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Posts posted by NPye

  1. HI Phil

    Ya I can do the Mod interiors I have done some ill post some later, but only fillers i want to really go to town with the factory mod where i use not only textured walls but put flavour objects in and hopefully may make a good batttle but im not sure if flavours effect LOS LOF etc. If they dont then there wouldnt work as cover??? I haven't really started on the flavour objects but im a bit weary adding to many as i read it slows the game up, (is that true) I love the sound of the T34 KP'd with signs would work really good, are there any panzer III's or early Panzer IVs in grey available do you know. Cheers

  2. Cheers Mikey after studying Stalingrad photos it is the utter destruction that struck me, hardly any building was untouched so trying to recreate that is really difficult but it is beginning to take shape and the flavour of Stalingrad is coming across, hopefully.

  3. Hi Ok managed to get some images images on to give an idea of what the mod will look like. Like i say ive got alot to tackle, the factory areas and the famous grain elevator area plus the factory staff houses which were mainly in the Northern suberbs. Red square and October Square are coming on good but not finished.



  4. Ive been making some maps for Stalingrad, set in winter 42-43, ive built loads of new builds which can be entered and used functionally, before i design build from the modular set but they couldnt be entered, ive designed the builds to use a door and upper set of windows. The maps arent huge but have loads of destoyed building in them.


    Mod tags work great Im using the brill Umlats Factory Mod, and Aris Vehicles plus all the new winter mods.


    I wanted to see if I could really get a flavour of Stalingrads ruins shells this meant taking out all floors and ceilings and roofs.

    Using loads of textures from the internet ive been building blocks like this.

    Which look great and are awesome to defend from.

    Bit of fun for flavour, as we cant make staues ( not that i know of) ive tryed to work one into a build, not sure but is a work in progress.


    More flavour with the Soviet flag


    Destroyed apartments


    Destroyed apartments heavily textured to enhance the ruined feel.








    A good one to show the size of the builds.


    A big work in progress but let me know what you think when i'm done i'm gonna put all the files in a drop box )as there are loads) mod tag them as stalingrad then upload he scenarios. Ive only made 2 maps so far so a way to go. I aim to make at least 10 maps.

    Cheers let me know what you think.








  5. Cheers guys  need to go through all that 3 times before this gets taken in but will work brilliantly with my mods and what im currently working on. I've decided to update the internal sections of the builds to make them a little more 1940s and i\m using Alpha channels to cut out whole windows our sections of window even some panes of glass in a sash window.



    Here's an internal shot i plan to make about 10 of these so i dont get to many repeats.



    With the windows alpha channeled you an see the soldiers much clearer, as you would in reality.



    You can see how this will look from the outside, just giv a little more depth.


    Cheers for now.

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