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Posts posted by Taranis

  1. Russians are building defensive structures around Mariupol and in occupied areas, British intelligence says



    The Russian military has started building defensive structures around the occupied southern city of Mariupol, according to British intelligence. Two factories currently produce concrete anti-tank structures, "dragon's teeth", continues the Ministry of Defense.

    These "dragon's teeth" were presumably installed between Mariupol and the village of Nikolske, as well as between northern Mariupol and the village of Stary Krym in Crimea - Russian-occupied Mariupol forming a strategic strip of land connecting Russia to Crimea. Such structures were also sent to the occupied territories of Zaporizhia and Kherson.

    The construction of these installations suggests that Russia is trying to prepare its defense far enough behind the current front line, hoping to thwart any rapid counter-offensive by Ukrainian forces.


    Source : Le Monde

  2. 2 hours ago, Beleg85 said:

    Oh for sure Ukrainians are now in much better position overally, however much of our evidence is still anecdotal and educated guessess based on theoretical arithmetic of logistical limits. At least directly at Bakhmut outskirts Moskals still use grads, other rocket artillery, Pions, copious ammounts of phosphorus ammo and similar devices.


    Yes! Found more satanism, this time because of Haloween. Ukrainians are even summoning ghosts of killed Russians soldiers and insult them(!). How rude...:


    The set of bones of killed Russian soldiers is not bad too 🤦‍♂️☠️😄

  3. 1 hour ago, The_MonkeyKing said:

    Let me introduce you to French tank platoon (in armored formations):


    EDIT: and the company:

    Personaly, the French organization reminds me more the WW2 US Tank Destroyer Bn (M20/M10).

    I also think that the Ukrainian use is more oriented as an accompanying infantry than the French version. The VBL is above all a Scout Car (M20 like) and is used to scout the way of the tanks and the scouts can disembark for close security when the tanks are in supply or awaiting progression. The true support infantry role comes from the AIFV section (VBCI) attached to it. I nitpick and it's IMHO.

    I can't say that with certainty because I served in an artillery regiment and not a tank regiment. The French army is very focused on low-level inter-arms cooperation by bringing together platoons from different battalions (Regiments in French) within a GTIA/SGTIA (our CM BTG equivalent), as was the case in Afghanistan (However, I saw it with my own eyes). A VBCI company thus found itself with AMX-10RC, VABs with 120mm mortars and engineer vehicles when this is not part of the theoretical organization.

  4. Members of the Ukrainian artillery unit prepare to fire towards Kherson, October 28, 2022.

    "Members of the Ukrainian artillery unit prepare to fire towards Kherson, October 28, 2022. BULENT KILIC / AFP"
    * seems 2S3 Akatsiya

    Crimea drone attack :
    Drone attack on Crimea yesterday was the 'most massive' of the conflict, local pro-Russian governor says



    “Tonight took place the most massive attack by drones and remotely piloted surface vehicles on the waters of Sevastopol Bay in the history” of the conflict, said the pro-Russian governor of the city of Sevastopol, Mikhail Razvojayev, to the Russian agency TASS.

    “The operational staff held a restricted meeting today, he added on Telegram . A number of decisions have been made with regard to those who post videos of the city's defense systems”.

    Earlier in the morning, he had urged residents of the city to "not [post] videos" , nor to write "what you saw and heard". "It should be clear to everyone that the Ukrainian Nazis badly need such information to understand how our city's defense is built ," he said.



    Russian army accuses Ukraine and Britain of drone attack on its fleet in Crimea



    The Russian military has blamed Ukraine and Britain for the massive drone attack that targeted its Black Sea Fleet in Crimea on Saturday morning. The attack caused "minor damage" to one of the ships, Russian authorities say.

    "The preparation for this terrorist act and the training of military personnel of the 73rd Ukrainian Special Maritime Operations Center were carried out by British specialists based in Ochakov, in the Mykolaiv region of Ukraine , " wrote the Russian Defense Ministry. on Telegram . Still according to Moscow, these ships participated in the protection of convoys responsible for exporting Ukrainian cereals.


