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Sgt Schultz

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Posts posted by Sgt Schultz

  1. I suppose you could play 'semi-turned based' and hit pause every minute to give orders to everyone. :D

    You could also go into the editor and change the variable end time from 5 to 15 minutes. It may give you just enough time to do the job.

    Adding time and altering plans for RT play is something I am looking into for my next scenario. A little more room, a few less mobile units to watch over. I will release two versions that will be labeled accordingly for turn-based or RT.

    It will be a priority to find a way to make an enjoyable company level combined-arms RT battle. Just because I couldn't handle the strain doesnt mean some of you younger whipper-snappers that grew up with controllers in your hands won't be able to. ;)

    Valley of the Shadow, Heartbreak Ridge, Dam You, and Meatgrinder maps are all in progress. Not sure which will be finished first.

    Any other input is more than welcome, it's needed. :D


  2. The designer can set a variable end time of up to 15 minutes, in 5 minute increments. For a 30 minute battle, that is 50% more time if you are fully engaged and the issue is in doubt.

    I would tend to agree that RT players would most likely need more game time on the clock to accomplish what a WEGO player would.

    As stated above, it is a trivial exercise to go into the editor and slap a few more minutes on the battle and save, then play. Save it as "battlenameRT", so you have both versions ready.

  3. You have to go in the editor and paint 'em in yourself and then save.

    The QB maps look a tad rushed here and there, but given the quality of the scenarios(very very good and time consuming), I can understand. It was just a matter of a few things being left out on the occasional map.

  4. Lookey, if you are/were able to pull this scenario off in RT in any fashion at all... you are a CM god in my book. ;)

    I could not imagine playing anything I would make in RT without paramedics on hand to restart my heart.

    It IS a tad crowded, since I tried to keep the map size to what I assumed was a good 'medium' size, while having the force I wanted(Company with support and attachments).

    Mistake one. :)

    I was also working under the erroneous assumption that C2 wouldn't reach as far as it does.

    Mistake two.

    I didn't want to start over, as I would have had to remake all four circular ramps to enlarge them. I was in "kid at xmas' mode and wanted to get my first one out.

    I will do better on the next one in regards to force/map size.

    And to make certain.. all my battles are geared towards PBEM, as that is all I have ever played(CM1). The "Bloodbath/Kobiyashi Maru" feel I tend to generate just doesn't translate well if there is no depth of force/reserves.

    Hope it is being enjoyed.


  5. For German QB purchases, it may help to buy one Halftrack per platoon or unit that does not have an organic radio.

    Place the HQ in the halftrack, and as long as the halftrack has not moved in a while, you have radio contact. I have noticed that once a halftrack with a radio and HQ in it moves, all radio-equipped units not in LOS lose C2 with that HQ until the halftrack stops and settles in again.

    I am assuming that I am both not seeing things, and this models the inability to use radios on the move.


  6. The frustration you feel GaJ, is nothing compared to watching my AI Plan-truppen perform like morons over and over again no matter how I direct them. ;) The hilarious screenies notwithstanding, I use a lot of "takes" to get a plan portion to do things right most of the time.

    Now I know why theatre directors are all insane. "No no no! Go back and do it again! Like this! Like this!"

    It is a labor of love though, and I paid for the privlege of frustrating myself. Wouldn't trade it for anything. :D


  7. OK, close to 100 downloads between GaJ's site and the Repo.

    Rip me up guys.

    Map, force, objectives, plans. I would like critiques in those four areas and how they affected each other for you.

    My last scenario was made in '07 for CMBB, so I am assuming there are correctable flaws in my battle. I already have a list of my own that I will share if the discussion takes off here. No Exit is at ver 1.0. I would like to make a 1.1 in the near future that is more enjoyable.

    I want to do better on my next one, so all informed critiques are welcome.


    Please feel free to post things you liked(if any) as well. ;)



  8. I take just to left of forever to look at a map, purchase, and set up.

    Turns usually take 10+ minutes of actual observation and orders(unless a 'wow' moment grabs me). Once the PBEM file is sent, that same movie is watched a few more times for screenies and tiny things I may have missed, that can be incorporated into next turn.

    While I appreciate the immersion factor, I would need a Ronco Pocket Difibulatorâ„¢ to play RT. The lost screenshots alone would send me right over the edge. :D


  9. I wonder if there are still copyright issues for Hogan's Heroes. The entire series is available on DVD, and it would be a labor of love to extract the proper voices for a hilarious mod.

    All those episodes must have just about every voice .wav you would want.


    "Armor Spotted" becomes "Hello leibchen"

    Broken troops running away scream "HOGAAANNN!"


  10. Emrys for President .. A troubled man for troubled times. ;)

    Well said sir. I agree with basically all of what you stated.


    On topic ... Chinese for sure. Russia's space program is so far down the toilet they can't see the end of the roll. Unless we detect an impact object that we can divert.... in time to divert it, there is no way the Americans are going back to space in any kind of organised way. It's all Pan Am and Hilton U.S. space presence now folks.

    Americans won't be the first on Mars, but we will be the first to put a Pizza Hut in orbit.


    We lost thousands and terrorists blew up two skyscrapers and our military HQ.... we went shopping. Not the National Spirit required to accomplish large projects of any kind.

  11. The scenario is now up at the Mod Whor.. uhh Warehouse. :D

    Many thanks GaJ for all your effort!

    To any designers who have the time... feel free to critique the scenario even if you don't play it. Throw it in the editor or watch the plans run through their paces. I would wager that I am doing a few things either incorrectly or the 'hard' way.

    Constructive critiques are welcome here.

    "LOL.. what a noob... you should do it THIS way" is still welcome if instructive... just send those in PM please. :D

    Even if my plans are not up to the task, the battle should be fun for two people who like lots of action.


  12. A bad day at the office ....

    How many licks does it take to get to the chewy center of a Sherman platoon??



    Twooo ...


    Three ... crunch... three.



    "Let's see ... keys, wallet, checkbook.... hey Larry, where's my damn lucky rabbit's foot?"


    He got out just in time though ...



    Sergei .. that was pure win with awesome sauce.

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