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Posts posted by verulam

  1. Verulam not sure why it is not showing up. Try just copy and paste the.cam file into your Cmrt/campaign folder and see if it shows up. Is anyone else experiencing this?

     Solved!  Actually removing the cam file from the folder and placing directly in the cam folder.  Doh not a mistake I usually make.  Anyway awesome campaign.  Appreciate the swift reply.

  2. FlIR does not like tree cover at all. FLIR does not like water and will not see through it, yet!.  Trees and leaves  being mostly water, well there you are.  I've used Airborne FLIR from it's inceptions  up until 2003.  Obviously it is most effective in Winter.


    However there are probably systems out there now which can do more.  I saw one such where you could see into a vehicle and through flesh.

  3. As the guy who built Mission 2 for the US Campaign, my advice is, don't use them.  They are battlefield taxis until we can get remote/elevated sights from hulldown into the game engine.  Looked at hard, but engine limitations are what they are right now, and it just was not possible.  Maybe in a future upgrade, or next gen engine.  


    You can use them against adversaries not equipped with thermal sights from a reasonable distance, but against Russians (ie. in the US Campaign) you will need to be extremely cautious with them. However, their Mk19s and .50 Cals are quite useful for suppressing any infantry that your scouts run into.  I keep them full vehicle down and let the dismounts do the looking.  Have even dismounted their crews and used them for spotting before.  They are full up scouts, not chump truck drivers.  Would be interested in any feedback on second mission.  It pits your scout platoon, with some minor reinforcements, against the better part of a Russian mech BDE.  Have fun!




    Now that gives me something else to worry about!!  

  4. We have played seven minutes of I think an hour and a half battle. I seriously doubt it'll go that long.

    Hmm.. think about this, Scott has practically lost his entire initial Relief Force in seven minutes (really in the last three minutes), a few more turns and I should have them all in the bag (I hope I have time to finish them off before his main US force arrives.

    One email from him a turn ago or so simply said: "You are so dead when my Abrams show up."


    Well I'm not so sure. Those BMP3's are really scary. Great and exciting AAR by the way, I keep on checking for updates.

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