    “Do not post videos” of the city of Sevastopol, the pro-Russian governor asks the inhabitants



    After drone attacks in Sevastopol Bay, where the Russian Black Sea Fleet is based, the city's pro-Russian governor, Mikhail Razvojayev, urged city residents on Telegram to 'not [post] videos' , nor to write "what you have seen and heard" . "It should be clear to everyone that the Ukrainian Nazis badly need such information to understand how our city's defense is built ," he said.

    Earlier in the morning , the governor of this town on the Crimean peninsula claimed that Russian naval forces repelled a drone attack in waters off Sevastopol.“No facilities in the city were affected. The situation is under control ,” he wrote on Telegram . The port was "temporarily" closed to ships and ferries after the attack, according to city officials.


    Kherson Front :
    Russians took medical equipment from Kherson hospitals as they fled, Ukrainian General Staff says



    According to the situation update published this morning by the Ukrainian General Staff, "in the last twenty-four hours, [Russia] has carried out four rocket strikes and up to twenty-five air strikes" . In addition to these strikes, there were more than seventy attacks by rocket salvo systems, which affected the areas of more than thirty-five cities. “Among them, Siversk and Prechystivka from the Donetsk region; Mali Shcherbaky, Zaporizhia region; Davydiv Brid and Mala Seideminukha in the Kherson and Kobzarka region, Mykolaiv region” specifies the Ukrainian General Staff.

    In Belgorod, "because of the failures of the [Russian] medical aviation and an already full local hospital, [the Russian forces were] forced to evacuate their wounded by bus to the neighboring town of Voronezh" , add the Ukrainian authorities. In Beryslav, Kherson Oblast, "occupiers change en masse into civilian clothes and move into private residences . "

    As for the "so-called evacuation" of Kherson, carried out by the Russians before the imminent arrival of Ukrainian troops, this also concerns medical equipment, say the Ukrainians. “All the equipment and medicines from the hospitals in Kherson were taken away [by the Russians]. Doctors who refuse to leave are not allowed to enter hospitals. »


    That makes lots of sign of futur retreat (or loss by assault) : Civilian evacuations, relics evacuations etc... or for scorched earth...

    Other :
    Russian state media journalist killed during Russian army shooting exercise in Crimea



    The head of the Crimean branch of Rossia Segodnia, Svetlana Babaeva, "died on one of the military training grounds in Crimea, where shooting exercises were carried out" by the Russian army, its editorial staff announced yesterday, without other details.

    Ms. Babaïeva worked for many years for this Russian state media, which notably includes the Ria Novosti press agency or the Sputnik group, with posts in London or the United States. Dmitry Kisselyov, who leads the group and is considered one of the country's leading propagandists, hailed the memory of a "warm person, who strongly supported Russia" and who "wanted to support our heroes" in Ukraine.

    Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov praised him as a “multi-talented journalist” who was once part of a presidential pool. “For many years we worked” together, Mr. Peskov told Russian media. The spokesperson for Russian diplomacy, Maria Zakharova, or even officials of the Russian occupation in Ukraine also praised the memory of the journalist on social networks.

    Born in 1972, Svetlana Babaeva started working at Rossia Segodnia shortly after a controversial overhaul that saw the Russian state tighten its control over the conglomerate. Since 2019, she has been her correspondent in the city of Simferopol, in Crimea, a peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014 and which today serves as a rear base for its offensive in Ukraine.


    Source : Le Monde


  5. Ukrainian soldiers fire a mortar at the front line near Bakhmut, in the Donetsk region, on October 27, 2022.
    "Ukrainian soldiers fire a mortar at the front line near Bakhmout, Donetsk region, October 27, 2022. EFREM LUKATSKY / AP"

    * seems our old 120mm PM-43

    A Ukrainian soldier carries a shell with a written message to the Russian army.
    "A Ukrainian soldier carries a shell with a written message to the Russian army. EFREM LUKATSKY / AP"

    This city in the Donetsk region, in eastern Ukraine, has been a priority target for the Russian army for months.
    "This city in the Donetsk region, in eastern Ukraine, has been a priority target for the Russian army for months. EFREM LUKATSKY / AP"

    According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, “extremely fierce fighting” is taking place “near Bakhmout”.
    "According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, “extremely fierce fighting” is taking place “near Bakhmout”. EFREM LUKATSKY / AP"

  6. Russian authorities in Kherson create local militia


    The government installed by Moscow in the Ukrainian region of Kherson announced today the creation of a local militia, which all the men remaining in the city can join. Russian authorities last week ordered the evacuation of civilians from Kherson, one of four Ukrainian regions that Russia said it annexed last month, even as Kyiv forces made significant military progress.


