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Posts posted by Brindlewolf

  1. To be fair CMFI has a mixed bunch of scenarios both in battles and campaigns,it's not all 'same old same old' recon AT guns,tanks,infantry.There are open hilltop battles,combined arms with AT guns and tanks,urban combat,mixed terrain-open,wooded battles.CMFI is quite refreshing and most importantly there is plenty of time to accomplish your tasks.My only complaint about the CW module was some of the time restraints,which meant smashing your forces against elite SS units in a limited time scale.Not the case this time around.

    This particular campaign does make it clear in the beginning that it's a recon,mobile force heavy campaign and should be played differently and it's not all recon AT guns and the mop up,there are tanks to deal with too in some cases.

  2. Maybe it's me but isn't the Decisions scenario,where you take the two choices given,scenario five.You can either split your forces or drive on to the beachhead.No bug for me either but didn't play the last scenario,my infantry were totally depleted.I'd been using them CMBN style rather than the recon,arty on AT guns,bring the tanks up and lastly,bring up the infantry for mopping up.

    I played four scenarios before the Decisons one came up,so if theres a bug it should be scenario five not four as i've heard some suggest.As is suggested at the start of the campaign,play this campaign differently to what your used to and there's plenty of time for recon.Just a tad too easy once the AT guns are down,fun though.

    Edit.Nope give me a slap.The Decisions scenario is the fourth one-Doh!I am playing through this again with hindsight on the infantry.No bug though in my case.

  3. Had this on the American campaign.Lost both a Stuart tank with the crew bailing and an MG.Brought the tankers up to my main body of troops once they had recovered and found they had picked up the MG and a few rifles.Sent straight to the front line again.First time i've ever seen a crew do this.

  4. This arty call in,getting a little tired of it.10mins spotting and preparation etc etc.Perfect line of sight,spotting rounds moving in nicely and then that wtf moment-it's a mile off.Meanwhile the ai,with or without LOS can drop arty perfectly slap bang on the heads of your guys.I've even had spotting rounds come down,moved my guys back to a safe range,over a couple of turns and wadda ya know,slap bang on target.

    Love the game but artys just a lottery and totally gamebreaking in some scenarios.The big thing with the game is LOS and it's great you have to work a lot harder to get a result than was the case in the CM1 engine.I've noticed this more so in CMFI than CMBN.Perfect LOS or not just goes anywhere.In CMSF this was the case also.Maybe its the hot weather eh,who knows.

  5. Try the very first scenario in the 'CW in the shadow of the hill' series and you ll get an idea of arty in this game,in regard to woods.3 times i've tried this scenario.You have to take a farm on the rightside of the map and some 'Horseshoe woods' on the left.You get a company to take each objective.

    Now the farm isn't easy but it can be achieved by use of tanks.Now 3 times i found the woods on the left to be a problem each time.Bear in mind you're also pushed for time to get to these woods.

    So on my third attempt i more or less put 3/4s of my arty(and you do get a lot) over a 40 min period on the first leg of the horseshoe.Then once the farm was taken i had every tank batter it with HE and then proceed to move in with 10 mins of the scenario left,i'm cutting it fine.

    So i now have a whole company backed by half of the company that took the farm.Easy win,nothing will be in those woods.**** me how deluded i was there.2 mgs still up and running,an HQ unit with mp40 and uber pistol,a zook squad and a couple of riflemen.I got ripped apart.Basically nothing should have been in that first part of the woods with the amount of arty and tank fire put in there.I got a draw and lucky to get that.

    A no-win situation that map i found and all that fire power put in there was for nothing.

    Great set of scenarios though and don't see this as a 'bitching post' because it's not meant to be.I can see what the original OP is getting at though it can be frustrating but hey,War is Hell and Hell is for Heroes.

  6. Okay heres a thing.At the very beginning of a scenario and only for the first turn and without TRPs,i believe you can call in arty or mortar fire without LOS,to any part of the map within range.I'm assuming the game is taking into consideration using a map and plotting co-ordinates.Why can't this be done all game if this is the case,it's what FOs do,they have all the necessary equipment radios ,grids,maps and the training.Why should they need LOS.

    I played one game.where the FO had LOS to a target a field away.radio contact,mortars in C2 and because he couldn't actually shoot at the target with his rifle,it being greyed out he couldn't call in arty.Thought that's not right.

  7. Could we have some members of HQ units,AT teams,FOs at least trying to spot.The LOS issues i've had because of units brought forward to spot for arty or engage AFVs/vehicles and lose LOS because they're kneeling or lying prone and not being able to see a damn thing.I'm like "Hey guys,i didn't put you in the frontline to sit on your arse!"

  8. With Bocage it's fairly easy to spot the gaps,as previously said pull out til the bocage goes into shadow,voila.It's the different heights of hedges or bushline that's not so easy.On some maps your infantry can simply scamper over them.Then in another,what seems like similar hedge or bushline,your infantry go for a long hike to the next field or gap and get murdered.Confusing at times and damned annoying.

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