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Everything posted by glitch

  1. I used the ATI ones. I think they look better for sure, and it feels a tiny bit more smooth but that could just be a perception thing. I like it
  2. Never played multiplayer before. I'm up for either realtime or WEGO, was just setting up dropbox+H2H helper and I think I got it sorted (big thanks to GreenAsJade for making the tool). I also got a few days off now and alot of time so I should be able to send back turns relatively quickly. Reply here or PM me if you're interested.
  3. A few human players, each commanding a platoon in realtime with an optional overall commander giving objectives/orders to the players, against other human teams or ai would be fantastic. but don't bet the farm on it
  4. ah so that's how it works. And you are right, there are plenty of keys but I'm trying to squeeze as much as I can on the left side of the keyboard close to the camera controls oh and I'm unbinding bail out right now haha
  5. First of all, this is my first combat mission game and I think it's great so far! I play most games using hotkeys and the system now is okay but also rather limited at the same time. I like using the direct hotkeys and I'd like to be able to bind alot of keys that are currently not bindable. 1-9 seem to be allowed but then they dont work. I assigned 1 for move but when pressing 1 all that happens is the camera changes and there doesn't seem to be a way to unbind the camera hotkeys on 1-9. Also being able to bind f1-f4 would be useful. Tried using modifiers but as far as I can tell it's not possible? Allowing modifiers would be great because assigning hotkeys for most orders gets a little cluttered and a lot of keys are required. For example I'm using Q for cover arc. Allowing me to bind Shift+Q for Armor arc would be really convenient instead of finding another key for it. The same could be used for alot of orders, E for quick, shift+E for fast, Target and target briefly, etc. etc. Don't know if this is a hard thing to implement and I understand if there are some issues preventing this. All I'm saying is if it doesn't require too much effort and there could be some improvements made, it would be much appreciated by me and maybe some others as well Alright back to the game
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