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Posts posted by fatehunter

  1. Was the soft factor morale state of the squad pinned, shaken or panic?  This may cause a squad to ignore orders.  A squad is more likely to be pinned, shaken or panic if it is out of C2.  Getting the squad back into C2 helps it to recover.  Was the squad taking incoming fire and /or recently had casualties? What was the leadership rating of the platoon HQ?  If the HQ had a low rating this may have contributed to the length of time to get the squad to recover and respond.  


    Iron mode helps the player to understand the situational awareness of his units.  I don't think it effects the player giving orders to his units at all.  Of course a combination of other factors will effect the giving of orders........          

    All of these. I ran an assault with the 3 squads but had to keep the hq back to sight the mortar. The squads got under fire and started to take casualties. I am going to try this one again and check it out. I think I like Iron for the realism. Because this is real.

  2. Yes but the equipment and Internet access is a shared cost so we need a graph of Internet usage and computer costs showing a proportion of time for CM versus other activity. Also to include electrical costs and factor in savings on other activities you forego in order to finish "just one more" turn.

    The killer is going to be the moments you say "sure honey" to your wife to whatever she said on the way out the door that you didn't hear as your artillery rounds were just landing. Unfortunately she probably said, "I am going to look at shoes".


    But is that detailed enough? I mean seriously. Since we are sitting down while playing, we use less oxygen than if we were moving about doing something else like looking at cars. I think Kettler could do some serious groggery on this.

  3. JasonC,


    I loved the first post. Read it through. English is my second language, and as per Joseph Conrad, it is the most beautiful language.


    I can read that type of prose, your first, all day, as it have massive amounts of information, but it can be stripped down to readable chunks so easily.


    I deplore low transfer rates of information, especially in spoken form! So frustrating.

  4. I think it is rubbish.


    I don't recall reading lots of people saying the old forum needed changing.


    I liked that link on an earlier post back to the old old site. Yes, CMBO still my game of choice on a Windows 8 netbook (Asus T100).

    My old car is 30 years old. I can't get parts. It is much less efficient, and I want to use it as a courier service. But hey, I don't want to upgrage. Just give me the old crap!!!!

  5. What is this based on?

    I had hoped this thread had died.


    People just can't get it that CM is a game, a simulation, limited by the programing. People want everything in the game to function as it would in real life. Good luck to them, but until each and every soldier in CM functions with a real human brain behind it is not going to happen.

    As it is CM rocks. I love it. I was just clarifying what I think the poster was trying to get at.

  6. The point is that the AI does not use the machine gun like it would be used in real life. If a cluster of troops was seen, the MG gunner would fire everything he had at that beautiful target until it was destroyed. Bursts are fine for suppressive fire, but for a nice rich target, he would likely go beyond the 'doctine' of bursts to hose down the enemy group.

  7. I quit CM for a bit. Got some work done, traveled, built things.

    Now I am back to CM and just played the full training scenarios.

    Love this game. Started with Steel Panthers and played every iteration of a tactical combat game out there up to now.

    These is no better.

    and yes, I would like an advance to contact command, as opposed to a hunt command.

  8. As a merchant mariner I worked with officers from the eastern block from 1996 to 2003 in Europe. Most (not all, especially Russians living in Ukraine) from the former soviet states (Poles, Ukrainians, Rumanians) were aware that their education in history was very different than what their eyes told them when they saw the rest of the world. They tended to be very reflective with politics and history and tried to learn as much as they could, even if they did not agree. In my experience, however, a least half of the ones from Russia stuck to the line that USA bad, USSR good. It was an interesting to see how effective education of a people really is.

    Mariners have always seen the dirty underbelly of the world. They are not tourists, but get to see all the ****ty ports, and deal with the cultures from a business perspective. Hence the reason why I may think of the Netherlands very differently than one who visits the Museums and tulip fields.

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