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Posts posted by antaress73

  1. Krysanthema is great but not top-attack.. Now that russian doctrine identifies NATO as the biggest threat, you can expect them to develop and field a top-attack system very shortly since it is the best way to kill western tanks effectively. The AT-9 ataka has a top attack capability already so they know how to design and produce them. They had a prototype very similar to javelin at thé end of the nineties but it wasnt a priority because what they had was enough to deal with their doctrine's requirements



    Our normal combat load out was helmet, flak jacket, two canteens of water,


    those steel pots helmets surely made for some strong neck muscles ;) I remember them in the canadian reserve back in the nineties (before the kevlar stuff). They don't protect you much and weight a ton. Kevlar is so much better. 

  3. Since when states (any !) dont lie ? Lying through your teeth is part of diplomacy since times immemorial. You are an historian, you should know that. You can't have your ahem.. Yellow cake and eat it too. Russia is behaving according to its own interpretation of its interests like every state do. International law is followed as long as vital interests of powerful nations are not in jeopardy. When it does, its a pile of horse manure and will remain so as long as double standards are applied. I dont necessarily agree with the behavior of any world power but I can understand their thinking.



    So please, I am begging here, let us not once again start down the road of denying that this is an invasion already, not a civil war. If you disagree, kindly do not post that you do. It insults both my intelligence and yours.


    I'm not saying that Russia is not supporting them fully. It does and it is not surprising. I'm just saying that not everything you see in Donbass is russian volunteers and "gifts" from Russia.,. probably a mix of the two. If they were only home-grown volunteers militias, they couldnt have had such a force in the space of 6 months. I'm not insulting anyone's intelligence here at all. My respect for you as a game developer is immense. Just that sometimes the sources are very biased and psychological and media warfare plays a big part. If you read Ukrainian and western sources, Russia has sent three armored corps into Ukraine and failed to take Kiev because they were stopped by the heroic Ukrainian army. If you read pro-russian/novorussian sources, it's an all local volunteer force using Ukrainian equipment captured in combat. The truth is somewhere between the two. The novorussian sources even have a name for the Russian flow of aid and weapons, sorry I cannot remember. SO they dont deny it. Russia has even played with the amount of military aid to keep them in line and the condition for its increase was to change the leadership of the two runaway republics to a more docile one. So Strelkov was out. With that, subject closed. 

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