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Posts posted by Karabekian

  1. Lots of ATR's, though, and used throughout the war. Many anecdotes from panzer commanders about vision block damage from them. As well as used against softer vehicles, of course.

    And almost everything up to and including Panther weight was up armored to protect against them.

    Stop talk bull**** about soviet soldiers! Soviet soldiers was trained enough and have high motivation to protect their homeland, Red army has problems with officers because many of them was executed. What you know about Russia and Russian soldiers? Who say that behind all Russian soldiers was NKVD mans with machineguns? Hollywood?

    Go watch your stupid yankee movies!

    I would agree if you did not make such a inconsiderate post. While it is true many (westerners) have a very flawed view on the Soviet people and the Soviet Union in general. But, In no way are these stereotypes grown out of thin air. Just as stupid it is to generalize that Soviets were peasants running in human waves with machine guns at their back, is it to say they did not. At times the Soviets quite seriously lacked common sense, or any sense at all. Not to mention the totalitarian state itself.

  2. @Karabekain..CMBN isn't broken..are you what people call a Troll?

    Not that I know. But it is broken, compared to CMFI. I do not find it very nice to remove, or leave out, features you had in all your previous games (cover arcs!??????) that should have been obvious to the game makers (if they play CM) as well as they are to the customer. Then you make this game, CMBN, leave out some essential stuff. Then you make a module, that you advertise with new German units, and release them unfinished! (Not fixed by today either...). Then you make a new game, add the simple features that should not have been there in the first place, and ask me to pay $10 for it? Sure its a small amount of money, but I somehow had this picture that BF, advertised as a small company, would somehow be customer orientated, while its just another game company, out for the $ no matter the cost. This view of mine is strengthened by reading this forum, where differing opinions suffer a Blitzkrieg, to say the least.

    Its not that I ask for a miracle, but they knew the arcs (for example) were a fundamental part of the game to begin with. Also fundamental to make $ later on.. I would not feel very proud of releasing products like CMSF. While it was one mistake, why make another and then another?

    Next time I see a beta screenshot by BF, I will know that probably what I will get in the finished product as well, by your logic. Well that is nice.

    Not that I do not like their games, but there is no reason for them to degenerate their product further. And of course, I understand that BF is for different customers, not gamers per se. Why I perhaps can not appreciate their job enough.

  3. You seriously have to be some kind of fanatic to not feel bad paying 10USD for a patch! So basically they sell me a game that is broken (CMBN) and then, when they already have the said hardware for sale with CMFI, they ask me to pay to fix their product! If its not greed then I do not know what is. Not that its wrong to make money, but I appreciate honesty about it. I guess that's the way companies operate today.

    Seriously, from an outsiders view its hard sometimes to see if the threads and posts are made by Battlefront, or a free member of the forum. :confused:

  4. I don't know of any instances where any Tiger II performed anything like the Tiger I did - I think 10 Tiger 1 commanders had over 100 kills, and 10-1 kill ratios were not uncommon for individual commanders of Tiger Is. There weren't any 100 kill Tiger II commanders, and as far as I can see the tank performed less well than the Tiger I.

    You are comparing two very very different projects. The Tiger I appeared very early on and actually surpassed its enemies. It had huge resources at its disposal as well as a favorable strategical as well as tactical advantage. Its development was also virtually unhindered. It was the best materials and design they could manage.

    The Tiger II appeared in a desperate attempt to counter the ever increasing Soviet firepower, that by 1944 was massive due (mostly) to the response to the Tiger I. 85mm, 122mm and even 152mm was readily available for anti tank use as well as huge amounts of new AT guns, rifles etc. Germany was bombed to hell, the strategical situation was horrendous and tactically the Soviets already had all the measures to kill Tigers or any other German tank. It was the best they could manage with the resources at hand, and most of even those resources were taken away once they reached the front.

    There were many Tiger II aces and most of them were also Tiger I aces. But it was a very different feat to go up against the Soviet army in 1944 than 1942, or the Americans in late 1944 rather than directly after the invasion.

  5. Did the Americans, British or Russians ever field a tank that could fight the King Tiger head on and come out on top?

    The answer for all is no, if the KT was used properly. Close enough they could be killed, and were killed, especially when outmaneuvered.

    You can find some rather interesting maps with KT positions marked, usually sitting alone as they were designed to, with a "target arc" that they watched. In such a position, no single tank could successfully engage them head on at range.

  6. Inspired by some other threads of independent tanks and the Panzerfaust discussion, I would like to know something that puzzles me.

    Now in CMBN I sometimes get into a situation when I go crazy at those weak, cowardly pixelsoldaten that seem to jump out of their tanks anytime they like, despite what I think is minor damage. They will not even fire off that last round or they drive blindly into death in a panic. Once out of the tank, the bastards run away!

    But in reality, what would it be like to sit in a tank that is hit? Like inside a church bell? Nothing?

    If no penetration, how much would the crew feel it? Partial penetration, stuff fly around, full penetration everything flies around? :confused:

    Below I posted the end of everything, but my question really is what the view feels when the tank is hit in a way that does not kill or badly injure them directly.

    Makes me feel bad for even my pixelmen.

    GRAPHIC WARNING------------------------------------------------------

    (No blood or gore - but still a brutal brewing up of a T-72 tank (with crew).


  7. Did these makeshift protection items do any good as protection against the faust? I have read that they didn't but the tankers of the time must have thought that they did or they were desperate.

    Well they were going to die if the steel around them was penetrated. Anything between you and death was good for these guys.

