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Posts posted by Oleksandr

  1. Placing foxholes in tree lines will give a huge protection bonus for your infantry - first they will not share damage from HE because each of your soldiers in separate cell, second - enemy infantry will have difficulties to hit your soldiers because all that green stuff around ur units will block some bullets and third - because enemy arty will be less effective. Note: if you getting arty fire dont wait until it gets concentrated - relocate your units before "fire for effect."


  2. If you will follow this link right here you will see "Arms & Security 2017 - Day 2" video what will show and tell you more about some of those wonderful things what were presented this year. 

    This video will be good for you my dear friends because its basically on english and you will need no translation. 

    Here is a direct link to that video (or you can see it from here): 


  3. Gentlemen it is "Arms & Security" time of the year, Ukrainian military technologies are represented in both Kiev (Ukraine) and Washington D.C. right now at this moment. One of the greatest news today is that cooperation between the United States and Ukraine is increasing. That is real good news for me and pretty much everyone who stands against tyranny and imperialism of the reds. Now we all know that for the past decade russians were working on their "terminator" vehicle which was clamed as "one of a kind." But we all live in a modern world and modern world is changing every day. Few days ago Ukraine showed its version of a tank supporting vehicle. As you can see first version of this monster is standing on T-64 base. Firepower delivered by "Duplet" complex which includes: 2x 30 mm automatic cannons (3TM-1), 2x 7,62-mm MG's (KT), 30-mm automatic GL, and 4x AT "Barrier" launchers. This is the very first version of it, obviously final version will share modern dynamic defence, it will be modified in all possible ways and after all the testing will be done this thing will be avaliable on a market for our Western partners as well as to Ukrainian Military itself. No countries from opposing blocks will be able to have their hands on it and that is super awesome. I'm guessing that countries such as Poland are also actively working on things like this, and we as Ukrainians will make sure to deliver this point to the United States as well. Right now we all live in times when our armies should be upgraded, experiences shared and new approaches implemented. So as a proud Ukranian I'm saying to you guys, "Glory To Ukraine" and wish you all to keep your lands free of occupants and united. P.S. to all those who will "hate" - guys Ukraine is getting stronger every day - deal with it (oh im sorry you cant actually deal with it you can only face it lol).


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  4. General "Mill" tactics. 

    While working with tanks it is iportant to change position often. But sometimes you find yourself such a nice spot on a map that you dont want to change it. Well in that case you will need to look for 2 additional positions near by. Put one tank into position by giving him movement order +plus add up to 30 seconds pause on his position and give him "reverse" order. During those 30 seconds your tank will be able to located and fire on target at least once, then he will retreat. After he moved back use the same technic to your "replacement" tank - let him take exactly the same position as your first tank and also give him 30 seconds to work on target before reverse move. By doing that you will make it nearly impossible for your enemy to take out your tank. You need to set your "Mill of death" in a random place on a map, while doing raiding with your tank unit - you should not apply this tactics while hitting your enemy directly in the face. Because in that case "reversing" will benefit your enemy. Sometimes while playing against skilled opponent you can be hunted for doing this, and this is where the "Covering" tank will work. "Covering" tank should be located under the certain angle towards your enemy position. That tank should not be exposed to enemy positions yet, it should control area in front of your target. If your "Mill" tanks will be hunted during those sneaky rotations your "covering" tank will simply execute those who will go after you. So the logic is simple - destroying your enemy shot after shot without giving him time to lock on your units. If your enemy will dare to move some armor forward your covering tank will punish that armor right away. This technique will take some time and practice before you will master it but if you will it will come in handy. It is important to remember that controling areas where your enemy is is always nice but thinking one step ahead will make you even more effective. 



  5. Another simple but sometimes ignored thing - using static MG's is way more effective when applying them to your enemy's flank. Meaning that when your MG team facing your enemy it engages few soldiers. But if you hit your enemy with your MG fire from the side - it will supress and affect way more. You basically can stop an advance of a platoon if you will hit it from a side in a right moment. Always remember that your advantage will decrease after your enemy will return fire on you. So use your MG teams wisely in a proper manner and always with cooperation of other units. The best thing you can do is to cross fire, yet setting up crossfire in meeting engagement or while attacking can be tricky due to your need to move forward. 


  6. 15 hours ago, Artkin said:

    Did they come with the rpgs?

    I always found it odd how AR's were given light anti tank weapons. 


    When they are in a vehicle it can obtain anything from its stock. So you can make them wear those RPG's, or grab some more ammo, or grenades or whatever) 

  7. Little anti-arty hint: sometimes it is nice to prepare some positions but without placing your units there right away. Spread ur units around that blue area not too far from a position you prepared. Wait for enemy arty strike - usually it will hit few areas of your defence. In a meanwhile place ur units on those positions what are not being shelled. It will not work if you play against smart player who will put different timings for certain arty strike - but most of the time and especially against AI it will. After all there are no such thing as "perfect" approach. 



