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Sgt Schultz

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Posts posted by Sgt Schultz

  1. Here is just one of my probable map pack premises...

    I stopped thinking Western Europe, and started thinking Northeastern USA.

    Oh yes, the war went quite a different way in my little alternate history. Same units, just someone else is on the receiving end.


    The Siege of Baltimore

    Philly Under Fire

    Jersey Shore Battery(Sgt Situation eats an 88 round)

    The DelMarVa(google) peninsula is great tank country, and it leads from the Atlantic right to ...

    Washington D.C. is ALL right angle and 45 degree streets... talk about made for CM map.

    Tigers on the Mall

    Panthers on the Potomac Bridges


  2. Facepalm

    My apologies for not noticing that CMSF has subforums.

    I am quite sure BFC will make a place for maps/scenarios/campaigns.

    I will save all my other info for that happy day.

    As was the case in BO/BB/AK, there is an incredible wealth of talent and resources going into historicals.

    Unless I get a request for a meta-campaign map with notes/etc, I will be going fictional.

    While I always endeavoured to make immersive and playable maps, any resemblance to a real place would be pure coincidence.

    It used to be called Beer&Pretzels , now it's more Wine&Cheese CM.

  3. We have scenario makers and questions threads.

    We have map questions thread. Maps are mixed in here and there all over the forum.

    How about some declarative statements of intent from the purveyors and feedback/requests from the folks who will be consuming?

    Sound off here with any pertinent info you may choose to share in regards to all things mapmaker, such as...

    What kinds of maps will you be making?

    Historical, semihistorical, fictional, arcade(da jeep racetrack map ftw)?

    ME, Probe, Attack/Assault types?


    Possibly include details such as...

    general map sizes that you plan to create

    what kinds of maps you want to see out there

    what makes you feel your map is "done"


    And of course ... this would be a fine place for volunteers for all those meta-campaigners out there that will be looking for maps.

    I will put my info down in a seperate post to keep things clear.


  4. Question that may already be answered, but the search function or my meagear skills at operating it are failing me.

    I want to make larger maps that others can then section for their smaller needs. If my map has a village and a wooded hill area, and someone just wants the village for a few platoons' worth of fight, will he be able to cut out that part?


  5. Some partners and I had a "survival game" field back in the 80's, near a tourist trap beach area. People paid money to come hurt themselves at our place.

    Built a little hootch village in the cypress forest with some old tire bunkers and a few fences that would work for offense or defense.

    The weapon available back then was a cattle/tree marking pistol called a Nelspot. (peel the nelspot logo off grip and it said Daisy) Dinky CO2 cylinder in the handle and the magazine was the length of the barrel for 10 shots. .50 cal and HURT when it hit. I took a round to my kidney at 10 feet and looked like a carp out of water for quite a while.

    Bolt action which we modified to pump with some PVC pipe sections.

    Was a lot of fun. We got a lot of couples that wanted to play on opposing teams. "Always wanted to shoot the B&*$%#" was an oft-heard phrase.

    I would not attempt it now without a defib unit on-scene.


  6. Grey Wolves mod FTW.

    I used a sunset on a calm sea as my desktop for years from that mod.. at 1200x1600.

    It looks real.

    Manual targeting is fun once you get the hang of it.

    Use rangefinder(vertical measurement.

    Guess at angle.

    Start the watch.

    After 60 seconds stop.

    If target speed is close to or right on the reported convoy speed, you are good to lock and fire.

    If not.. you adjust the perceived angle and try again.

    Allowing exterior views helps get used to this method, as you can check angles from your target or boat and then check them from the scope to see exactly how ships look at which angles. Once you are confident, you can turn exteriors back off.

    The target book sucks at showing angles.

    Distance is the easiest variable to find.

    Angle and time generate the speed estimate, so angle becomes most important of the guessing game variables.

    Once speed is found, each new target just needs range and angle. Again, experience in proper angle estimations makes for quick lock and fire cyles.

    There are real-world math ways to go about it that they actually used. Looks like work to me, and takes precious time. ;) Once you learn how your targets look at the angles it all just falls into place, and you can cycle targets quickly once convoy speed is established.

    Once you get used to it, you can send single torps off across the convoy(2500m+ range) and expect hits.

    I have sent all four forward tubes to four separate targets at various ranges and columns in a convoy and struck all four on numerous occasions... using manual targeting. Swing the scope around and smack two from the aft tubes.

    Spreads are for those who have little faith in their abilities. ;)


  7. You can PM me if you need a map maker.

    I have always been interested in campaign play, and concur with those that like historical TO&E with fictional compaigns.

    It would seem to me that campaigns have a real chance now with the new RealTime feature. I have been and always will be a PBEM/WEGO Btn level player, but meta campaigns may require faster resolutions to keep momentum up.