  7. Aerial incident over the Black Sea between a British plane and two Russian fighters



    Ben Wallace, Britain's defense secretary, told the House of Commons that a Russian fighter jet had recently fired a missile near a British reconnaissance plane in "international airspace over the sea Noire” which borders southern Ukraine and certain territories annexed by Russia such as Crimea .

    The incident occurred on September 29, when an RC-135 Rivet Joint [electronic surveillance, unarmed] aircraft was intercepted by two Russian Su-27 fighters.

    One “fired a missile close to the RAF aircraft beyond visual range,  ” the minister added. London expressed its "concerns" to the Russian Defense Minister, who replied on October 10 "that an investigation had been carried out into the circumstances of the incident and that it was a technical malfunction of the SU-27" and that it had taken place over international waters. "We don't see this as a deliberate escalation by the Russians," the minister continued. British reconnaissance patrols are now escorted by fighter jets, he added.

    The United Kingdom is one of the main supporters of Ukraine and has provided it with significant arms aid. In June 2021, Moscow claimed that Russian ships and aircraft fired warning shots at a British destroyer that entered Russian territorial waters off Crimea.



  8. 8 hours ago, chuckdyke said:

    I didn't know this one even towed howitzer don't need a truck to reposition. These can travel up to 20 km by themselves.


    TRF-1 uses this kind of engine. It only serves to help the gunners handle the gun. The latter being too heavy, this makes it possible to reduce the crew necessary for its operation and to move it a little more easily before setting it up.  And somehow accelerating the packing-up of the piece to leave the firing position before any enemy counter battery fire.

    The prime mover is therefore necessary for movement between firing positions

  9. 5 minutes ago, kraze said:

    Yes, this is the 5th time they are repulsing Ukrainian special forces trying to retake ZNPP. As usual no bodies or boats to show.

    This is because the Ukrainian special forces are so special that they even manage to become invisible when they die. Must have something to do with US Biolabs. 😄

  10. Iran to deliver missiles and more drones to Russia



    Reuters says Iran has pledged to supply Russia with more surface-to-surface missiles and drones, citing two senior Iranian officials and two diplomats. According to the news agency, an agreement was reached on October 6 during a visit to Moscow by Iran's first vice-president, Mohammad Mokhber, two senior members of the Revolutionary Guards and an official of the Supreme Council of national security.

    "The Russians have requested more drones and Iranian ballistic missiles with improved accuracy, including Fateh and Zolfaghar missiles ," one of the Iranian diplomats said. A Western official briefed on the matter confirmed this information to Reuters, explaining that an agreement had been reached between Iran and Russia regarding the supply of short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missiles, including Zolfaghars.

    The Iranian diplomat refuted claims by Western officials that the shipments violated a 2015 UN Security Council resolution: “Where they are used is not the seller's problem. We are not taking sides in the Ukraine crisis as the West does. We want a way out of the crisis through diplomatic channels. »

    Ukraine has reported in recent weeks an increase in Russian attacks using Iranian-made Shahed-136 drones. Iran has always denied supplying these devices to Moscow.


    Departure of French tanks to Romania



    The first two convoys of armored infantry fighting vehicles (VBCI) left Tuesday morning from the Mourmelon-le-Grand military camp (Marne) towards Romania. A deployment as part of Operation Aigle, which aims to strengthen the defense of NATO's eastern flank over time.

    Leclerc tanks are also due to join the Cincu military base in the center of the country in the coming days to reinforce this mission under French command, launched on February 28, 2022 in response to Russian strikes in Ukraine. “France is honoring its commitments to NATO and our partners ,” said Major General François Goguenheim, head of the Continental Europe land command post in Lille.

    "There has not been a logistical operation of this importance in Europe since [Operation] Daguet" - the name given to the French participation in the international coalition formed after the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq at the beginning of the 1990s – he added. About ten convoys must gradually leave Mourmelon for Romania, transporting more than 2,000 kilometers across Europe about ten Leclerc tanks, as well as about twenty armored vehicles.


    Source Le Monde

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