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Posts posted by Bulletpoint

  1. Two important things I just learned reading this thread after a year of playing the game ignorant of it:

    Units share info locally. So if you bring a weapons company HMG and sit it next to an infantry squad from another company, they will share spotting info. Very useful if that's true :)

    Company HQ can be used to command squads who lost their platoon leaders. I always just kept the higher level command sitting back and never participating, but I guess if your company HQ dies your whole company suffers some penalty?

  2. Sorry for reviving this old thread, but I just started playing this recently and have been restarting it two times already. Leaving these notes for anyone else googling this mission.

    It's one of those annoying maps where you're not given a proper briefing to match the situation, and you feel the 'hand of god' against you - the layout of the map seems to be designed to maximise the enemy position while leaving you no avenue of approach. Also, the action square system means that your infantry can't take advantage of the railroad slope, and your tanks can't really get a good hull down, since either they will be one square too far back or they will drive up on the railroad proper, fail to depress their main gun, and be sitting ducks for the enemy AT.

    There is however a bug (?) that helps the player, in that there are a few action squares at the starting area where there's LOS through the dense forest, your mortars can fire from here directly at the two 88s at the railroad and take them out.

  3. I think the problem with artillery historically has been that you need a direct hit to be effective, and as accuracy was poor, that meant lots of shells needed to saturate the area. I'm not asking for artillery to be unbalanced or unhistorically deadly, I'm just asking for artillery to actually do real damage when you do get lucky and hit your target.

  4. I think you forget an important detail: the game doesn't take into account prolonged exposure. For example, in the game, bunkers are invulnerable to artillery. You could fire millions of shells at a bunker, and it would never be destroyed, even though in real life, millions of direct hits would eventually tunnel into the strongest bunker. Likewise, a tank would be cooked by standing in fire for hours, but in the game, each burst of flamethrower is seen as a short individual attack that doesn't have time to heat up the tank. Heck, even pistol shots would destroy a tank if you shot enough rounds at it (might take a thousand years but eventually the armour would be eroded)

  5. I just played the Deville mission, and had some frustrations trying to enter two adjoined barn buildings. While trying to enter the one that did have a barn door, the troops refused to enter the door, but ran around to the other side, into enemy fire.

    Then later I found out that if I ordered them to enter the other barn, without any visible entrance, the troops would simply run through a brick wall and enter the building just fine.

    I know that CMBN is pretty old by now, so just curious if these small but frankly infuriating bugs have been ironed out in the sequels ?

  6. Just a thing to remember: If they start the blast order sitting up against the hedge, they will blast that spot before moving to the end of the blast order orange line. If they start just one action square away, they will blast the first object they encounter along the orange line.

    I had them blow up a haystack once, while their friends were under fire and desperately waiting for the hedge to be blown :) Some cursing is inevitable while dealing with engineers...

  7. My Vet company commander team's tank gets immobilized I want them to evict a lower ranked or lower rated tank team: 'Get out. We're taking over'. Surely not an uncommon event. On the other hand, didn't the command vehicle have more elaborate communication equipment?

    I guess they could do it if they had higher rank.. but in reality, people don't wear badges saying "I'm green", "I'm regular", "I'm a veteran".

    So unless the entire company knew each other really well personally, how would they know they were not trying to take over a tank crewed by better guys than themselves?

    Also, unless you're really fanatic, you would probably prefer to lay low a bit after your tank is blown up and you barely make it out alive.

    So, yes, it's the "god hand of the all-seeing player" who wants each soldier to be fighting like Rambo. The soldiers shouldn't necessarily agree.

  8. Ok, all the witty stuff has already been said - I guess it's time to stop beating a dead horse :)

    Seriously though, I remember playing an old game called Close Combat (like Combat Mission but in top-down 2D), and it had dead cows lying around in the fields, killed by shellfire. I liked small details like that, gave you an idea of the bigger war raging around your isolated mission.. really helped with the immersion.

  9. Hmm, memories. About 30-35 years ago I was watching some WWII movie set in the ETO with my Dad (well, I was watching, he was mostly napping) and the typical all-American dogface squad was performing something akin to walking fire toward a German position. I asked him if he ever did anything like that (he was a BAR gunner/27 Div/PTO), 'cause it seemed both dangerous and fairly stupid. "Ehhh, once or twice, when we were pretty sure there were no Japs* around."

    I don't know if he was BS-ing me or what.

    *sorry, he was not a big fan of the Japanese

    Thanks for asking straight at the source (although indirectly!). After reading more about the maneuver, it does seem like something dreamt up from behind a desk far behind the front lines...

    Can't help but laugh thinking about your father snoozing at the cinema, that war movie must have seemed a thin cup of tea compared to being there himself :)

  10. Sorry to be that guy who just won't shut up :) But I was reading about the Browning Automatic Rifle on Wikipedia, and it says something about a doctrine of "walking fire" - allowing the gunner and his squad to advance towards an enemy position while firing at a steady rate to keep the enemy down. Basically a 1-team fire and maneuver.

    Is this something I can do in the game, and if so, what's the best way to go about it?

    My guess is it would ideally work something like this:

    1: Suppress from cover

    2: Issue a walking move order towards the enemy position, while keeping a fire order on that spot

    3: Watch as your BAR-team casually walks up to the suppressed squad and kills them all.

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