    Off the top O my head...

    Each player picks a side. Ami or Germie. Keeps that side for the duration.

    When a player "logs on" to campaign for a session, he is assigned a company on the line.

    He fights that Co in RT against an enemy player.

    The battle is folded into the Btn results and moved into the Regimental and Divisional pool.

    3 Co per Btn

    3 Btn per Reg

    3 Reg per Div

    27 players per division.

    54 players online at once and you have a divisional contest being played at the Company level.

    Certain players could opt for Btn RT battles if they so desire and can find opponents.

    Personally I would use CMBN in RT mode to resolve almost everything, and use the campaign map more as a tool for planning strategic moves. Less number crunching and dice rolling. I had decades of that before computers and am not looking forward to going back there. ;)


    Once the Divisional objectives are reached for either side, the campaign resets for the next one.

  8. Stratego was the board game with the counters, spy and mine. One of my first forays into strat/tac gaming at the tender age of 12.

    The Seabees share their motto with BFC...

    "The difficult we do immediately, the impossible takes just a little longer."

    My father was an aerial photographer with the SeaBees in WWII. He photographed amphibious landings in the Pacific as part of his duties. He brought back cool pics from his time both there and working for the US State Dept.

    My favorite pics were the H Bomb tests at Bikini.

    It's not every day you get a picture of a cruiser climbing the stalk of a mushroom cloud for your bedroom wall.

  9. OWIEE Steve.

    I knew the stats were bad(over 100%), but yikes. What, were they throwing 2nd LTs at the Germans instead of grenades?

    They needed to take the British course on How Not Be Seen.

    It reminds me of that British toast ...

    "Here's to bloody wars and sickly seasons."

    Two ways to quick promotion.

  10. If you are making the board portion from scratch what you describe is complex but straightforward in execution.

    If you are adapting an existing game to this purpose, then I would need to know the ruleset for the game to offer much in the way of further assistance.

    Right off the top of my head though;

    one could either transfer all stats directly with no replacements while keeping the starting base unit/formation experience levels, or replace all losses but entail some sort of negative experience modifier for each player's core units.

    To translate to the board portion I need more info.

    To translate back to CM....

    All casualties are recorded at battle end.

    Replacements are green with a leavening of returning regular troops.

    Vehicles/Towed assets/Transport casualties are replaced at reduced rate. No one gets back to 100% full TO&E in the field.

    The more you lose from battle to battle, the worse your formation becomes as a whole in the tactical portion.

    It becomes more granular and self directing without major inputs other than a fair ruleset and honorable purchasers.


  11. The question could be answered if all the HE just blew 'em up like that 20mm did on the soldiers swarming the tank in SPR. :)

    "Here's to Sgt. Parker... and all the pieces of him we couldn't find."


    On the original observation/question ... I think we will just have to see when CMBN comes out if this behavior is present.

    As far as the real world discussion, the behaviour seems both logical and plausible, with the inclusion of all variables. Killed and falling forward, wounded yet unconcious facing up, etc would alter the equation somewhat I am sure.


  12. Is the discussion in reference to the entire force structure on the map like global morale in CM1, or a unit by unit metric?

    The squad and/or Team is the basic unit of measure here, as vehicles have their own rules I am sure.

    An out-of-C2, green, unsupressed Team.

    An in-C2, veteran, unsupressed Team.

    Subject both to the exact same circumstances in every other way, and you will most likely get very different results as to how far each will engage in combat before they call it a day. And that is just two variables.

    The list of variables involved in getting even a dirty approximation approaches the "angels on a head of a pin" question.

    Fanaticism, amount and duration of incoming damage, how often the unit is in and/or out of C2, etc, etc, etc.

    I understand your question and the underlying reason behind it.

    There is no answer to your question in any metric or percentage or formula that would be meaningful in any way.

    This is actually a GOOD thing to most folks here.


  13. Naming units is fun to give people that take the time to look closer a smile. I don't know if we can name the enlisted.

    Privates... Room, Office, Parts and of course Ryan

    Corporal Punishment

    Sgts Rock, Bilco and Shriver

    Cpts America and Crunch(or Krunch if German)

    Majors Disaster, Confusion and Catastrophe

    Colonels Klink, Sanders and Mustard

    Colonel Mustard did it in the Bocage with a grenade.


  14. I found it amusing myself. It reminded me of rush hour traffic. I was waiting for some beeping horn .wavs to start sounding.

    Road rage in a Panther would be a sight to see.

    Now that is an idea for a Blue vs Blue scenario...

    "Road Rage" ... Two german panzer Cos from different Divisions need to access the same crossroads. Both have Fuhrer Orders to reach their destinations "at all costs".

    A dozen or so trucks piled up in a mess and then the Tigers and Panthers show to clean up the mess and clear the road.


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