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Everything posted by Zenomorph

  1. Doh!! Thanks mj! I think I skimmed over the whole rezexplode thing thinking it was just for hardcore modders. Even so I think I'd have taken forever to figure this out on my own. Thanks very much.
  2. Whoops. I take it back (partly) about Aris' SdKfz251_1. The default skin works fine. It's when I try to use one of the variants that I run into trouble - but I'm not too worried about that right now. Really my only main concern remains how/what to know to re-name mods to when it's necessary.
  3. I suppose I'm just trying to find out how I know what to re-name the files to. The original file name for the 2nd Rangers was "us-helmet-m1 2" but somehow Tashtego knew to re-name the file to "smod_american_helmet-soldier". Is there somewhere I'm supposed to be looking to tell me this? The readme file included with the 2nd Rangers made no mention of any need to rename the files (x for the ending number if needed). It's frustrating bc I'm now trying to load Aris SdKfz251_1 mod and it is not taking hold in the game. I simply unzipped the file and copied the folder over to the z folder as per the readme file. I did the same for Aris' Panther D mod and had no problems. Am I supposed to rename the SdKfz251_1 file? And if so to what? Thanks again.
  4. Thanks Tashtego! Just changed the names to match yours and it worked. My only concern - so I'm not back asking the same question in the future - is that I don't understand why it worked. I haven't downloaded any other US uniform mods so it couldn't have been interfered with by something else. And I also had renamed the file to put that z at the beginning of the file name. If anyone has any thoughts I'd appreciate it. Thanks again!
  5. Hello all. Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong w the mods or I'm missing the concept altogether. I loaded, for example, the 2nd Rangers helmet mod into my z folder but the 2nd Rangers helmets don't show up when I start a game. Is it that these helmets only show up when a scenario actually calls for the 2nd Rangers or am I missing something else? I renamed the file with a few "z"s in front so it'd be sure to be seen last but no success. The terrain mods show up fine (thanks to all the modders!!!) but the troop mods simply don't show. Thanks for any help!
  6. Forgot to mention, I actually did try to find it in the manual but, while it explains the other options available r/t troop characteristics, I see nothing explaining the "appearance" option. I have loaded I few troop uniform mods (that's another whole question) so maybe one of the mods actually added it. Nevertheless all options x "standard" are unavailable. Thanks for any help.
  7. Hello all. Like the title of the post says, there's an "appearance" option near the bottom-left on the available troops screen when you are either in the scenario editor or under quick-battles. Problem is, for me, it only has the "Standard" option available. It shows other options such as 101st Airborne and Panzergrenadier but they are shaded out and not available. Sounds like something I'd love to use but the game apparently knows this and is enjoying sticking it to me. Thanks!
  8. This is a carry over question from playing CMBB but I figure it'll apply to CMBN. I've only had a chance to play the smaller maps in CMBN and in order to avoid my coming frustration I thought I'd ask this question proactively. Playing as the Germans I had a bunch of tanks moving over an open field and then "clang!!" up in smoke goes one of my panzers. So I'm searching around desperately for something to shoot back at. And....nothing. "Clang" there goes another. I can roughly tell where the shots are coming from due to the tracer so I race a few tanks toward the area. Eventually I find an AT gun amongst some rocky terrain but not before losing at least one more panzer. So... then I play the same scenario from the Russian side. I park my AT gun in the exact same spot, give the crew a "hide" order until I finally give it a "fire" order when the Germans are about the same distance away as they were when I was controlling them. Problem is, as soon as my AT gun fires every single panzer opens up on it, immediately blasting the crew to smitherines. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong that the AI seemed to be doing right? Thanks!
  9. Thanks all. Yes, I was just in too much of a hurry and didn't figure out the deal w the upgrades. $10?! Unheard of! Ever notice when they interview some guy standing at a gas pump complaining about the prices, they always seem be holding a bottled water? What's bottled water, like $15-20/gallon?
  10. Yes, I'd thought of the man-made variety too. But just not the same. Do you know how long the smoke lasts if your scenario has no wind? And do any other weather effects have an effect on the smoke? Love the marijuana reference! Why didn't anybody think of that?! Talk about pacifying the enemy. Just approach the enemy lines with a wagon full of donuts and twinkies - war over. Not a shot fired. As I live in Colorado where we just passed "recreational" marijuana I might just establish a think-tank to study the issue. Can't wait to do the "research".
  11. Thanks!! Man, you guys are gurus! Where were you when they were designing those Shermans?
  12. Hello all. First I want to thank everyone who's helped answer the (probably dumb) questions I've had since buying this game. I actually bought the game a while back and have had very little time to play it. But the game is addicting; the more you play, the more you "need" to play. My question is why the fog effects are so light versus CMBB (the only other game I've had time to play). In CMBB the fog is heavy enough to limit visibility down to about 200m. In CMBN it's at least about 750m. I LOVED the fog. It really added a great tactical/planning aspect to the game. Is there any plan to add it or a mod that does so? I've actually spent some time in Normandy and there were many days the fog was thick as soup and didn't burn off until noon or so. I really don't understand why it was left out. PS: if you ever go to Normandy, do yourself a huge favor - Hire a historical guide! I didn't do this until my third trip there and it made the trip about 1000X better.
  13. I had the version 1.00 running. I want to upgrade to the most current version but.. The upgrade site stated that if I had 1.xx version I only needed the 1.11 patch. So I ran it thinking that would get me all the way to the 2.0 version. It did not. My main screen now says v 1.11 at the bottom. Do I now need to now download the upgrade to 2.0 and run that as well? Thanks.
  14. Wondering if there exists anywhere some kind of table for comparing armor and gun ratings for the vehicles in CMBN. I.e. something that will concisely list all the US/British vehicles and then show what the closest 1:1 matchup for the German vehicle would be. I'm trying to create a scenario in which frontal hits on each sides armored vehicles will be mostly ineffective. To get a kill each side will have to maneuver cleverly enough to get a flank shot. I love the game but one of the things I don't love is that a player can essentially plonk a King Tiger on some hilltop and blast away at anything that moves while remaining fairly secure in the knowledge nothing can kill it. Thanks for any help!
  15. I used to play CMBB and was thinking about buying CMBN. I have a question though. In CMBB I had created a pretty detailed OOB in the scenario designer but I couldn't import it into other maps (and vice-versa couldn't import maps into it). Bottom line: every time I wanted to use that OOB I had to create a whole new map to go with it. Way too time consuming. I'm wondering if in CMBN that issue has changed. Thanks very much.
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