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Don Czirr

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Everything posted by Don Czirr

  1. Hey Guys, A while back I did a sweep through the German playable scenarios and had not seen any Tigers at initial deployment. Did I miss something? or is the Panther the heaviest unit we get? - Sev
  2. Thanks for the input FIzou. I gave up on the Panther's offensive against the foliage and then tried with my FO. Pretty much the same effect but it was fun to see all Hell unleashed on the shrubbery. To their credit, they did not break and still stand tall.
  3. Any way of punching a whole in the bocage in CBT? If memory serves, special cutters were mounted on the front of tanks to clear passage? It does not seem like any of my Panthers have this attachment so I pummeled away at it with the main gun for a few turns without success. Is the only option in the game to go around this obstacle?
  4. I hear you about graphics Paul. - I spent a lot of time with Steel Panthers and old SPI hex based board games back in the day. THere is quite a different satisfaction though of riding along with your Panther or Tiger tanks as they open up on approaching T-34s. CMT Brings that back a bit but the battle of the titans really took place in the East. Will look forward to offering you a match if that version should ever appear. ....
  5. Hi All, Just got the game and joined the forum. Seems fun so far and I am looking forward to completing some missions. To be honest though, I miss the Eastern Front scenarios from when I had my gaming PC. (Especially the Stalingrad battles) Anyone know if there have been any whispers of future products / content in that theater? - Sev
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