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Posts posted by Trooper117

  1. No problems here, I have all the Combat mission WWII games :)

    As others have pointed out, like most games there are faults, but that doesn't mean the games are ruined.

    On the other hand, we have forums so that people can air their views and ask questions. If they do it in a constructive and fair way then there is absolutely no reason to get grief for it....

  2. 'To right a great wrong'... lol!

    C'mon mate. Not picking up an smg is hardly game breaking or wrong.

    In reality, a rifle has more hitting power and is a man stopper. SMG's have lower powered rounds and are only useful in very close contact.

    As for driving around in a Kubel?... 'Posing' doesn't win battles :)

  3. I'm having so much enjoyment with the CM series. After playing the FI demo a while back it prompted me to buy the WWII series of games and modules.

    Have to say I'm enjoying the FI/GL and CMBN/CW/MG games more than RT at the moment :)

    The games, when modded to hell with all bells and whistles is pretty outstanding. I like the fact it simply reminds me of all the tactical doctrine that was rammed into my head when I was a soldier, and which I in turn used to teach to others for many years...

    WWII has always been a favourite subject, and the attention to detail, the planning involved, especially the getting down to ground level and looking at the terrain from the soldiers point of view and perspective before I make any decision, is something I love.

    The ability to use mortars and artillery, the use and importance of keeping a comms link, LOS, the weather and terrain, just some of the things to keep checking before pressing that 'red' button, is pretty much keeping me enthralled, and will continue to do so :)

  4. I have BN+CW and MG... I also have RT and FI.

    My mod folder, plus 'Z' folder location for RT and FI are in my 'My Documents' folder, under 'Battlefront/Combat Mission/Red Thunder/User Data/Mods/Z.

    However, the only advice I can find on modding BN is to create a 'Z' folder in my main game 'Data' folder.

    Is this still correct?

    Many thanks for any help :)

  5. As it's more of a 'workload' problem for the devs, rather than a tactical doctrine problem, I'm pretty sure we will get the ability to use tanks as our battlefield taxi as the updates continue :)

    As already stated by others, it should be the player who finds out the hard way, whether to use them as a mounted platform to fight from or not. We all know that modern armies have dedicated IFV's for that role.

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