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Posts posted by Davek555

  1. How are preoders factored into the release of the game? Dvds need to be pressed, manuals printed and packaged etc before being shipped, that takes some time. Is this going to add another delay or will the game just be released separately as a digital download first without waiting for the physical game to be ready?

    The way they usually do it is to give the people who preordered a few hours head start downloading the game before they open it up to everyone else. The hard goods (DVD and manual) usually ship a couple of weeks after that.

  2. Thank you for the update Chris. A little dissapointed it won't be out for Christmas but it will be something to look forward to after the holidays. I'm sure it will be well worth the wait. Appreciate all the hard work you and the BFC team put in to make it happen.


    Any chance you could let us in on what BFC has in store for the rest of 2015? New games, modules, vehicle packs coming up after Black Sea?

  3. They were still putting art in like five minutes ago, they may still be putting art in.  They cant possibly be more than barely started testing a release candidate version.  Thats the wildly optimistic scenario.  The middle of January is a wildly optimistic scenario, it has always taken at least a week or two AFTER they have locked down the code for final candidate testing. 

    What is with all the negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? :P


    Love that movie )

  4. Enjoy the new computer Phoenix. I bought my last computer from Puget Systems and it served me well for 5 years. Their tech support is top notch.


    Just built my first computer and it's very similar to your new setup. It should run CM very well.


    MSI Z-97 Gaming 5

    Intel Core i5 4690

    Kingston 8GB DDR3-1866 Ram

    EVGA GeForce GTX 760

    Samsung 250GB SSD

    Seasonic 620 W Power Supply

    Corsair 200R Case

    WIndows 8.1

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