    Since spaced armor is used a lot these days it certainly had to have some effect. The Germans used it against AP projectiles, and it seems it worked against RPG too as it was never discontinued. However, these were actually designed to work as armor, a sandbag, concrete or something would make no difference against a panzerfaust, but perhaps make you more vulnerable. A bag of sand in addition to the steel in front of you.. does not sound like much good when discussing a weapon that could kill any armor at the time. At some time, I believe such additions were banned?

    However, it would seem additional armor also actually made you more vulnerable by giving surfaces for AP to bite at. For example, the Germans made tests with tacks on turrets and hulls and there were certain angles at which it worked, but in others it actually made the projectile "bite" at the armor. Perhaps someone here knows of it.

  8. Example CMBN in a Panzerschrek ambush from a side street in a town. No LOS. No cover armor arch. How far away for range unsure. "Target" seemes to show if terrain blocks LOS of the team but not the rocket itself. Vague penatrative chart on (enemy) tank only, so no real idea. Fire Schrek in a building "Nien sis we caunt do". Only way to find that out is too late when they open up with Kar98s in the building that offers no cover (another suprise) disasterous.

    So im a bit frustrated that these unrealistic, illogical, nonsencecal things happen.

    Please tell me theres a patch?

    I have many more examples of similar.

    Perhaps specific how to's? Or what not to's?

    Perhaps just LOS tool?

    I wholeheartedly agree with this. The base CMBN and CW left a baffling amount of stuff out from the CMx1 series. CMBB and CMAK ALWAYS did what I wanted it to. Much less micromanagement.

    But to be fair, the Italy module seems to remedy a lot of problems, maybe you should check it out. There is also a patch coming for CMBN and CW that gives you the new stuff.

  9. Oops it was the video posted by Vergeltungswaffe that I thought of. Perhaps I imagined that they would be absolutely horrible from some things you can read about their defects. Seem to work rather well for their size, but then again I have nothing to compare it to. Short lifespans perhaps, but enough to get them trough a fight with efficiency.

    Individual tanks would perform differently, especially on the Tiger II, since some were modified with governors and others not. They would also have short lifespans, I do not imagine that they are the most reliable tanks ever made, but for the time they were well made given the resources at hand. I doubt its success can be described with good crews either, given their late appearance.

    What is the ingame turret rotation for the Tiger II? 19 seconds seems the norm, but apparently some commanders managed 9 seconds in emergencies. As fast as a Leo 2 today.

  10. Yes, the WW2 drivers could treat their machines a bit more rough, than museums drivers do, but we can have an overall idea of each machine's "technical" level of performance.

    I think that these videos of preserved tanks give a rather different picture of the performance of these tanks, as if the preserved tanks are either driven wrong, or are technically lacking.

    Particularly videos from the late 40s/early50s of Tiger E, VIB and Jagdtiger, they give a much more positive picture on the performance of these tanks. Even Jagdtigers move rather smoothly, given their "lack of performance". Just try to find the videos from the 50s showing the British test the "Porsche" Tiger II, it gives a very impressive view on its abilities - a positive one at that.

  11. King Tiger......13s..................26s

    The KT had a maximum ("emergency") traversing speed of 9 seconds, that is amazing for such a heavy turret!

    The "combat speed" was 19 seconds, so these game values are obviously wrong. Also unmodelled in the game is the fact that turret speed depended on engine RPM, and while still, the rotation would be very slow (but enough in a ready position).

    Also there was a difference in the engines, most had regulators at 2500 RPM later.

    The KT was designed to be just as deadly as it is in the game, since the things that killed it in RL are not included.


    How are the ingame rotation speeds calculated and implemented?

  12. Ahh, no, they have no hinges. They "swing" like the commanders cupola hatch. You can see this clearly on photos, it swings by the large bolt in the rear outboard side of the hatch.

    I have not got my gaming computer, and have not used the Tiger II since release, so I do not know how they open ingame. But if they open up, like on a Tiger I, its wrong.

    The loaders hatch is opens like on the Tiger I.

  13. The most common answer is Stalingrad (of course the war in the west was just a sideshow and had no real effect on the outcome)

    What do you guys think?

    I would never ever disregard the importance of Stalingrad. The sheer magnitude of its psychological impact on the Germans, as well as the Soviets, was immensive, and lasted long after the war.

    While its stategic importance was the control of the Caucasus, as the battle went on it became one of the culminations of WW2 - A total war of ideology.

    Without the war in the east, and the defeat at Stalingad - Overlord would not have existed. You could argue that Overlord aided in the victory at Stalingrad - the threat of the western Allies tied Germany to a two front war, even without an invasion. However, Overlord was hardly decisive on its own.

    Someone mentioned the Kursk and Ardennes offensives as a waste of resources. It is easy to say today. For the Germans it was an opportunity, even if a small and unlikely one, to make a change in the situation. Not to mention the mentality of the German officer of the time - Attack is the best defence, no matter the risk.

    It would be intresting to estimate the most decisive battle for its impact until after the war. Like you mentioned, the involvment of the Western Allies led to a divided Europe, rather than a Soviet Europe.

  14. Ah... So, when we read that such and such formation was "rushed to Normandy from the East Front", they are only talking about the men. The heavy equipment would have stayed in the East? Have always wondered how the strained German rail system could have coped.

    Hmm I would definately think that in normal circumstances the men kept their vehicles and tanks when changing fronts. There was no people to unload them other than the crew.

    Some units lost their tanks and vehicles, or they were unrepairable before refit so they would get new tanks. How, I do not know, most likely they were loaded by workers at the factory, and again unloaded by assigned crew?. Some units were also equipped with new tanks, such as the Panther.

    In 1942 it took 102(!) trains to move some of the armoured divisions.

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