  8. One of the way of placing squad supported by BTR-70. Using units such as BTR-70 and BRDM's is good when you standing against non armored units. Or against light armored units. For example using BTR-70's against russian recpnnaissance battalion. Or against enggineer, or while ambushing mortar teams. Distance also playing on your side in this case. It nice to cover up feilds with positions like that. Your infantry will be safe in those foxholes, and your BTR will do most of the work. 



  9. 1 hour ago, BTR said:

    I usually take foxholes and other fortifications to place them as empty dummy targets. In worst case scenario they only draw artillery fire and slow the enemy advance, in best case scenario they expose enemy vehicles as they open up with suppressive fire.  

    Good point. barbared wire also shows on a map. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Apocal said:

    I mean, it isn't anything especially interesting to look at: Three squad-sized trench positions, each separated (ideally) by 100-150m, with an outpost positioned approximately 150-200m out in front and BMPs a short (but LoS-blocked) distance to the rear. Spacing set so that nothing can approach through a gap in the weapons' effective range and the OP in front means you have some time to shift forward the BMPs or fall back the squads in case of an approaching force the platoon itself cannot handle. Two of the three squads broken into triple teams, one squad separated in half with the second half occupying the OP to ensure it has a radio.

    Obviously you modify it based on terrain, LoS, etc. but the basics are mostly applicable wherever you might want to put eyes and weapons.

    1) What about the OP? How do you get them back in case of a quick advance?

    Answer: You don't. They die. If that bothers you for whatever reason, don't use an OP.

    2) What about flank security?

    Answer: This isn't the sort of position you just leave hanging out by itself; it should be tied into other similar positions or heavy weapons capable of covering routes from keyholed positions.

    3) What is this good for?

    Answer: Denying a broad (roughly 500 meter) frontage to enemy dismounted or APC/IFV fast advance in support of keyholed heavy hitters like tanks, heavy ATGMs,  Forcing them to deploy and run a "by the numbers" attack to eat up time and ammunition while offering you a good chance of escaping with most of your men from anything too big or mean to fight head-on. Taking away the possibility of having a complete platoon under the footprint of a fire mission without losing much, if anything, in terms of direct firepower. It is still expensive in terms of trenches though (200 points is a complete mountain rifle platoon, plus attachments or up-vetting) so it is up to you if you want to use them, but they do allow more flexibility in where you put your defenses because you can take advantage (to an extent) of open terrain. Otherwise, with ample terrain available for cover (as in the screenshot, with plenty of forest to hide in) you do without.

    mtn rifle plt defense.jpg

    I like this set up - it would be cool to have additional platoon as a support unit - what would will move towards attacked squad position. It would be also good to have some foxholes somewhere in the middle and on the back of those positions. And/or minefields between positions. 

  11. 100 mm AT guns are super deadly. Against them most active defence is useless, and dynamic defence is mostly helpless. You can destroy anything with it. Yet you should always remember that those guns are not able to move fast enough so while planing your defence always look for the right placement. Moreover it is important to have as much eyes as possible to look around. Spotting an enemy first in this case is must. Hold your MTLV close enough to your AT guns. Place some infantry around to protect, support and observe. It would be nice to have some APC watching its back or side. So quick math right there: 1 AT gun + 1 infantry squad (splited) + MTLB + BMP+foxhole+sandbag wall. Thats the core of your position. Obviously you can always try to work it out with some other AT systems, and so on but try to avoid placing AT guns on their own. If you have an experienced AT gun crew it will do miricales. I mean it can shoot through 2 BMP-3M at one shot! It will just go through it. Just like that. 


  12. One of the way of placing AT-Arty. In this case MTLB is close to your AT gun. MTLB can basically cover some flang with its MG, it can also serve as a resuply point, last but not least it can hook up that AT pretty fast. In the same time it is perfectly safe and hidden behind that building. 



  13. 1 minute ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    In CM:A it definitely makes a difference, it's the key to one of the stock scenarios.....Consequently I usually try to do so in both CM:SF & CM:BS, in CM:SF if you are fighting Blue at night, you are dead, so it doesn't make any noticeable difference, if you are fighting Red, they are usually UnCons so whether it makes a difference is probably more dependent on their equipment quality (ie: do they have RPG-29/AT-14).  I haven't played enough CM:BS to form an opinion yet, but I would expect it to still be a factor (all the BMPs still have a commander's station for the squad leader IIRC) in recent games I've been irritated to find that the squad RPG joins the recon team, which seriously reduces the firepower of the remaining team once he's sat in the track. 

    Thank you for that info - I will try it out in the game. 

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