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Posts posted by fatehunter

  1. "the common practice of being selective in which part of an ancient text you follow"

    Um, sorry, but that is the only rational way to use any printed object imaginable.

    The mind is a machine for coming to conclusions, not a 4 inch sewer pipe.

    Yes, you are right. It's just that I am biased against texts which contradict themselves.

    Excellent point though, we all filter information all the time.

    No I am not a scientist. My attempt at 'dry' humour.

    Good thread though. I should not have been callous towards his physical well being, however much I disagree with his opinions. I regret my ad hominem remark.

  2. Unfortunately conspiracy theories are not harmless. Basic human cognitive characteristics that were developed over the eons of hunter gatherer existence leave us ill prepared for the modern world. With-out training and development of critical thinking skills, and especially with the growth in information and communication technology, fringe theories sometimes become mainstream thinking.

    Witness the widespread belief that there was a cabal behind JFK's murder; The thousands of deity's that are no longer worshiped, the relative popularity of the idea the Nazca lines are alien landing strips; belief in astrology; the common practice of being selective in which part of an ancient text you follow (if you are going to follow a text from your deity, how can you pick and choose?); belief that praying for your sports team over another team works, despite all the people praying for the other sports team; belief that if there is a survivor from a catastrophe (despite all the others who died) that there has been a miracle; that a group of men can get together and select from amongst themselves the person who can talk communicate with a deity; and for me the most ludicrous belief of all, that just because it has been written down (a book, the internet, an email!) that what you just read is supported by robust and factual evidence.

    Well I guess that makes it clear that I am a scientist.

  3. Everyone,

    My first post in reply to this was: Who cares?

    I must apologize if I was not clear. My reference was purely to John Kettler's opinions and ideologies. I admit that my first message could easily be taken as a personal attack towards John, but that is not the case.

    I bear absolutely no ill will toward John, but I do lump him in with the same group of people such as David Icke, or anyone who holds, (in my opinion) beliefs that are not supported by adequate evidence. It is not worth my time to listen to them.

    My fervent wish for people like John Kettler is that they find peace somehow. To me they appear tormented and burdened with a messianic need to convince the world of their fringe theories.

  4. Nonce in the UK has obviously a totally different meaning..not a good word to use on a webpage.

    The fall happened in July las year..I think he has been around here since then surely.

    Nonce may refer to:

    Cryptographic nonce, a number or bit string used only once, in security engineering

    Nonce (slang), a British and Australian slang term for a sex offender, usually a child sexual abuser

    Nonce, time being: the present occasion; "for the nonce"

    Nonce word, a word used to meet a need that is not expected to recur

    The Nonce, American rap duo

    Nonce orders, an architectural term

  5. Believing in Illuminati, or a New World Order does not stand up to historical scrutiny. This particular paranoid delusion has been around since WW1.

    The real truth is that no conspiracy this big would ever remain a secret. Occam's Razor is particularly applicable to large scale social movements.

  6. Getting this error when trying to add a new game for CMBN, H2HH 2.5.2

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "view.py", line 307, in OnGameAdd

    File "view.py", line 979, in AddNewGameFromDropbox

    File "wx/_windows.py", line 711, in ShowModal

    PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "wxAssertFailure" failed at ..\..\src\common\filefn.cpp(1746) in wxParseCommonDialogsFilter(): missing '|' in the wildcard string!

    Frustrating. Any ideas?

    Getting exactly the same thing!

  7. Gentlemen,

    I am not a games programmer. I do work in risk assessment in the field of marine transportation. Simplified, what we do is compare the 'likelihood' of a potential event against the 'consequence' of that potential event. Then we spend our limited resources on changing the conditions that allow those potential events that with a combined score are unacceptable down to something we call 'as low as reasonably practicable'. We never fix everything. We fix it down to an acceptable and manageable level. I think this has a direct corollary with computer programming.

    This means some potential events are never addressed if they are highly unlikely, or if the consequences are very minor. With-out such a ranking scale, there is no way to systematically make an effective reduction in the risk you face every-day.

    This is just a systemic way of spending your limited resources wisely.

    It sounds to me like this is exactly what Steve does.

    Man this thread is getting tiresome.

  8. I know... The point is, those effects we usually see in games have nothing to do with human vision. Our eyeballs are quite different from video camera lens. Some games actually render reduced contrast and halos when looking into sun, and that's more realistic. See this video of IL-2 Cliffs of Dover: http://youtu.be/2GzPi8aIIZU?t=3m39s

    Read above.


    Although this particular condition that I am about to define is usually attributed to Michael Enrys, it is also applicable to you in the above statements.

    You are correct!

    No sarcasm meant or implied. Lens flare is not a good definition or in-game effect for what should be sun glare.

    Sun glare is very real, but really I don't think, other than for esthetics, that it has much role in this game from our 'god' view of the battlefield. However, If it in game has effects on the individual LOS, then that is just awesome, and great programming by BF. Just think if a dark valley bottom and the nicely lit up ridge with a low sun. There are very much real world effects on LOS.

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