties. 

  19. 2 minutes ago, Marwek77 aka Red Reporter said:
    1 hour ago, Oleksandr said:

    ... starting from 2014 BTR-4E had around 2000 changes and fixes...

    Yea they've changed a lot including their engines - now BTR-4's are runing on mostly "Deutz" German Engines. There were tons of small fixed related to doors, wheels, gun stability, and so on. In the future Ukraine will be produsin other variants of BTR 4 platform as well, there are different fire modules. So BTR-4E and BTR-4M are linear models - they do the do, but there are versions of it for more spesific tasks. Yet, producing BTR-3 is cheaper, thats why we looking forward to see more and more of 3rd line coming up into a fight in a closest years. 

  20. 2 minutes ago, IanL said:

    You can use a third party hosting site such as photobucket.com to host your images and insert them in to your posts. Then you can use unlimited pics.


    Right here. Go for it. Or start a new thread if - that might be better. The devs read the forums some but the beta testers read them a lot. If stuff like that gets posted news of the threads make it back to the devs. If you post a discussion about equipment etc. it will get noticed, just be aware that there might not be an official response.

    Thank you I will probably go with new topic and will call it something like "Would be great to see it in the game." Thank you for an advice man. 

  21. 6 hours ago, snarre said:

    mmm nice thing that you make this but dont start new dred ewerytime when you make this. sou continue to " part 1 ukr tacs " 

    Will do. One thing I was wanted to ask - the size of the image is limited to something like 520x something when you actually continue to post on the same dred is there any way to + a high resolution photos within one threat? And another question, I was looking for some topics where is would be possible to get to some developers in order to share some ideas with them about new vehicles in the game, do you have any suggestions? I mean where can I write about some new Ukrainian military hardware what would be nice to see within the game? Is there any way or any place where I can post photos and some info? Thank you.

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