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Posts posted by ExurbanKevin

  1. So, I think in addition to cows, BFC will need to add movable cow patties.

    They're not in the Fortifications menu already? It's an outrage! How long will Battlefront leave this problem unaddressed! How long, I say! :) :)

    - US infantry NCOs rated elite are able to fire M2 .50 from the hip.

    And have an unlit cigar in their mouth, along with either a belt of .30 cal MG ammo draped over their shoulders or an eyepatch over one eye, depending on whether the player prefers DC or Marvel.

    I like the idea of buying an Elite M5A1 unit with a unique, dare I say almost supernatural ability to spot trouble before it happens.

    Having a G.I. Robot or the Creature Commandoes for purchase in Quick Battle might be asking too much though, but I can always dream...

  2. In CMv1, I cheered for squads: When one of my teams stood their ground or pulled off a successful charge, I rejoiced in their success. In CM:BN, I cheer for individual squad members. For instance, at the end of the demo game "The Road to Berlin", the BAR gunner from my 1st squad went "Rambo" on me, with spectacular results.

    "Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more!"


    The BAR gunner sets up on the other side of the lane and starts to lay down covering fire...


    ... with devastating results.


    But despite the withering fire headed their way, there's still some fight left in Jerry.


    CM:BN takes everything I loved about CMv1 and turns it up to 11. Well done, Battlefront, well done.

  3. I've just been messing around with the demo for a bit, waiting for the first slew of patches to hit before I buy the whole game, but my goodness, is CM:BN a remarkable improvement over CMv1!

    Saw this at the end of "The Road to Berlin" and it reminded me of the "news" photos the P.R. flacks on both sides of the war would put out, so a few little Photoshop tricks later...


    And it's the little things that get me about this game. For instance, I'm your typical American "gun nut" (well, actually I'm a Canadian citizen, so maybe I'm not THAT typical...), and one of the rules of gun safety is "Keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot."

    And Fritz's trigger finger is off the bang switch as he moves. Nice touch!

    Also, Battlefront modeled recoil. I mean watching shell casings fly out of a BAR laying down cover fire is one thing, but watching a soldier's arm and upper body move as he sucks up the recoil from firing his P-01 is something else!


    Now all we need is animations of the slide locking back and another round of 9mm ball entering the chamber... :D:D

  4. Anyone tell you its bad habit to rest your finger on the trigger...even allowing that you're a primate. I mean just think what would happen when you finally see the game go live and you all tense up like. Now take it one step further and let's assume you have said gun pointed at your PC :eek::P

    Aim... breathe... hold.... squeeze F5. :)

  5. The journey was difficult. The road was long. We faced this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of our limitations. But we also faced it with limitless faith in the capacity of the people at Battlefront. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then it is absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth.

    Ummn, and we got a new computer game demo.

    That too.

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