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Posts posted by borg

  1. I was thinking of packs.. Or module, do we (the community) know wether the next expansions will feature progressively AFTER bagration, or are there thoughts to include the initial invasion of USSR By Germany (ie Op Barbarossa). ? I may be wrong ... But CMRT currently features bagration onwards? (At least in campaigns, though I might be incorrect, there is just one scenario on Op Citadel) thanks guys.

  2. You are already on episode 9 ?! I just started watching this from the beginning. Not expecting to learn much except - you must admit the bells & whistles are nicely presented for a generic audience :-)

    Joking apart - I wish to learn / are there gross errors in that programme ?

  3. man, that was deep.

    hey - almost sounded as if you're going to tone down from CM play ? it isnt possible :) isn't it ?

    i can put an effort during summer to /assist/ in Operation Hercules, now that academic year is over. Malta & family are great - so far so good :)

    btw royal marines commando were in Malta at a place  called "Ghajn Tuffieha"  or manikata barracks http://www.djsphotoart.com/manikata-barracks-main.html

  4. lol i think a very quick message by someone more in the know-how will be very appropriate at this stage (i noticed quite a few messages in the CMRT forum about mod tags and their use, not so much about their directory location) maybe we should move this message onto another thread guys?

    This campaign rocks ! we should let the thread focus on other aspects on the campaign.

  5. The mod tag .txt file goes into the "mod tag" folder, as far as I know. That is how I have it set up on my computer at least.

    Kieme's actual mod for the US uniforms does go onto the normal Z (or mod) folder.


    But the "mod tag" folder is in Z, or Game Files sub directory. Since, in your readme .txt file you say, in Game Files folder. I was only following what's written. If you can be extra patient with me, and explain just one last time. Thanks Imperial grunt.

    Hey., and I'm still waiting on some angel in this forum to tell me about the .wav files and music. Honestly, i have 'lost' the vanilla music files, and also couldn't play the modded ones. The latter, i believe it could be cos they're not compatible with Mac OS. However, not getting back the original ones.. do i have to go the long way route, and open a ticket :/ ?

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