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Posts posted by borg

  1. 4 minutes ago, Erwin said:


    If you want to know why hardly any volunteers have the energy or patience to design scenarios, let alone a whole campaign, take a look at Combatintman's xnt tutorial on how to create a scenario:

    I just love it how Combatintman quotes me in this post :) Damn... RL stole a lot of my time these past weeks. But i gotta report to duty and kick some *55


  2. 1 hour ago, sttp said:

    Just lost an entire team to the cook off explosion of a TD they'd taken out 3 turns ago, and happened to be just now passing. Maddening, but realistic -- one of those unpredictable things you should always account for, but often find yourself disregarding. Really adds to the game's richness and depth, IMO.

    Explosion of a TD ? Excuse my ignorance.. and btw sounds IMPRESSIVE. 

  3. This inclined me to ask a question - 1) hitting a truck with loads of ammo stored - would that make a bigger bang than an empty one ? Secondly - and more imp. In CM, is there form of collateral damage taking place - as in - destroying a tank or truck next to other units... would the 'other' units suffer any damage from the possible debris/explosion taking place beside them ? 

    Happy wargaming guys.

  4. Amazing piece of work...god only knows how it'd look with an 3.0 engine (CMx2 right?) 

    dont you get butterflies when you see the CURRENT state of raqqa, fallujah, and what's currently cooking in the real life 

    and Like you once said - it's such a noble thing to make missions/ops as a memory to those who selflessly gave their life in battle and those who live to tell the tale.

    hey it's also D DAY anniversary today 

  5. Just to tell u guys / I own all CMx2 - however I'm having a blast of a time with CMSF+all modules. I feel it kicks deep at heart due to the current turmoil in Middle East.


    @Combatintman more content ? :) soo looking forward to that. How about 'smallish' missions that depict current special ops conducting recon & directing arty / or air assets .


    also - someone correct me if I'm wrong - CMSF IS the only one that features civilians unarmed that are embedded in the mix of things. And they can be carrying 'hidden' ammo n guns. This is SECOND TO NONE.

    CMSF - Remastered Edition or

    CMSFII please.

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