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Posts posted by Ts4EVER

  1. Hi,

    when trying to start CMFI I get this message:

    License Error

    There was an error with your license. Please contact your vendor for assistance.

    It's CMFI + Gustav Line but no 3.0 or 4.0 upgrade. Never upgraded outside of the content updates, in fact.

  2. In earlier Kstns, MP43s were also just called MPs. In fact, before they were renamed to "Sturmzug", the units to be equipped completely with MP43s were called "MP-Zug" for a while. This is also why in many older wargames "Volksgrenadiers" were modelled with high numbers of MP40 instead of Stgs. The Germans never planned to issue 9mm SMGs en masse, however, they always planned to replace SMGs and Rifles with MP43s. The light infantry kstns were the first to receive this new organization. I doubt they actually managed to implement this, but I am reasonably sure that they always meant MP43s in those kstns, along with some others from late 1943, early 1944 (cavalry and begleit infantry for instance).

  3. Are you sure about the MP40 allocation? I am asking because German kstns usually only mention "Maschinenpistole" and starting in 1944 that usually means MP43s, especially when used en masse by infantry. Only in the later toe's did they rename this to "Sturmgewehr". If you look at these pictures from February 1944, showing members of a Skijäger unit (which might have used that same light infantry toe), you will notice that they use MP43s in considerable numbers:




    I have never heard of a single case where the Germans wanted to issue massed 9mm smgs, it was always about the new assault rifle concept. MP40 production certainly never increased to accommodate this, in fact, they got replaced in production by the MP43 and later in the war the Germans bought additional Beretta smgs instead of making more MP40s. This is also a problem I have with the Gebirgsjäger TOE in Final Blitzkrieg: In my opinion the amount of MP40s is unrealistic, these were meant to be StG44s at this point. Now, would they have enough StGs? Probably not, but they certainly wouldn't have enough MP40s to make good the shortfall.

  4. No, the StG44 was replacing the MP40 in production. In fact, I think the MP40 is a bit over represented in VG companies in this game, not to mention the Gebirgsjäger units where the "MP" from the TOE was apparently taken to mean MP40 (It meant StG44s). Missing StG44s were usually not replaced by additional MP40, but G43s, Beretta smgs or just K98ks.

  5. 1 hour ago, Rinaldi said:

    Good memory. It was actually the same pattern you see the USMC using later on in WWII. I think it was called "duck hunter." Saw limited use in the ETO as well:


    There was also the concern of friendly fire which cooled the use of the camo HBTs for the US Army. 

    It was used in Normandy by one of the Armored Divisions involved in Cobra, as well as the 30th infantry. They got rid of it because of friendly fire, since camo was associated with the Germans.

  6. On 11.7.2017 at 2:03 PM, RockinHarry said:

    wished the german paras in CM would be also cut down on automatic weaponry. In 1944/45 these wouldn´t be better armed than Luftwaffe infantry or army infantry, with all their shortages.

    Actually, from my research I get the impression that the infantry was quite well equipped with personal weapons in the Ardennes, at least when it comes to assault rifles and the like.

  7. First of all: Have you tried the German Market Garden campaign? I quite liked that one.

    Secondly, on the topic of the campaigns: I have played on my Youtube channel the Russian Campaign and the German Market Garden campaign, as well as lots of other campaigns "off camera). In my eyes you can't really judge the campaigns in general, but on an individual basis.

    Road to Montebourg, Scottish Corridor and Road to Nijmegen are all made by Papertiger and are similar in style. I have a love hate relationship with them. I love their attention to detail, their graphical fidelity that always seems a cut above the others, the historical correctness and the huge amount of work that obviously went into them. Most of the scenarios have force sizes that (in my eyes) are manageable in CM.

    Problem is: They are hard, and not necessarily in a good way. Many people say they have too short time limits and to a degree that might be true, but I think that is not the actual problem. The problem is that they often leave very little room for error, which in CM is always dangerous because of what in commercial games is often called "RNGesus", meaning the element randomness. I have played CM turns several times and often extremely different results came from the same order. This is in itself not bad and belongs into a military simulation, but in many PaperTiger missions you feel that one mistake will f.... your whole scenario over, and by extension the campaign. Sometimes not even a mistake, but just sheer bad luck. The scenarios are designed with such little tolerances that the little annoyances of randomness and the CM engine are magnified.

    This leads to frustration, especially since, as Pericles pointed out, CM campaigns represent a considerable investment of free time.

    Anyway, the other campaigns he mentioned I haven't tried (yet), so I can't comment, but some short reviews of those I played (or started to play):

    CM BN

    Road to Montebourg - See above, but was in my eyes the best of the PaperTiger campaigns, engine changes might have messed it up. That is another danger if you script the scenarios this much, btw.

    Road to Nijmegen - See above, don't think I finished it ever.

    Scottish Corridor - See above, don't think I ever finished the bonus battle

    Kampfgruppe Engel - Kind of in progress (had a long pause for other reasons), seems quite good so far

    A moment in time - Quite good, but one unwinnable scenario that left me scratching my head as to why it was in there

    CM FI

    Troina Campaign - Almost bit through my laptop due to the incredibly frustrating and unfair second level. Apparently this was fixed at some point, but tbh it seemed like the whole thing was one annoying and frustrating infantry slog through artillery fire.

    Monte Cassino - Same, really frustrating in a boring kind of way

    Raging Buffalo - Very good campaign, varied scenarios, great maps, manageable force size, some unusual vehicles to fight against

    Foiling Fustian - One of the best campaigns, very weird forces, infantry focused, interesting scenarios and maps

    Conrath - Spot the at-guns, bombard them, roll through map, repeat. Rather boring, can't remember if I ever finished it, so not a good sign.

    CM RT

    Hammer's Flank - Good campaign, forces a bit big and "unpersonal", but some great scenarios in there. Terrain sometimes a bit boring.

    So all in all a mixed bag, although I haven't played all of them and some of the ones I don't like might be good in other people's eyes. Who knows, maybe someone enjoys storming one nondescript hill after the other, so the Monte Cassino on might be right up that person's alley.

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